Let's talk about shipping. ._.

I am one of those sad people, who ship alot. And I mean ALOT. Too many to count, really. It just depends on which show, book, or whatever other form of possible ship-material there is. I am an addict to romance, and am always sad if no one ever kisses in the whole show.
10th Doctor X Rose.
You ALL know it.

And no, I do not support Johnlock. I will never do it. Not even if it becomes canon.

Because watching him tease her is hilarious.
^ yes. Yesyesyesyesyes.

Worst ship- 10th Doctor + a pear.
<.< Didn't like Rose. Would have rather seen him with Donna ;_;
There needs to be that. It needs to exist!
John x Pear!
You know what would be even better? PearxPear. Le gasp! Double the pears, double the romance.
Pear X Rose.
The tenth Doctor's worst enemy, stealing Rose. Imagine the drama.
I just need to write a pear themed fanfic!!! The pears are taking everyone the doctor loves... The only way to save his love is to EAT A PEAR!
What a dramatic twist! I feel my heart pumping already.
I know, right? That's like the worst thing they could make the doctor do!
And then, once he eats the pear, you shouldrevealhe has a PEAR ALLERGY! It will be truly amazing.
Will there be Captain Jack in a tutu somewhere in this story?
I so hope so. Because then he can rip off the tutu and -Goes intoher mind, wherea delichious fangirl image is playing-
Well, everyone said John Barrowman was a...
