Looking for RP partners!

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Original poster
I'm looking for 18+ long or short term RP parters.

I prefer to keep it non-fandom but I'm totally flexible if it's something I like, but even then playing as OCs is vastly preferred. All I ask is for patience since I can be a bit slow, and a lot of tolerance for silliness OOC (I enjoy drawing little doodles to go along with our roleplays, it's just how I work off excess ideas)

As far as plots go I have a few ideas swirling around in my head, most of them crime or urban fantasy related. I'm a real violence hound, and I like to work more sensationalist stuff into my rps. Totally down for brainstorming though, we can shoot around ideas until something sticks. Also, I think it's worth noting that all of my OCs are females of various sexualities, so if you're not up for that then we might not sync well.

If interested just send me a message and we can go from there.
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