Looking for Partners

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Stella Barton

Original poster
Hey guys I'm looking for new partners to roleplay with! I only play female characters, and I'm open to any kind of roleplay pairings. However the ones I really want to do are:

Teacher x student
Master x slave
Brother x sister
Father x daughter
Sister x sister
Royalty x thief/peasant
Musician x musician
Musician x fan
Boss x worker

But if you have a different idea I'm up to any idea!

((You may want to check this out too: https://www.f-list.net/c/stella barton/ ))
I'm up for teacher, student or brother and sister if you want to do those.
I'm interested in Teacher/Student, Brother/Sister & Royalty/Thief-Peasant :)
Would you be interested in doing a Stepmother Mistress Teacher x Stepdaughter Maid Slave Student? I do Female x female. I can do both Dominate and submissive, though I really want to be submissive. I like graphic and details. I feel I write better and respond better with details and two to four sometimes five paragraphs. If interested send Pm and we can work out the details.
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