Lewi & Winterwings

Kieara smiled up at Nathan as he came in. She nodded. "Yeah, we'll be paired off soon."
Nathan nodded slightly and yawned a little. Then he heard footsteps and turned around slightly. "I think it's time", he said to her, not sounding happy, but neither sad, about it.
Kieara frowned. She hoped she got paired with her new friend. He was the only one she talked to.
The teacher came in and started pairing them all up. Soon there was only Kieara and Nathan left. "I guess it's you two, then", he said and pointed at them. "Here you go", he said and handed Kieara a map and a piece of paper. "You know what to do", he said, looking at all of them, "find the marked spots on the map and use the piece of paper to take the controls, get back here when you're done", he said, and sat down. Some of the others started walking or running in different directions. "So... shall we start?" Nathan said and looked at Kieara.
Kieara smiled and nodded. "Let's get started. Where should we go first."
Nathan looked at the map and then looked around them. "I think this way", he said, and started walking towards the forest not far away from where they were. "It looks like the most marked spots are in the forest, don't you think?" he said, after looking at the map.
She looked at it and then around and nodded. "It looks like it to me."
After a while they were in the deep woods, and Nathan had a little trouble reading the map. "Are you good at this?" he asked and handed the map over to Kieara. It had been quite a while since they left and he started to feel the urge for blood, but up to this point he had been able to hide it pretty well.
Kieara took the map and looks at it. "I'm not to apt on this but I'll try." She looked at it for a moment then she spoke. "I think we're right on top of the first site."
"Great", he said, even though he didn't know if it was good or not. But, knowing where they were is a good thing, he thought. He silently started humming to distract himself.
"Now what are we supposed to be looking for?" She asked him as she stared at the map.
"I guess we're looking for the marked spots he was talking about..." he said, not sounding very interested. "Didn't you listen?" he asked.
"Well yes I did. But were we supposed to get something once we got there? He never specified."
"We got a piece of paper, remember? Guess we're gonna do something with that", he said, suddenly sounding a bit annoyed.
Kieara flinched. Theirs had been blank. She didn't like it when he was annoyed, she was confused, she'd payed attention but the teacher was vauge.
"Come on, where are we going? Tell me", he said, starting walking in a faster phase.
She stopped when they got to the location and spoke. "I don't know myself." She saw some other students from their class.
"What?" he said, and looked at her. For a moment, the urge for blood seemed to be gone. "What are you talking about?"
Kieara found theirselves at an enclosure in the middle of the forest and stepped in with the other students that they knew. She wondered what was going on.
He followed her as she stepped inside, looking at the map once again.