Looking for Male partners~

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Kitt Riess

Original poster

I'm looking mainly for male partners and romance story lines. I am online mostly in the morning and at night, I post 2-4 paragraphs, I don't accept one liners. These are the plots I am looking for,

Farm ownerxvillager or farm hand
Feral humanxnormal humam
Guardian angelxhuman
I could do any of those
The first and second ideas interest me a lot! I can do any of them but those are the ones that mainly interest me.
The first and second ideas interest me a lot! I can do any of them but those are the ones that mainly interest me.
How about the dragon one then? want to message me and we can brainstorm? :3
The first one and the last 2 interest me
The first one and the last 2 interest me
First off I love your signature! :D

And thank you for the reply, how does the feralhumanxhuman sound? You can pm me so we can brainstorm :3
the second and fourth one interest me the most and I already have characters that would fit into that
I'm pretty much down for all of those! Would you like me to pm you so we can think of a plot to build? :0
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