Looking for a Pokemon RP (1x1x1)

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I'm looking for two other people to do a Pokemon 1x1x1 with me. It could take place in one of the existing regions or a new one of our creation. Though I have an idea for a Villain team. They are known as Team Astra their goal is to control the region by brain washing them using their scientific creation that allows mind control. Through a song called Cosmo Lullaby and through someone, a lab child they created (one of my characters). The goal of the three new trainers is like the basic Pokemon game, become Pokemon master, earn badges, compete and defeat the elite four. On top of that they must save their home region from Team Astra before all is doomed.

Sucky plot is sucky but I think it could be fun ^^

Anyone want to try this with me?
If we can find one more person o.o
How fast would this RP be moving? Like how many posts a day can I expect? Sorry I just hate RPs that move slowly
I would love if there was several posts daily. Seeing as I have nothing to do these days and RP makes me less bored
Okay I'm in, do our characters have to be challenging gyms? I would prefer to have my trainer be a collector/breeder, if not that's okay.
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