Lemon & Lime {Private w/ Roose Hurro}



Original poster
There was never a day when the city of Serik wasn't bustling; people rushing about to and from work, errand runners darting in and out of people as they dash off with their messages or deliveries, the little street ferals left uncared for by society and left to the slums skittering about, pickpocketing and looting whatever they can get their little hands on, carts and chariots being pulled through the streets by 6 legged equine-like creatures, forcing people out of their way lest they are trampled. It was exhausting, sometimes, but it could also get kind of boring, too.
For Solsana, it was a case of the latter. She hadn't had a mission lately, with no important visitors coming or leaving Serik; sure, she could always join her brother Soran at the Ackha Arena – their own town's gladiatorial fighting ring – where he liked to frequent in his own downtime, but she just didn't feel quite in the mood for watching men fight. Not today, anyway. She preferred seeing other races try and face the Lioqolas, but today… Today was going to be her relax day. Unlike others, who would spend their days off relaxing at home, Solsana needed to get out. She needed the fresh air in a quiet corner of the town, and with a hint of a knowing smile spread across her lips, she headed out to her favourite little café: the Lemon & Lime. It was out of the way of the major hustle and bustle of the main streets and boasted its own community market every weekend, but even better, the Lemon & Lime was a café-bookstore.

What more could she ask for?
"Morning, Sana!" Lyren, the young daughter of the café's owner, called out when she spotted the woman walking towards the store, a huge grin on her little face. Whilst Solsana was not a fan of her name being abbreviated, she had been coming to this café since Lyren's mother had been pregnant, and so had known the child for many years now. When Lyren was still learning to talk, she hadn't been able to pronounce Solsana's whole name, so she had allowed the child to just call her Sana, and it stuck.
"Morning, Lyren. Hmm, looks like you've grown an inch since I last saw you." Solsana lightly ruffled the girl's head, watching as her grin grew even bigger at the observation. "Can I have the usual, please? I'll sit outside today." At the request, Lyren nodded vigorously and dashed off inside, leaving Solsana to pick out a seat with a little shade over it. It was fairly peaceful still, being early enough in the morning that most people were already off to work, and there was a refreshing crispness to the air that indicated the autumn weather had arrived. Moving her skirt out of the way to sit down, Solsana looked out at the markets being set up, a distant subtle smile on her face as she seemed to zone out.
That was, until something unusual caught her crimson gaze, and her nose crinkled ever so slightly.
Catching Gazes...

Several other noses also crinkled ever so slightly. Three, to be exact. Yes, there was a fourth nose involved, but its "owner" was asleep under his dada's shroudruff, and therefore didn't catch the scents of this new place. "Father" scent being all he could smell. And yes, indeed, quite a variety of smells... scent here, scent there... scent everywhere! All four nostrils on those three involved noses flared in response...

... and quite a few eyes took in this little alien family. Given they went about on all fours, at least at present, and wore nothing but their birthday suits. Perhaps. Perhaps not terribly unusual. If one thought them wandering animals. But...

... "Sweetness!" Yes, the Father spoke... "Might be a good idea to find a place to eat, before we get stepped on or run over!" His grin didn't make it sound like a bad thing. And yes, him, his mate, their daughter and son hadn't just tried to face Lioqolas today, they'd done quite well. Hadn't gotten stepped on or run over, hadn't stepped in anything unpleasant. Had, indeed, found this world quite interesting. Certainly in need of a little exploring. So where better to go on a shopping expedition?

... "Yes, My Love... this way looks promising." Her forehead "badge" shimmered slightly. Her quickened pace sent her ahead of her mate, to lead off a side road, away from the chariots and carts. A bit off their chosen path towards the main markets. But it was still early, the morning quite cool... brisk. Every breeze made fur ruffle. Quite pleasant. Sound of voices turned ears. Scent of food...

... well.

The sign said "Lemon & Lime". Mother's eyebrow raised as she noted through the windows not only food, but books for sale. Yes, very observant as she led her mate and their offspring off the street and up to an outside table, better to enjoy this first taste of autumn air.

Oh, and the crimson gaze that caught them? She'd see Father, Mother, Daughter... but not Son, hidden under his father's shroudruff feathers. Warm. Shaded. Secure. Perhaps this little alien family, unusual to her, because she'd never seen Nism before...

... perhaps never even heard of such creatures. Or, if she had, they'd be wild stories she hadn't believed. Until now. Until...

... "Dada!" Daughter, who up till now had been quite reserved, following her parents in a busy place, well, it seemed she couldn't help but bounce in delight, as she stood up and hugged her dada's neck, now that they were "free"... "You's a'gotta sings that songers again!"
Solsana knew that Serik was not the first city to open its gates to outsiders; she'd seen many a variety in the other cities she had travelled to whilst on escort missions, although she never lingered once the job was done. It still made her skin crawl whenever she saw other species, but she always held her tongue on the topic and simply tried her best to entirely ignore their presence. There were plenty of Lioqolas that openly showed or voiced their hatred or general disdain towards any outsider, regardless of what the species was - her own father being one of them - but that disgusted her just as much; such dramatic encounters were far less likely since the strict laws were implemented, but that didn't stop certain types.

Serik had been allowing outsiders for almost an entire solar orbit now, whilst other cities such as the giant city-state of Desos had been allowing them in not long after the visitors began to arrive. She always wondered how other species found them, having little interest in interstellar travel herself - as a girl who likes to keep her paws on the ground, she doesn't even enjoy the idea of flying on the huge Kuwe! Soran had one when they were kids and it hated her. The evil thing loved to bite her ponytail with its beak, or create huge gusts of wind with its leathery wings. Honestly, they were basically this world's version of a Pterosaur, to put it simply.

A surprised shriek, followed almost instantly by the sound of shattering ceramic and clattering metal, resulted in Solsana's reflexes forcing her to stand up in one smooth, swift movement, hand on a short dagger she kept in the belt of her skirt. But it remained undrawn as she could hear Lyren's mother inside apologising to the strangers for her daughter's behaviour, and Lyren repeating over and over again that she was sorry with tears in her eyes.

Solsana relaxes and her hand falls away from the hidden dagger, and she resumes her seat. However, rather than ignoring these strangers as she normally would, she continues to observe with no effort to hide her doing so; she feels no shame in staring at people, given how much of her job relies on doing exactly that. But her gaze does shift as Lyren carefully edges past the visitors and approaches her, pouting, and with the biggest puppy eyes Solsana had ever seen.

"S-sorry... Sana... I-I d-dropped..."

"Don't fret, little one," She smiles warmly and places her hand upon the girl's head, "Paps always told me and my brother that," she pauses a moment to clear her throat, and then continues in a deeper more masculine voice with a finger raised in the way her father used to, "There's no use crying over spilt milk."

The impersonation itself is enough to make Lyren giggle before giving a swift nod and rubbing her eyes free of the tears that had threatened to fall again, "Y-yeah! Okay! I'll go get it again." She grins and turns, returning to the cafe's interior, and making sure she doesn't step on any of the broken stuff one of the other workers is now cleaning. Solsana merely feels the ghost of a subtle smile pass over her lips. Whilst she's not much of a child-oriented person, and certainly lacks quiet severely in motherly instincts, she can still appreciate a cute kid.
Song and Clatter...

Having arrived not very long ago, this little alien family hadn't yet encountered "certain types", though disdain, yes, certainly that. Not that such encounters discouraged or otherwise bothered Nism. This family had done their homework. Knew what they were heading for before they arrived. So, no surprises. And not quite truthful, that they came only in their birthday suits. With daughter hugging father, it became quite evident he wore a pouch around his neck, camouflaged to match his fur. A closer look would show the mother also wore a similar pouch, slung around neck and close to chest. They knew about the little street ferals here.......

Yes, they remained calm at the shriek, at the clatter, at the crimson eyed lady's response, with dagger. A bit awkward, perhaps, given how small this Lemon & Lime shop happened to be. And how Lioqolas could react to strangers. So, this little accident, in some way, perhaps their fault. But not something they were guilty of. So, big grin from Father, warm smile from Mother. Daughter, still wanting her song...

... so her Dada, despite his grin, quite able when it came to courtesy, well, he made a production of setting Daughter down, after "detaching" her from his neck, then made a further production of setting on haunches, himself, fluffed up and a bit hunched... better to keep Son undisturbed... all so his song wouldn't interrupt the conversation between shrieker and crimson eye.


... ... "Luuunden's britches faaalling down, faaalling down, faaalling down... Luuunden's britches faaalling down, myyy ferret lady!" Also, a line about taking the peas and eating them up. And other silly things. To which Daughter squeaked and giggled her own delight, tail's tuft in her little paw-hands, as Mother watched. Settled on her own haunches. And rolled eyes. And gave mate and daughter a warm smile different from that earlier directed at the "little one" who had shrieked.

Father also cleared throat...

... "Speaking of spilled milk, Sweetness..." Big, toothy grin... "your turn to nurse Peet. He should be waking up hungry soon."

Mother took on a look of consideration. Turned attentions to the cafe's interior, then, perhaps unexpectedly, turned her attentions to the crimson eyed lady, sitting nearby...

... "Sorry for your loss..." Another warm smile, a glance down at the spot where the spill had just been cleaned up... "Please, consider this our treat."

Her tail's tuft waved between them, her fur, fluffed.......
Sure, Solsana had heard parents sing to their children before - despite never having had experienced it towards herself - but never had she heard the likes of whatever it was that was now being sung. It made her ears twitch subtly, and she felt herself silently wishing she'd gone for a walk around the markets first before deciding to come here. Too late now, though.

By the time the singing had stopped, Solsana's attention had turned to the folded paper that lay on her table; it was, for lack of a better description, the local newspaper. Such things were only really used for advertisements, but occasionally something interesting would slip in as well, and quite frequently there would be little snippets of information hidden within the pages, decipherable only by code. Sometimes the information was useful, other times it was a complete wash, but there was no way of telling without looking first.

But her concentration is interrupted at the feeling of eyes upon her, and as she turns her gaze back to the strange family, one of them speaks to her. The unusual use of condolence makes Solsana raise an eyebrow slightly, never having heard someone refer to spilt food or drink as a loss before, but she simply shakes her head slowly at the offer.

"That won't be necessary." Her words are simple and to the point, without being too blunt and rude, but she also doesn't elaborate any further as Lyren came back out with a new tray. "'Sana is a family friend, and her family is really important here, right Sana?!" Lyren seems more than happy to talk up the woman, but that comes with the territory of being looked up to.

"Lyren..." There's a small frown that creases Solsana's brow as she groans softly, but she can't bring herself to be actually angry with the pup. It is nice to feel like she's a role model, at least, but she did wish the child wasn't so willing to chatter. "She's awesome, and so is her brother! They're really good fighters..." Thankfully, however, the child's mother steps out to approach the strange visitors and take their potential order - or whatever it was they may want - and she stops briefly to give Lyren a stern glance, "Lyren, what did I tell you about talking about other people's lives?" This causes the child to blush a little in embarrassment at her mother but still gives Solsana a huge grin.

"Sorry about everything so far, but, welcome to the Lemon & Lime, cafe and bookstore. I'm the ower, Zhurla. If I can be of assistance in any way, please let me know."
Letting Her Know...

Yes, too late...

... but Life is funny like that. Even if one doesn't feel amused. "Fate" gets a laugh. And those present, amused or not, may... if they keep eyes and ears and mind open... well, they might learn something, perhaps even something unexpected. Like a song, for a start. A mother who spoke words, unusual. A father being a father. A daughter... giggling.

This, just a beginning.

Mother, a graceful bow towards... 'Sana. Another warm smile, with a forward/backward shift of ears...

... "As you wish."

Followed shortly after by... Lyren. Indeed, willing to chatter. Father, scritching daughter's head as he grinned his now quite obvious "signature". Lyren's mother... Zhurla. Yes, thankfully there to stem the tide. And...

Father stood up on twos, caught up daughter and held her high for a moment, still careful over his "burden", but... time to sit himself and daughter down at a table. Time for mother to nibble her male's ear... give him a careful hug, a lick to his cheek... then sit beside him and daughter...

... "Breakfast would be wonderful......."

To which her male replied... "Life, the Universe and Everything is what we're here for." Like the song, this reference most likely went wasted, however... "But Sweetness is right... Breakfast would be wonderful." A soft peep sounded from underneath his shroudruff feathers... "Surprise us......."

Fur ruffled as grin returned again... "Don't be too hard on your daughter... she means well."

To which his daughter replied... "Dada's a goods teacher!" Small as she was, she fluffed up as she took note of the peep, and clapped pawhands to her muzzle... "Peeve's gonna wanna breathe sooners."

To which a much tinier pawhand poked out from under shroudruff, and started patting Dada's side.......

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Lyren gives her mother a sheepish smile as she shies away, back towards Solsana as the woman gives her a beckoning nod of her head, and takes a seat, "Sorry, Sana. I don't mean to do that... But you're so awesome that everyone should know you!" The child grins a toothy grin, to which Solsana can only smile slightly back at with a light shaking of her head, ruffling the youngling's hair. "That's sweet of you Lyren, but you know the stuff I do is dangerous... You've got to be more careful in the future, okay?" With gentle words comes a look of expectation, causing Lyren to sigh softly in defeat and nod her head, "I promise I'll do better." They both smile, "Good. Maybe this afternoon Soran will be free and you can get some of your friends to gang up on him, hmm?"
"Do you have any dietary requirements at all? We rarely get non-Lioqolas visitors here, but I do have a bit of variety in other foods... I would hate to serve you something that you are unable to consume." Zhurla inquires politely, genuinely concerned. She'd heard of some incidents where, visitors who were not accustomed to Lioqolas foods, had consumed certain ingredients and reacted negatively; that wasn't to say they didn't like it, but more a case of the food itself not agreeing with their stomachs.
Various studies and exchanges had been conducted to educate both natives and visitors so as to avoid such incidents in the future; Zhurla was sure that there had been a few major cases where visitors had actually died of the complications. She did not want that to happen at the Lemon & Lime; she'd built this place with the help of her sister and cousin when they were much younger, and it was what kept their family going. She wasn't going to put her livelihood at risk when all that was required was a simple question.
"Mother," Lyren's voice draws her mother's attention for a moment, "Can I go with Sana this afternoon, pleeeeeease?! She's gonna go see her brother!" The child sounded exceptionally excited, eyes wide with joy. But before her mother or even Solsana could react, the child continued on, "Y-you guys should come too! Sana, they can come too, right?"
Solsana and Zhurla seemed to both close their eyes and sigh at the same time at Lyren's sudden invitation to the visitors, although, for different reasons. "Lyren..." "Lyren..." The women spoke in unison, but the child seemed oblivious, for in her own eyes she didn't see that she'd done anything wrong.
Doing Things...

"Dada" hunched forward, hand to muzzle, and mimed a mock burp...

... "I've eaten stuff over half the galaxy, and I haven't died from anything." Well, that wasn't quite true, at least not from anything he'd eaten, but... "Right, Sweetness?" This last, directed at his mate. A lift of shroudruff feathers, a slight sigh of pleasure, with grin, as she brushed his "father spot" retrieving their infant son, barely bigger than a grown rat, and held him to her chest...

... "We will be honored to have whatever you deem best." Mother Nism directed her bright, deep blue gaze on Zhurla... "No need to worry, we promise."

Lyren spoke. And in that burst of words, invited... Them. Daughter started to bounce in her seat, delighted. Mother and father... grin, warm smile... father's ears went back as he rubbed at his face, mother's ears went forward as she held out tiny son towards Lyren, an invitation... an offer to hold him.

"Peeve", eyes wide towards this young Lioqolas female, his own tiny ears not sure whether to go forward or back... fur, fluffed... made a series of chuffles, chirps and coos. Then reached out, and waved his tiny pawhands in her direction. Yes, he looked quite like a miniature of his father, only paler of fur, shorter of limb and lacking shroudruff feathers.......