
September 2, 1975

Dear Declan,

Hello old friend, it's been a while since we've last seen each other. Time really does fly by, doesn't it? I can't believe it's already been months since we've graduated from Hogwarts.

It feels weird not seeing you after being such a constant in my life for seven years. I miss you. How are you these days? What have you been up to?

I've been training to be a Healer at St. Mungo's. Honestly, it has been rather trying so far. Our mentor is obviously biased towards the male trainees. It's frankly quite frustrating. I wonder if Madam Pomfrey had to deal with such nonsense before.

Anyway, hope to hear from you soon! You better write back, otherwise, I swear to Merlin, I will hunt you down.

Yours truly,
September 6, 1975


Forgive me. Normally I come home and go straight to bed. The house is so quite without my other siblings. It's nice. Your letter, however, kept slipping my mind, and when it didn't? Well, I struggled for words. You know how bad I am with words.

But I do share the same sentiment. I'm an Unspeakable so I can't necessarily talk about my job, but I will tell you that sometimes I look over and expect you to come marching into my department as if you owned the place, wanting to go out for lunch. Or maybe I've mistaken longing for hunger.

Your mentor sounds like an arse. I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle though. You can only have diamonds if there's pressure, and I'm sure having to prove yourself that much more will make you the best at what you do. Or you can do what I do and just glare at everyone. Intimidation tactics are also a good way to get what you want.

P.S. I've debated not sending you this after I finally wrote it just to see if you would follow through with that threat, but I did go through the effort of actually getting words down; it would be ashamed to waste them, seeing as you don't even know where I live.

Sincerely Yours,
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