Lethal Reword 5: True Mirage

"I know sword-fu."

Eyvindr snorted. "And I have a hammer. What's your point?" he said derisively, flipping the warhammer handle-over-head with practiced ease before catching it again. Seeing everyone else go through their gear distracted him from the need to hammer someone, and he did a quick check of his own.

Armor? Check. Hammer? Check. Dagger? Check. Throwing axe? Check /Oh, is that what that is?//Reinforced gauntlet?/ Check. /Bandolier with potions of Cure Light Wounds?//Bandolier.../ Check. Backpack and bedroll? Check. /Everything's here.//I think that's it./

Shrugging, he maneuvered himself through the rest of the now-distracted champions to demand some answers. "All right, now what the FLYING RATFUCK......" he trailed off, suddenly confronted by no less than four gods.
"Rope...Check, Blankie...check, Pin-Up parchment...check? where did this"
Sven turns his head to the side as he holds out the parchment, on it is a beautiful rendition of a buxom brunette elven woman in 50's pin up style. He stashed the parchment in a pocket on his belt and continued taking inventory before the question popped into his head.

"Are they're going to be zombies....I Hate Zombies."
"There are always zombies." Cobalt stated, without much of anything to put on. He already had his chain-shirt on, without which he would have been completely nude. His backpack and bow slung over his back, a quiver of arrows at his side, and a halberd in his hand. It was all he had, beyond the guitar, and it was probably all he really needed.

The massive snake-man turned to look at the hammer-toting Eyvindr. "...Adventure?" His face turned somewhat blank, and he blinked no less than seven times his personal silence afterward. Assuming that was enough of an answer, he turned away, just... looking at everything.

Okay, so he really wasn't that bright.

"As for your direction... you're on a demiplane. There is no 'direction' here." Apollo explained, ever the voice of exposition, "We will transport you there with our powers... or... rather, we'll transport you there with this orb that Hermes lent to us." Apollo raises his hand, the clear glass orb appearing in his hand without so much as a sound or a flash.

"Anyway, you won't be attacked on sight, because... well, none of you are goblins." Apollo shrugs, "That, and I have a feeling circumstances will pave a proper path for you..."

Then, you weren't there. In the span of a blink, everyone, including the three gods, weren't standing around a purple-tinted lake... but a clear blue day. The winds caused ripples in the long grass like so much water, no less than three moons visible in the glare of the orange sun. The occasional tree poked itself out of the grass, standing happily in the sunlight.

Apollo looked around. "Let's see... your destination is... that way." He pointed to the west. "If there's nothing else, we do have important matters to attend to... being gods and all..." He looked searchingly at the lot with a small smile.
"Ah, thanks.." Adra looked out over the new location and the new sky. There has to be some crazy gravitational stuff going on with those moons...or, magic.
She put on the sunglasses from her pack, to help shield her eyes. That, and she didn't think the villagers would react to well to them, considering colbat's response.

"Well, nothing much to do now except head towards town." Adra started off in the direction Apollo had indicated, stopping to turn back over her shoulder after just a bit.
"Oh, and are any of you clerics? If so I have something for you."
Sanar blinked. "That explains the edge of the world."

She stared up at the three moons a thoughtful look on her face then seemingly just in wonder. "Theres your moon godesses." she said withe a smile at Ordo, though I think three is more than even you can handle.... I don't see the village though."
Apollo looked around. "Let's see... your destination is... that way." He pointed to the west. "If there's nothing else, we do have important matters to attend to... being gods and all..." He looked searchingly at the lot with a small smile.

Heldred took stock of their surroundings, gazing west for some time. In the back of his mind, there was a quiet whisper of a language he feels as though he is remembering slowly, and suddenly his vision blurs before sharpening. Details became clearer, and he could almost swear that for a moment, he could hear the individual blades of grass shifting against one another. Others in his party may notice the difference in their heightened senses as well.

He shook his head gently as if ridding himself of his absent mindedness, then turned back to the deities and his new companions. He nodded seriously, then looked at the gods, hands extended towards them expectantly with palms facing up.

"And? What else do we get? Perhaps an enchanted weapon? Or an everlasting sandwich! That would be good too. We're your favorites... are we not?"

Idly, he wondered where his own deity had gotten off to...

(( Heldred starts the 'Senses' aura ))
"No. You're our champions, the people we've chosen to represent our will. Don't make us regret that choice." Apollo shakes his head. "We've already done a great deal in bringing you here, altering your bodies, giving you more power than you ever would have been able to achieve, already give you some magical supplies, and you ask more?"

Thor shrugs, "Dey were all 'uman, 'fore."

Apollo sighs. "Still. One doesn't need to be a cleric to say 'thanks' to a deity for all the effort they put forth."

"Thank you?" Cobalt states in a somewhat confused tone.

"Yer welcome." Thor replies, almost on habit.

Cobalt thinks on it for a moment, then shrugs. "...Do have a question."


"If I don't have legs... how do I move?" He indicated his very snakelike lower half with a point.

"You'll figure it out." Apollo states.

"Need to get off and do the god thing, right?"

"You're catching on, at least."

Cobalt looks down at his lower half with a look of concentration... until a slight slither causes him to almost fall off balance. Slowly... surely, he begins to move, tongue slightly stuck out in concentration. "Think... I've... got... it..." He mumbles, mostly to himself.



"The town's that way." Apollo points to the west again.

"Oh." Cobalt then spends a few moments figuring out how to turn around, offering another "Thank you!" before moving... slowly... in that direction.
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width: 450px; height: 366px;" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/GEV86JOiJ_0">


Heldred lowered his hands to his sides, looking and feeling a little disappointed at the response he was given. He gave a sidelong glance at Cobalt as he struggled to get used to his new body by traveling in the wrong direction and sighed inwardly. It wasn't all bad. Apollo was right in a way. Their world as they knew it was gone... they were given new bodies. A new beginning. Things could certainly be worse.

He gave a bow to the deities, choosing his words carefully. "Well, if that's the case... thank you! And thank you to my god as well. I dig the soap." He nodded appreciatively after rising from his bow.

He fell in beside Cobalt, remaining silent for the time being. The sky was beautiful, he remembered that he had been especially fond of the moon in their old world. He would look upon it and feel at ease... comforted. Especially when it was full. He now looked upon three, offset by the bright sun. It was familiar to him in a way, and had the same effect. Plus the breeze upon the grass... he almost could have sworn he was wandering the fields of his home. Simply beautiful.

After that brief moment of reflection, he glanced at Cobalt and stretched out a hand. "Your name is Cobalt?"

'Calling, calling now... never will I look away.
For what life has left for me...!
Nalybuites... aeria gloris.'
Samar looked at Cobalt curiously as the snake-man battled to turn around. She swung her arms lazily and started walking beside the hansom smooth scales watching the light reflect off of them as he moved. "Wait." she said turning around and facing the gods. "I have one question. You brought us from our dying world, gave us new bodies, chose us as your champions to save your powerbase and set us lose in a world we know nothing about. What happens after we kick monotheist butt and save your asses?"
The gods would have answered, if they had still been there... only one had remained to offer a comforting smile and a wave on encouragement. As a smile graced the muzzle of the jackal-headed god, his eyes turned from hope to a mixture of hope and sympathy. With a very slow mimic of a military-style salute, he was gone.

"That's not omnibus at all.... ominous. Not ominous at all." Cobalt states, fumbling his words a moment in his speed to say them. The red of a blush became clear in his face, and the heat it caused made him slightly uncomfortable. He immediately attempted to shake it off, managing it by distracting himself.

Emptying his head rather than his mind.

He turned, looking to Heldred with a very human smile... his upper body was that of a human, after all. The sun shone upon his scales and multichromatic wings, giving him... almost an angelic monster's appearance. "Yuh... Cobalt. Cobalt... Brave." He slithers tall, finding it easier to move when he was at full height. He couldn't help but keep smiling... the grass felt good - the sun felt good... both mostly on his snake-like lower half and wings.

He struggled a bit more, shading his shoulders with his wings. A sunburn would not be the greatest way to be introduced to a new locale, and he wasn't sure how much of 'himself' he still was.

He gives an apologetic look, not really wanting to reveal that he never really caught Heldred's name... actually, names had always been tough for him. He could remember face, just not the names attached to the faces.
Eyvindr recovered from his shock just in time for Anubis' farewell salute. /That does not bode well.//Well, shit./

In that split second where his thoughts aligned perfectly, his old self's military training took over.

"All righty then, fellow chuckle-fucks!" he bellowed. "Looks like we've got our marching orders. Let's get this gagglefuck moving, we got us some gobbins to put on ice!" Suiting actions to words, he started moving at a disturbingly fast amble (given that he was wearing heavy armor) in the direction Apollo had indicated.

/This should be interesting//This is gonna be fuuuun./
"Mmm, moon goddesses! I love me a lady of the night if you-- wait, hold on, that don't sound too right. Anywho, hey, Go--" He was about to say something about something, but the gods had upped and went.

"Well, there they go! Off to do... Godly-things, and leaving us to do... 'Champion'... things..."

Ordo had the backpack nestled closely underneath the cloak; it was bulky, but not entirely so. The mithril made no sounds, and Ordo quickly discovered that there were more chain links between the folds of his red cloak. Oooh, hidden armour! he thought delightedly to himself, and again, you couldn't hear anything beyond normal rustling.

Huh... I'm a brightly coloured ninja!

"Cobalt Brave, was it? Yow, that's certainly a name." His tone wasn't teasing or even amused; he was simply stating a fact. "My name's Ordo, in case you didn't catch it. Just... Ordo."

He then spoke in a raised voice, turning around to face everyone else whilst walking backward, the long recurve bow draped over his shoulders and his arms hanging on lazily, "The name's Ordo, everybody!! Please don't accidentally shoot me or hit me with your large instruments of bodily-destruction! I look forward to killing bad guys with you all!"
"Well....." Sanor said as the last god disappeared feeling the chill of foreboding. "I doubt they... shit."

A shilling thought crossed her mind. We're not the first, they brought others here, and they failed. They think we will too. She unsouldered her bow and tested the tightness of the string calming herself.

"I'm staying close to scales." she muttered to herself hurrying so catch up with Cobalt and walking near him and Ordo. "Hey Ordo, I'm Sanor." she said in a not-quite-chipper voice.
He gives an apologetic look, not really wanting to reveal that he never really caught Heldred's name... actually, names had always been tough for him. He could remember face, just not the names attached to the faces.

Heldred catches the look, giving an easy smile. "J-- er... Heldred. Heldred Ghestvilla." The last name was new to him, but it had a ring to it. He wasn't displeased. However, his old name kept trying to sneak its way into conversation... he wondered how long it would be before it was a fading memory. Or if it would fade at all.

He gave a withering glance at the vaguely familiar loudmouth walking in front of everyone, then another to the viking behind them. This was going to be awkward. A phrase came to mind from his old days, 'Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians.' He inwardly hoped it wouldn't come to that, but if it did, he wanted to be prepared for the worst. He wondered how fast he could run with his new body, in the boots he was wearing...

His expression remained congenial, despite these thoughts. "So, we have a Cob, an Ordo... a San. What about the big fellow?"
Once again, as happened oh too often back in the old world, Dossan's mind wandered far off the beaten path. While everyone else was finishing chatting with the gods and moving out, Dossan simply stared and took in his surroundings. He'd never been one to see beauty in nature, but the area around him did hold a sort of peace to it. It wasn't until the group was a short ways off than Dossan snapped to and realized they had left without him. "H-hey! Wait up!" Dossan called after them, as he ran to catch up. Finding himself not nearly out of breath as he should have been, Dossan finally caught up to the group. Dossan listened to the group for a while, then at the mention of 'the big fellow', Dossan realized that he hadn't given his name yet. "My name is Dossan. Just Dossan. No surname. So, anywho, what do yuo guys think really happened to the old world? My money's on CERN making a black hole...Well, that, or some fuck divided by zero." Dossan gave a chuckle at his little joke, and hoped he wouldn't be the only one.
"I think it was the Armageddon." Cobalt said with a shrug, "I mean, everyone just sorta... vanished. That, and the... religious overtones of the world and our quest, that's what I... think, anyway." He scratched his cheek for a moment. "If this was some sort of video game, movie, or something, they'd probably have us all wake up at the end to learn it's some sort of dream... that's always soooo lame."

He sighs, thinking a bit, "Or some group-seizure thing. Maybe a televised hypnosis-effect. Maybe we all volunteered for some sort of virtual reality thing and it's wiped our memories, the 'gods' are really the programmers and GM's, and we're all just really, really into playing our roles."

The muscular man stretched his beefy arms up behind his head, "Though I think an established fourth wall would have been nice, you know? Fully deleting our memories... but, maybe our heads and the memories of the old world will come in handy?"

The snake-man looked around for a bit, inhaling deep for a second, and beginning to cough uncontrollably for about a minute. He held a hand to his chest, the other raising in an 'I'm fine' motion. "Whew... I didn't think air could feel so clean... I got one of them... blow-weed-seeds stuck in my throat. You know, the little weeds with the white puffball that you used to blow for wishes... when you were a kid." Ending his coughing-spree with a thump to the chest, he stuck his tongue out. "Whew."
Spoony Bard.
"Dandelions?" Sanor said automatically in a flat monotone, she was distracted by the thought on home, or what home used to mean. Had everything changed so fast that home, was no longer home? That must be the nature of dealing with gods. She didn't really like the idea of being under the increasing control of a deity but at least she hadn't chosen a manipulative god.

"uhhh Heldred? I didn't see you choose a god..."
"Uhhh Heldred? I didn't see you choose a god..."

Heldred looked at Sanor in surprise for a moment, not having talked to the woman directly yet. He quickly cleared his throat. "Oh, he didn't come with the others."

((Bluff +8))

He quickly added. "Anyway that simply couldn't have been everyone's deities! There was only four of them. What about these other three?" He gestured to Adra, Eyvindr and Dossan before giving a slight smile and narrowing his eyes in curiousity. "What's the story here?"
Sanor was taken aback by the and raised her hands in a warding gesture, "Hey I was just commenting..." she turned away slightly frustrated with the man continuing to mumble and kicking at a stone. "Some party of heroes we are."
Huh, no response from a healer..
"Adra Mys'Kavval over here. I got the god of death..." She fell into stride alongside the others, staying closest to Colbalt.
"Just because we didn't see His god, doesn't mean he doesn't have one...And particle accelerators don't work that way."