Original poster
As with every BESM game, and every game I run, I will need to approve your character before it get's OK'd. I will be a bit more strict for this game than you might be accustomed to, but this is simply because BESM is very easy to 'break', and even at low levels it can easily get out of hand.
You have just been accepted to the prestigious Shinmen Takezo High School, said to have been founded by the legendary Miyamoto Musashi himself. We here at Shinmen Takezo High School, or Shinzo High, as the students like to call it, pride ourselves on not only producing highly intelligent graduates, but also continuing the tradition of the dojo. As such, our students may take an academic approach, or a martial approach to their schooling, based on their mental and physical test scores. We are proud to announce that you have been selected for the MARTIAL STUDIES program, which will focus in expanding your knowledge, while strengthening your bodies.
You have just been accepted to the prestigious Shinmen Takezo High School, said to have been founded by the legendary Miyamoto Musashi himself. We here at Shinmen Takezo High School, or Shinzo High, as the students like to call it, pride ourselves on not only producing highly intelligent graduates, but also continuing the tradition of the dojo. As such, our students may take an academic approach, or a martial approach to their schooling, based on their mental and physical test scores. We are proud to announce that you have been selected for the MARTIAL STUDIES program, which will focus in expanding your knowledge, while strengthening your bodies.
Additional RP notes: Shinzo High is located in Tokyo, and all students arrive by train/subway. The game takes place in 2013. It is not required to be Japanese, or even Asian, to attend Shinzo High, though most students are Japanese.
This game will be run using the BESM d20 system. You will need to find/download a copy of the BESM d20 Revised Edition handbook. If you do not already have one, or are unsure if you have the right version, let me know and I will get you a link to download the correct version.
NOTE: If you are a member of the Table-Top Tyrants social group here on Iwaku, a link is provided in the Source Materials discussion.
NOTE: If you are a member of the Table-Top Tyrants social group here on Iwaku, a link is provided in the Source Materials discussion.
What you need to know:
Allowed Races: Human and custom races(See Below in a few days)
Allowed Races: Human and custom races(See Below in a few days)
Classes: One person to a class. See the list of demons for available classes. The name next to the Class is the name of the demon, not the human host.
No multiclassing.
Base Ability Scores: All ability scores start at 8.
Starting Level: 2
Starting Character Points(CP) for Ability Score Improvement: 18 CP
Ability CP Cost: 1 CP = 2 Ability Points
Maximum Ability Score from CP: 18
CP for Attributes/Extra Feats: 20 CP
NOTE: Extra Feats cost 2 CP per Feat
Maximum Total Refund from Defects: 10 CP
Starting Character Points(CP) for Ability Score Improvement: 18 CP
Ability CP Cost: 1 CP = 2 Ability Points
Maximum Ability Score from CP: 18
CP for Attributes/Extra Feats: 20 CP
NOTE: Extra Feats cost 2 CP per Feat
Maximum Total Refund from Defects: 10 CP
Restricted/Useless Attributes: Adaptation, Animal Friendship, Art of Distraction, Divine Relationship, Duplicate, Dynamic Sorcery, Exorcism, Features, Flight, Hyperflight, Item of Power, Metamorphosis, Mind Control, Own a Big Mecha, Pet Monster, Pocket Dimension, Reincarnation, Sixth Sense, Special Movement(Dimension Hop), Spirit Ward, Swarm, Telepathy, Train a Cute Monster.
Prohibited Feats: Accuracy, Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge, Vehicle Dodge
Notes on Prohibited Features: You may still possess these features, but only if you recieve them from your class. Regardless of whether or not you gain a prohibited feature from a class, you may not buy any prohibited features.
Attribute/Feat Alterations: Speed - Replace MPH with +1 square
Teleportation - Must have relatively unobstructed path(ie. Can teleport from one side of a building to the other, but cannot teleport out of a room if the door is closed.)
Wealth - Can only buy up to rank 3. The money is owned by the character's family, and thus the character only has access to 1%.
Organisational Ties - Applies to various school organisations, such as Class Rep, or student council, etc.
Extra Arms - May only possess 2 extra arms.
Portable Armory - Must have Servant or Flunkie Attribute. Your follower(s) will serve as your armory.
Weapon Encyclopedia - Requires a related Knowledge check, but with a +4 bonus. Can also be used to learn about Special Attacks.
Teleportation - Must have relatively unobstructed path(ie. Can teleport from one side of a building to the other, but cannot teleport out of a room if the door is closed.)
Wealth - Can only buy up to rank 3. The money is owned by the character's family, and thus the character only has access to 1%.
Organisational Ties - Applies to various school organisations, such as Class Rep, or student council, etc.
Extra Arms - May only possess 2 extra arms.
Portable Armory - Must have Servant or Flunkie Attribute. Your follower(s) will serve as your armory.
Weapon Encyclopedia - Requires a related Knowledge check, but with a +4 bonus. Can also be used to learn about Special Attacks.
Roleplay Notes: At the start of the game, you will not have any class levels, and it will be like a regular, diceless RP. At some point, an event will occur, and you will recieve your levels. This means that you won't have any special abilities or aything for the start of the game.
Character Sheet
[LEFT][COLOR=darkorange]Character Name: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorange]Demon Levels:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorange]Age: (16 or 17 years old)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorange]Appearance: [/COLOR][/LEFT]
[LEFT][COLOR=darkorange]Movement(In Squares): [/COLOR][/LEFT]
[LEFT][COLOR=darkorange]HP: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorange]Energy Points(If Applicable):[/COLOR]
[LEFT][COLOR=darkorange]Base Attack Bonus:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorange]Armor Class: [/COLOR][/LEFT]
[LEFT][COLOR=darkorange]Attributes(Please include Rank and Cost per Rank)[/COLOR][/LEFT]
[LEFT][COLOR=darkorange]Defects(Please include Rank and Refund per Rank)[/COLOR][/LEFT]
[LEFT][COLOR=darkorange]Skills(Please use [Ability Mod]+{Ranks}+(Misc)=Total format)[/COLOR][/LEFT]
[COLOR=darkorange]Note: You may choose 1 weapon during character creation[/COLOR]
[LEFT][COLOR=darkorange]Additional Notes:[/COLOR][/LEFT]
As with every BESM game, and every game I run, I will need to approve your character before it get's OK'd. I will be a bit more strict for this game than you might be accustomed to, but this is simply because BESM is very easy to 'break', and even at low levels it can easily get out of hand.