- Invitation Status
- Writing Levels
- Intermediate
- Adept
- Advanced
- Preferred Character Gender
- Male
- Female
- Genres
- Adventure stories! They can be fantasy, modern, sci-fi, all kinds! Give me some good world travel stories and I'm all over it! I also enjoy romance stories and even though I tend to play females I love playing gay men.
When in an RP, whether it's a magical land full of fairy tale creatures or the space ship that our characters inhabit there always has to be a location. But usually we just focus on where actions are, but what about the rest of the world? Do you ever imagine where your NPCs live and work? What about other NPCs that aren't interacted with?
Do you have favorite places to set your RPs? If it's a modern world do you use real world examples? How do you describe the scenes or do you find that one picture that shows exactly what you want? Or do you get inspired by pictures and try to fit those into your plots?
I personally love setting my games in amazing fantastic worlds or if it's a real world setting I've found that I've set my games in NYC (nothing like having an iconic city!)
Do you have favorite places to set your RPs? If it's a modern world do you use real world examples? How do you describe the scenes or do you find that one picture that shows exactly what you want? Or do you get inspired by pictures and try to fit those into your plots?
I personally love setting my games in amazing fantastic worlds or if it's a real world setting I've found that I've set my games in NYC (nothing like having an iconic city!)