Original poster
"So you think you got what it takes to be a rock star? We'll see about that…"
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IC Thread
[fieldbox=THE PREMISE, #003366, solid] You're an aspiring musician, or maybe you just jam for fun. That's how this whole band started out: just a handful of acquaintances getting together once a week or so to make some noise in the garage. It wasn't serious, you did a few cover songs, you had members drift in and out, and every once in a while you'd get up the energy to play live at a bar somewhere. That was until Vince came along. Vincent Hall joined your band and starting writing original songs and music, and while his personality was too intense for some of the casual members he was an inspiration to the serious musicians. Soon the cover band evolved into a punk rock group consisting of sincere artists who were eager to do whatever it takes to make it big. Are you driven enough to keep up with them?[/fieldbox][fieldbox=FOCUS, #003366, solid] The focus of the story is intended to center around the relationships between the band members and their friends as they navigate the treacherous and insanely competitive world that is the modern music industry. The story will begin with the band already established and playing gigs seriously in clubs and bars around town. The band already has quite a following with the locals but they haven't yet reached celebrity status.[/fieldbox][fieldbox=BAND RULES, #003366, solid]1. You, the players, get to name the bandSignups Closed
IC Thread
2. Other than work the band comes first, if you're serious about being a musician you have to act like it
3. The band is a team and everyone must be able to put aside their personal problems when it comes to practice
4. Although never officially elected, Vince Hall is recognized as the band's leader (you'll meet him soon enough)
5. It is an unspoken rule that no one band member is allowed to date another[/fieldbox][fieldbox=RULES AND POSTING EXPECTATION, #003366, solid]1. Be sure to participate OOC, ask questions, become acquainted with your fellow players, and contribute to story and character development
2. All Iwaku rules apply, you know what they are
3. It's my job to help you, if you're having trouble coming up with a post or want to take on a more significant role just contact me in this thread or via PM and we can work together
4. "Advanced" does not translate to "wall of text" in my book, I simply want to see you put effort into the story and take some initiative in moving the plot forward
Let's all be friends and have some fun[/fieldbox][fieldbox=CHARACTER CREATION, #003366, solid]The main characters of this roleplay are the band members but that does not mean they are the only important characters. Things to remember when creating your character: you are not famous, you might live at home or with other people, you work, you have friends outside the band. That being said, feel free to create supporting characters in addition to a band member, they can be family, friends, or a significant other. Not all supporting characters require a character sheet so don't feel obligated to make one, just be sure to list them on your initial character sheet.
All character sheets must be submitted directly to me, the GM, via PM for pending acceptance. Write your character's first name followed by "audition" as the subject, e.g. "Vincent's Audition". Once I say your character is accepted you may post them officially in this thread and I will list all accepted characters at the bottom of this post for easy reference.
Suggested Roles
Rhythm Guitarist
Bass Guitarist
Other Suggestion
Offstage Roles
You may audition for more than one role though ultimately you will be assigned a role according to the band's needs. Feel free to ask questions about role assignment.
Character Sheet
[Character image, realistic photo preferred]
Name: [first/last]
Role: [list the role(s) your character is applying for]
Occupation: [you don't make a living off your music yet, so how do you pay the bills?]
Years of Experience: [list music and/or band experience]
Identity: [what does your character think of themself versus what do others tend to think of them]
Family/Relationships: [non-band-members]
Brief Bio: [anything significant about their personal life/history]
Bandships: [relationship to other band members--do not fill out this section until your character is accepted]
Audition: [please write a short paragraph describing your character playing their instrument of choice, your voice is also considered an instrument]
[/fieldbox][fieldbox=THE BAND, #003366, solid]Rob Lowell; Lead Vocals ~ Potatocat
Tam Sanchez; Guitar and Vocals ~ Vales Velvet
Vince Hall; Guitar, Songwriter, Fearless Leader ~ Clirkus
Nausicaä Quasimodo; Bass ~ VerbalAbuse
Solomon Redtler; Keyboard ~ Krimp
Daphne Davidson; Drums, Songwriter, Part-time Manager ~ Alice Falling
Alexandrina Steele; Full-time Manager ~ Cephalo[/fieldbox]
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