Looking for Septiplier/Antiseptiplier RP partner

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Hello. I'm looking for a partner to do a Septiplier (MarkiplierXJacksepticeye) or Antiseptiplier (DarkiplierXAntisepticeye) roleplay.
If you're interested in a more libertine version that's fine too just let me know but i would at least like some romance/yaoi type aspects to them.

(Also, Yes, before anyone says it, I realize and respect that they are not actually gay for each other in real life. So calm down.)

Jack/Anti: Me / Linklove93
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i am interested...if you don't mind it that it can be that i'm in a diffrent time zone but i am looking for a septiplier roleplay buddy
so what do you think?
Sweet sorry im on a bit of a vacation right now i can post thursday or friday
Im free to do the roleplay now if you guys are still interested.
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