Learning to Kill

Evania had expected the silence that passed between them as they rode on. And in theory, she had thought she would welcome it. She was wrong. After the fourth hour of riding in silence she was bored and wished for some conversation between them. Kavil had to still be sour about her trying to toy with him that morning, and this began to make Evania feel worse and worse about it as they rode in silence. If it was one thing about Evania, is that she felt guilty about things easily, especially when left in a situation similar to the one she was in. No matter how hard she would try to pretend she didn't care, she would always feel bad and apologize. In fact, she was planning on it whenever they would take their rest, if they took one. Right now, it seemed a far ways off given how long they had already ridden. Evania knew the area somewhat but she wasn't sure how long the ride to Vaglen would be for them from the village they had left. And despite her going to apologize, Evania still didn't think it was all that wrong of her for wanting to joke with him some.

They did finally take a rest. Kavil didn't really acknowledge her, but she followed after him and took Chip to a stream. She didn't, however, walk away with him. Instead, she stayed there and bent over to let the water run through her fingers. She scooped both hands in then and splashed some water onto her face. The cool water felt good, and it made her feel refreshed. When she was finished up there, she wiped her hands dry on her pants before heading over to Kavil, who was sitting on the ground looking at another map. Evania stood before him and crossed her arms across her abdomen. "I'm sorry for over stepping your boundaries."

Kavil said nothing for several moments after Evania apologized, still looking down at his map. After that time, though, he said, "I thought you had more sense than that." He was honestly disappointed that she'd been stupid enough to joke about poisoning him. Did she not realize how serious Kavil's situation was? How he was genuinely scared for his own life whenever he was at that fortress?

He started to roll up the map to put it away, but he paused before unrolling it again. "Sit," he directed, turning the map so they both could see it easily. He pointed to one of the buildings on the map, which Evania might recognize as the town guardsmen's barracks. "This is where my target is. He is the captain of the town guards." Which made this contract extremely dangerous, which is why it was given to Kavil.

"You will wait for me here," he said, pointing to an alleyway near one of the town gates. "I will meet you after I complete the contract, and we will leave here." Kavil knew that gate was often left unattended, since it faced an area of open plains. They could see people approaching for miles from there, so they tended not to have anyone there unless they saw someone approaching. "We will move along the wall on the outside and go back into the forest." It was a simple enough plan, so Evania shouldn't have difficulty with it. Kavil really didn't expect her to do anything except mind the horses.
"Yeah, well," she mumbled. It wasn't that she didn't have the sense. Evania had just chosen to ignore it.

Kavil ended the discussion there, something she was fine with. At least she had apologized for her tease. He made to roll up the map he was looking at before commanding her to sit. It seemed he had a better idea. Evania did as she was told without a word, sitting cross legged next to him and peering at the map he displayed. This one was different than the one he'd shown her last night, holding the contents of Vaglen instead of the wilderness area between the town they'd left and the fortress. She nodded as he explained the plans, listening intently. Evania wanted to do right and not screw this up. If not for her, then for Kavil himself. It wasn't as if she had a hard task to do. All it was was for her to sit outside the wall with their horses until Kavil returned. It should be a piece of cake, right?

"I understand," she said. Evania paused a moment. "Am I allowed to know? You know, why he's your target?"
Kavil was his usual silent self for several moments after Evania posed that question. It almost seemed like he was a little bothered by it, but perhaps that might just be the girl's imagination.

"I never ask," he said after that long pause, putting the map away. "My master just tells me who my targets are, and I go to kill them." He didn't know himself why someone had targeted the captain of the guard. There were plenty of reasons that he could speculate on, but there was no point in doing so. The reason behind the contract was irrelevant. His job was to kill the target. That was all. It wasn't his place to ask questions and decide if they truly deserved death. He left that to the guild master. All Kavil really was was a weapon. Weapons just killed. Weapons didn't concern themselves with why the one holding them was using them in such a fashion.