Looking for Partners :D



Original poster
Hello, my name is William. I'm somewhat new to the community and am looking for some partners to roleplay with :D. Regardless of my relative 'newness' to the community, I'm not new to roleplaying in general. I'm an experienced roleplayer and have been roleplaying for around 3-4 years. Now onto the details.
Genres I'm Currently Interested In
-The Divergent Trilogy

Genres I Don't Normally Like
-Horror(Depends normally)
-Overly Gorified(Gore is okay, just nothing overly-descriptive and disgusting.)

-Establish your character. This doesn't mean pre-made necessarily, just have a good idea of your character going into the roleplay. This keeps from conflicting personalities and motives. This also doesn't mean you have to make a character sheet. Just go into the roleplay with a certain mindset. Don't immediately change the way your character acts or their personality just because things aren't going the way that you want them unless there is a valid reason within the roleplay to do so. I.e. my character says someting to change your character's mind.

-I hate waiting. I understand that you have lives, but please don't have me waiting multiple days for a single response unless you notify me ahead of time, this helps keep me from feeling like I'm ignored. K thanks ^-^.

-A decent post length is appreciated. I hate one-liners and will not tolerate them. If you're lacking inspiration and feel the need to take a break, please notify me rather than forcing yourself to do something you don't like. I will usually stop the roleplay immediately if there's a one-liner without a valid reason. It shows lack of effort and I can't tolerate that.

-Details are great but you don't have to be overly-descriptive. I don't need a three page description of telling me how dark a room is. I get it, it's dark. This being said, I don't like bland details either. Long story short: details in moderation please.

-Finally, be willing to talk to me. I'm not intentionally scary(or even unintentionally really.) There is a person behind the words of a roleplay post that is wanting to have as a good of a time as their partner. Communicate with me. If you don't like the way a story is going tell me. I don't like roleplaying with people who aren't enjoying it.

With that said and done, I'm always open to roleplay with anyone, so there's no need to ask if I'm still looking for people. PM me should you wish to discuss the details of a roleplay. I'm open to just about any idea so don't feel afraid to shoot me a message. That is all~
I'm going to give this a bump because I'm looking for more partners :)
Hey! Any Ideas?
PM for ideas?
Still looking for more people. Keep PMing me :)