Looking for Romance RPs

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If you want, we could do both O3O

Okay...so then, if you want to set up an OOC forum or something, we can begin character creation if you would like to do bios. Otherwise we can just open 2 different role-play threads and work with it blindly and just develop the characters as we go? I am not sure how you like to set up your role-plays, but I am not very picky.
When you have the links for the forums, just send them to me in a PM and we can get started :)
I'm looking forward to it.

Alright, here's the OCC. If you want to change your charrie template for Blind Intervention, then I'll remove the old one from the front page.

I'm going to throw our notes onto the second page on that thread, then I'll try to finish my OCC for this RP. I'm slowly returning to Iwaku now, since my hell class is over with. I've started my next two classes now and so far things are good. So, I should be on regularly again, or at least one twice a day.
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