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This is the story of when it all went wrong.
Iwaku was torn apart by our hatred and our frustration, friends turning on one another and cities burned by cults and tyrants. In the end, we despaired for our world, and our despair gave birth to something new and terrifying.
The Rift Storm.

Rending time and space, the Rift Storms tore across the mutliverse, destroying countless worlds in countless dimensions. We saw that the end was near, and in desperation we built the Three Ships, hoping they would take us to a Sanctuary at the edge of time and space - a place the Kings of Iwaku had prophecised...

But we were too late. The storms ravaged Iwaku, and only one of the ships, The Promise, made it off the planet. The second ship, The Torment was taken by the darkness, and the third ship, The Legacy was buried in the underground shipyard and blasted into space with a chunk of the devastated world.

A third of the angels escaped on the Promise. A third were corrupted on the Torment. And a third perished on Iwaku.
But there was one.... one angel who survived on the chunk of planet that would come to be known as Rift Town. His name was Lamord, and he had been buried with the Legacy for a thousand years. When he awoke, he used his powers to protect Rift Town and draw to it all others who had been cast adrift on the tides of the Rift Storms. Travellers, madmen, heroes and villains - all those who had lost their homes as he had.
And with their help, he raised the Legacy from its grave and set about completing its destiny - to follow the path of The Promise and find the way to Sanctuary.

With the Rift Storms on their heels, the crew of the Legacy began their voyage through the dying universe, gathering more survivors, losing more friends to countless terrors.
In time, the Legacy came to be guided by the Lost Ones, angels of Iwaku who had perished long ago but lingered in the realms beyond time and space. They placed their disciple, Paul aboard the Legacy, who brought with him a gift - a Rift Storm in a mortal host body - a being known as Void. This creature joined with the ship and became its A.I., speeding the Legacy forward on its road to Sanctuary.
But the Lost Ones were not the only ones watching. Two of the Legacy's security team brought dire warnings to Lamord. Daryl and Uriel had witnessed the coming of The Torment, the second ship believed to be lost. They had seen firsthand the twisted demons that now inhabited this ship and its villainous captain, the serial killer Raife. They warned the Legacy that it was now being hunted - that Raife likewise sought the location of Sanctuary and would aspire to destroy it completely and ensure the dominion of the Rift Storms.

And so the duel of these two ships carried them across time and space. And as the months went by, more of the Legacy's crew began to feel the presence of the Promise - the holy ship that was calling to them from Sanctuary. Lamord's first lieutenant, Sozrosse came to understand her place as the disciple of Coffeecakesadist, an ancient mentor of Iwaku. With her help the Legacy drew closer to the promised realm. Jack, a young Keyblade-wielder, received a vision of Sanctuary and a sacred calling to protect a mysterious amulet that once belonged to Asmodeus, a tyrant of old Iwaku. And Aimi, a Neko-Jin angel, was given power from the angelic realm to smite the demons that sought to devour the Legacy.
And all along these chosen few were protected by stalwart crewmen, by Sura, the ever-resourceful shapeshifting tactical officer, Alex, a schoolboy who had become a soldier, Dr Grant, the stoic medical officer, Gorn, a noble Orc chieftain, and The I.S.A.F., a band of battle-hardened mercenaries.
Now only a handful remain, the weight of past sacrifices almost too great to bear. The Torment has finally caught the Legacy, in the skies above the ruined Iwaku, where the Gateway to Sanctuary awaits...

Now is the final act... the final battle to decide who will enter Sanctuary and stand before the gods themselves.
Now is the Epilogue of the last story ever told...