[Lore] Magical Girl Dies Twice


Pinch me and die
Original poster
Magical Girl 101

The following sections detail basic information your magical girl/host would know about magical girls. This is intentionally written in a limited fashion to demonstrate the mystery of the current situation.

The Artisan

The Artisan is an illusive figure that the magical girls know existed, but they cannot seem to discern specific details about her. Two details can be discerned about the Artisan's identity through circumstantial evidence:

- The Artisan must have been very rich considering she owned a private island where she conducted research.
- The Artisan must have been enamored by the concept of the "Magical Girl" considering they are what she manifested via The Source.

Other portions of The Artisan's identity remain a mystery. Of-course, the Magical Girl's time on the Artisan's island is remembered, but memories concerning the Artisan are blurry and only return to the girls as fuzzy feelings. Needless to say, all of her created Magical Girl's feel some sort of admiration for The Artisan taking care of them for a year, but some might have additional feelings towards The Artisan. Each Magical Girl still has vivid memories of their "home-world" so they might feel that The Artisan took them from it.

Unfortunately, the current state of The Artisan is unknown. It could be theorized that their sudden disappearance was to avoid capture/termination by the Unaffiliated Cause, but this does not explain why The Artisan left the girls behind. Perhaps she knew their souls would remain, so she saw no need to save them, or perhaps something more sinister is at play? Only time will tell...

Magical Girl and Host Relationship

The host is effectively a normal human who have three key differences:

1.) They can manifest heavily weakened abilities from their Magical Girl counterpart (Example: A fireball in magical girl form becomes a flash of burning-hot light).

2.) Host's have a constant voice in their head who is aware of everything they think and do. On the other hand, the host does not know what the Magical Girl is thinking or feeling.

3.) The host can transform to allow the magical girl to take over. She can remain in control so long as it has energy. Energy is expended via using abilities, taking damage, and simply being in Magical Girl form. Typically, with no combat and operating as normal, a Magical Girl can remain in control for 3-5 days. Engaging in one instance of light combat, this time is reduced to one to three days. One instance of heavy combat reduces this time to twelve hours to one day. Finally, heavy combat with damaged sustained can reduce this time to immediate reversion, or down to one to three hours depending on circumstance.

It is important to note that Magical Girl's cannot take control without the host's consent (barring a few particular circumstances). A Magical Girl is trapped within her host's mind and is unable to fully express herself, which is quite the painful existence, so she will be naturally inclined to please her host. Therefore, the host may allow the Magical Girl to take control to fulfill specific tasks which she may gladly undertake because they have the chance to exist as one normally would. However, once the host is in the Magical Girl's "head" they now have full understanding of everything she is thinking and feeling for the duration of her transformation.

Magical Girl Powers and Abilities

All magical girls share these abilities: telepathy, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, invulnerability via regeneration. The enhancements can still be within human range, or beyond it, but the key is that they are unbecoming of the typical girl. Other than that, powers can operate in vastly different ways that may vary based on Magical-Girl archetype. Perhaps your girl cannot use her magic without firearms? Maybe she can manifest these firearms, or perhaps she has to physically acquire them? Maybe your girl's powers increase based on belief in her, so the host plays a key role even when not in control.

It is important to remember all abilities reduce the energy of a Magical Girl to varying degrees. Abilities follow a simple line of logic with larger powers costing more energy, while weaker powers cost less energy. So, a Magical Girl can be reliant on large energy expending beams, or she can manifest weaker, yet less energy expending, throwing knives.

(WIP: More sections will be added)