Lewi & Tritsteel

Kieara saw the blood and cupped both hands over her mouth. "Oh my god are you ok!?" She asked concerned, but when she heard his words and saw him look back again fear bristled up inside her. Once she saw him stick half his body out of the car she ducked again and screamed as fire was opened on them. Next she heard tires squealing and then just their own car running. She was shaking worse now. "Y-your arm, don't we need to take you to a hospital?!" She asked panicked.
"Yeah... That would be nice, but we can't. Doctors have to warn the police when they trat a shoot wound. So no, we go back home and I will fix myself there." Said him. "In the meantime, you call your father, tell him what happened." Said Aaron taking a deep breath. "By the way, once we get back home you hide the car. I will think about what to do with it once I pull this bullet out of my arm." Ordered Aaron to the driver.
"We have medics at the palace, personal medics, they will help you." She said to him stubbornly, she wanted him to get some help of some kind. She reached down to a panel in the car that made phone calls through the speakers in the car and dialed her father on the keypad.
"Shhh! keep it private. I got enough with a bullet in the arm for now, I don't need your father yelling me stuff trough the speakers." Said Aaron. The king finally took the phone. "Yes? Kieara?" Asked the king.
Kieara spoke. "I am sorry, but I don't have a cell phone, and this is the only phone in the car." She said. Once he picked up she spoke. "D-daddy? Daddy, I have something to tell you."
"What is all that noise? Are you still comming the car? Kieara, the meeting is about to begin." Said the king. Aaron took another deep breath and looked through the broken window as he prepared himself to the shitstorm that was about to fall on him.
"Daddy, we're headed home, some guys who claimed to be hired gaurds for us attacked us, Aaron made sure that we alll got out safe though, but he said it would be safer if we headed back to the palace."
"What! Someone attacked you! Sanderson! What were you thinking! I hired you to keep her safe! You get back home now, let0 the royal guard take care of your safety. And you! You and me will have a talk when I got back, Sanderson!" Said the king and hang up the phone. "Well, that wasn't all taht bad... I guess..." Muttered Aaron.
Kieara was tired of her father jumping to conclusions. She called back. When he answered she spoke. "Daddy! Don't hang up on me." She said a little miffed. "He did keep me safe, if it wasn't for him I would've died, he took a bullet for me." She said defending Aaron.
"What? Don't you dare to speak to me like that, daughter." Said the king. "Now, be a good girl and do as I said, I'm about to begin the meeting and I'm not happy. I will speak you you later." Said him and hang up again. "Lady, don't do that, I'm old enough to fight my own battles." Said Aaron. "Anyway, Thank you."
Kieara was steaming. "It's not about you, you saved me out there, but it's not just that, i'm tired of my father never listening to me." she said and sighed. "Thanks." She spoke to him.
They finally made it back to the palace. "We are here." Said the driver, but Aaron was alreadi getting out of the car when the vehicle was barely stopped. He stumbled a little bit and quickly regained the balance. "I could use someone to point me towards a bathroom... Or towards a place with doctors in it. Yes, any of those would be nice." Said him painfully joking.
Kieara spoke. "Come on." she said and took his good arm gently tugging him to get him to follow. She was leading him to the infirmary, if for nothing else but bandages. But she hoped he'd let a doctor see his arm.
First day of work and I am already being taken to the infarmary. Aaron shigend and followed the princess to wherever she was taking him to. A couple of minutes of walk through that huge palace they reached a place that looked like a little hospital. "Well, hello, princess." Said a old doctor. "Holy mother! What happened to you?" Asked the doctor looking at Aaron. "I think I bumped into a bullet, doctor." Replied Aaron.
Kieara rolled her eyes a bit at his joke but smiled. "Fix him please?" She aksed.
"Sure." Said the doctor and started working. Almost an hour later he was finished and Aaron got up. "You be careful woth that wound now, and rest." Said the doctor. Aaron nodded, not really up to follow his intructions and walked out of the room. "Where to now." Kind of asked Aaron.
"I guess to my room." She said. She walked alongside him.
He nodded and followed her. The shoot wound was still a little bit itchy since it was still fresh, but it was also superficial, so no worries about it. That reminds me... I should get a new gun, thought him.

(( Move the story forwards if you feel you have nothing to write about. ))
Kieara hung out in her room that evening the horrifying events playing through her mind over and over again. It didn't go very long until she saw her father's car pull in and then he headed inside. She sighed. She worried about Aaron. She looked up though as a maid entered. "Miss, your bath is ready." She nodded and got up to go get a hot bath while her father talked to Aaron.
"Sanderson! What is wrong with you!" Demanded the king as he faced Aaron. "I told you to protect my daughter and you... Just... Damn it!" Exclaimed the king. "She is fine, right?" Asked him taking a deep breath and calming down a little bit. "Yes, she is." Replied Aaron. "Okay, okay... Where is she?" Asked the king. "I think she is in her private quarters." Said Aaron. "If you saw her before I do tell her to meet me at my office." Said the king and left. Well, that didn't went as bad as expected. In the end, it may be a good day...