Life on Island (almost) Nothingness

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Eirlys thought maybe when she'd get up that morning, she'd probably go out on some dumb adventure, insult someone, get punched, deal with the nose bleed, and probably go get food or something, because that's honestly a good half of her daily life. That seemed reasonable. She could see that. She couldn't, however, see herself hanging from the branches of some tall tree in the blazing hot afternoon. But, wow. How'd she end up here?
Stranded on some dumb, deserted island after some incident she couldn't recall (probably a plane crash? a sunken boat? who knows?), Eirlys gave pathetic attempts of knocking down a coconut to drink from.
There was a high possibility that there were other people just like her; clueless and trying to find shelter or food, but she didn't know where they'd be and how many there are.
Should probably go find someone out there and mooch off their skills. .. Yeah. I'll do that. She thought, scanning her surroundings.
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