"Oh, milady, you know me too well", laughed Lord Siddreil. "Your skills of observation are sharp as ever! Although," he paused slightly as he adjusted his shoulder-length hair, "your punctuality needs a little work. It is almost as if you were to disappoint His Lordship intentionally! Oh my, we can't have that. Absolutely not. You wouldn't do that, would you? No, of course not", Lord Siddreil chattered in such a fabricatedly joyous and joking tone, it would have to take a bat with its eyes gouged out of their sockets to fail to notice the fakeness of his tone. Normally he kept such signs of unmitigated hatred at bay, but as luck would have it, Lady Amadeus just had to arrive. With lady Amadeus being Lady Amadeus, it was exceedingly difficult for even the normally calm and collected Lord Siddreil to keep his cool. It's fine, he thought, remember your priorities.
"As for the state of my house, it is what it is and what it is is becoming rather dreary for my taste", sighed Lord Siddreil and continued: "In the past it was more unthinkable for someone of my person to rise in the ranks. There used to be more opposition, more resistance, more rebellion against me! Now everyone has learned to either love me or stay quiet. I yearn for those days of action, of yes I do..." Lord Siddreil walks up to a window and gazes to the distance. "I have no one to throw to the wolves, no one to hang, no one to starve to near-death in my dungeons and milk the promise for eternal subservience under me from them. What a shame indeed", he sighs again.