Let's talk A-B-C!

Why would it be fun D: I dun like pain...
X-actly... Not fun for the person who's bleeding but for the person who's making it start...>:3
Yes, unless the bleeder is into that sort of thing.
Zip this talk up now, guys ;A; this is scary (ihatehowthissentenceisworded.dangitletterzstopbeingatroll.)
x is an interesting letter.
Yellow has the fourth shortest wavelength of any colour.
zebras are black and white
All this letter switching confused me e_e
Dude you keep skipping a letter ;A; -confused-
ENOUGH ALREADY. I need to fee my gecko.
Feel my raaaaage
Hey there stranger.
I'm sure some people here did not pay too much attention in Kindergarten...
Judge them if you wish, but perhaps they were merely dropped on their heads as children?
Kool-Aid probably helped them fall on their head as well.