Lewi & Tritsteel

Kieara was still silent and fidgeting nervously. She glanced out her window and frowned when she saw a scandanavian fighter jet. That unnerved her.
Aaron looked through one of the little windows, and as soon as he saw a fighter in the air the sound of gun fire could be heard inside the plane. Aaron got up, took his gun and got close to the princess. Then a royal guard appeared into the room. "Someone is attacking the plane!" Said him in a accent that would have been funny in another time and place. "What? How thw fuck do they got in here? They fucking teleported or what?" Replied Arron. "They should have been in here before the take off." Said the guard. That originated many questions. Questions that there was no time to answer right now. "What do we do?" Asked the royal guard. "That's a good question." Muttered Aaron. Fliying at more than 600 miles per hour at 40.000 feet.... "Let's take the princess to the cargo bay." Ordered Aaron. "To all units. We are taking the princess to the cargo bay. Repeat, clear a path to the cargo bay." Said the royal guard through the comms. Aaron grabbed the princess by the arm and looked at her. "Now you stay close to me and keep your head low. Understood?" Said Aaron as the fire fight seemed to get closer.
She was terrified. She nodded to him afraid. She followed after him stumbling here and there as she was pulled after him.
(( I'm going to advance to the point we were at. ))

They whre fighting their way to the cargo bay, when after a sudden explosion, the plane was shaken like a can. In the middle of all that mess, the few royal guards and Aaron got to take out the enemies in that area and began to move again, but the issue was far from being finisshed, because the plane was now falling, and byt the looks of it, it was falling pretty quick. "Come on! Let's keep moving!" Ordered him, grabbing the princess and starting to move again.
Kieara had blood over her just as he did, and she stumbled after him when he pulled her. She was terrified and it almost seemed to move in slow motion.
As they advanced towards the cargo bay, the plane seemed to recover altitude, just to lose it again suddenly, shaking everything inside of it and making it pretty hard to walk through. But still, finding no more enemies they made it in time to the cargo bay. The place was smaller than Aaron could have imagined, bit for a plane it was quite big. The loading door on the far side of it was opened, and the few enemies left were jumping out of the plane, knowing that anything that was left in the plane would die in the crash. "Do not let them!" Yelled Aaron, and then fired against the enemies.

The small group moved quickly across the cargo bay and made it to the other side successfully taking down four of the enemies before they got to jump out. "Check their chutes!" Yelled Aaron, trying to get over the loud sound of a broken plane about to crash. "This one is broken!" Replied the accent guard. "Those two are fine!" Yelled another guard Aaron didn't realized it was there. A rather rude woman of cinnamon skin and brunette hair carefully set in a ponytail. "Okay, this one is also fine." Said Aaron taking off the parachute from one of the enemies and quickly putting it to the princess. Then, he looked at both guards, each one holding one of the two remaining chutes. "You both!, What are you waiting for!?" Said Aaron ordering them to put the chutes themselves. Aaron seemed to have something in mind, unfortunately, another turbulence tossed them out of the plane leaving them to their luck and Aaron to what it seemed like a really painful fate.
Kieara was terrified. She looked up at him. "W-what about you?!" She managed to get out over the roar if the crashing plane.
She screamed loudly and shut her eyes tightly. She was too scared to function, she was scared for herself, scared for her gaurd, the people of the plane, and was just all out terrified.
Everything began to spin around him as he fell out of the plane, and it took him to put all his skills to the limit to regain control of the situation. Bearing in mind that must assured he was going to die, better do it knowing that the job was well done. He looked around, trying to locate the princess, and as soon as he got her on his sights he trowed himself against her, using his body like an arrow fired against her. He took more than he would liked to get to her, but once he had her, he quickly made sure everything was set ant then pulled the correct string, opening her parachute just in the limits of the safe zone to do it. As he fell backwards, losing the princess of his sight, all he did was close his eyes and try not to think in anything. 'Any last words, Captain?'
"AARON!!!" she screamed over the wind as he fell. She felt tears come from her eyes as the parachute floated her down. He was dead, there was no hope, HE WAS DEAD. And it was all because of her......If she wasn't here, he wouldn't have died....
The accent royal guard opened his parachute not far from the princess, and even if they wasn't really near, he kept her in his sights all the time. The woman guard, instead, kept falling at high speed and became impossible to track a few seconds later. The woods started to became more and more clear as they kept slowly falling to the ground. The accent guard made sure the princess landed first and then he tried to land as close to her as possible. Once he was safe on the ground he started to look for her. "Pssss.... Princess?" Muttered him as he took the parachute off and started to look for her. She shouldn't be too far... Thought him.
Kieara was stuck up in a tree. She was scared and couldn't believe Aaron was dead...and it was her fault. She couldn't hear the gaurd. Her heart was pounding too loud in her ears for her to hear much of anything.
The accent guard moved through the woods to the place he saw the princess falling and eventually, he found her hanging from her parachute. "Princess. You are alright." Said him looking really relieved. "Let me help you get down there." Said him as he examined the situation. "Princess? You must stretch that belt on your chest. Then you should untie that other strap and you will be free." Explained him. "Don't worry, I will catch you."
((did you get the other reply?))

Kieara was nervous. She nodded though and did as he said to with the straps and fell from the tree. "H-he's dead b-because of me..." she said sadly.
The guard catch her and let her on the ground gently. "No, nobody died because of you, princess. The casualties suffered today were some other fault, not yours." Said him trying to calm her. Still, nobody would be even capable of imagining someone surviving a fall from that height. "We have to move now. Our enemies may be looking for us right now." Said him offering her his hand to help her.

(( What other reply? ))
((oh sorry thought that it didn't post before, was posting from my phone))

Kieara tried to wipe at her eyes and didn't attempt to argue. There was no time for it. she took his hand and followed after him. She felt so helpless.
The accent guard walked with her and helped her get through the rough terrain. A few minutes later something made a sound behind some bushed. The guard took his gun, only to realize it was empty. Then some enemies appeared from behind the trees, aiming at them, but not opening fire. "What do we have here?" Said what it looked like the captain. "You made us sweat, lady." Said him again. "Just kill them already." Insisted one of the other men. "No... Not yet. First I want to have some fun..." Said the captain with a really evil grin in his face.
Kieara saw the way he was eyeing her and felt afraid. She began to shake. She backed up a bit contemplating running.
The captain got close to the guard who was still protecting the princess. "If you get off my way, I may considerate letting you alive." Said him, but the guard didn't moved. "Alright, then let's have it your way." Said the captain aiming at him with his revolver. But then he just fell to the ground with a combat knife in his neck. On the other side of the clearing, the woman guard had at her feet one of the dead soldiers and a gun with a pretty big suppressor on her hand. Then she looked around, making sure nobody had noticed anything, and at the same time the accent guard took some of the weapons and equipment of the fallen soldiers and grabbed the princess again. "Come on, we have to move."
Kieara nodded to him weakly and moved behind him. She couldn't shake the horrible sight of Aaron falling from her mind though. It was like a movie on replay in her head.