Lonely Melody

Sora shook his head slowly "Marcusa does not cook, lass, he simply orders." He ate in silence catching her eye "Bloody hell!" He stood suddenly without notice. "Stop lokkin ay me." He stormed off flustered.
Gasped surprised by his out burst "I'm sorry..." she mumbled softly as he walked off, she didn't know he didn't like to be looked at, she was crestfallen. Only having been there not even a day and she had upset him, placing her fork down she wasn't in the mood to eat now and rest her hands in her lap.
Sora sat in his room angry at himself. "Bloody Hell." he muttered to himself, his mind wondered back to dinner. He wasn't mad at her he was fustrated that he couldn't speak to her like a normal human being. "The lass must think me crazy."
After finishing her dinner made her way out of the dining room, forgetting the way to her room she wondered through the halls, not going into any rooms just walking around, "I wonder what could have happened." she asked herself as a finger tapped her small chin. After awhile she came to a familiar hall and stopped at what she thought was Sora's door. Hesitating at first, she knocked "Sora? Are you in there? I wanted to talk..."
The door crept open so that a dark room awaited her, Sora leaned on a bed post not moving except for his steady breathing. Soft music drifted threw out the room like water over silt. The music played softly a piano playing quietly as a cello made a duet out of the instruments. "Mum was always captivating." he whispered staring out the window at the full moon. "never missing a beat."
Peeking inside she heard the music and smiled softly knocking on the door again "Its your mother playing?"
Sora fell off the bed in shock. "Aye." He stared at her in startled shock. "That she is, with my father accompanying her."
Blinks and began to walk over to help him up, after what happened at dinner she decided not to "Are you... It sounds lovely."