League of Legends

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OOOH! I live on league!
Lol. me and my S.o. are always on.
You can add me if you like, though.. I'm not the greatest, I enjoy playing a lot.
My Ign is JunkoMonokuma :3
I am so Pro -nods- Yep. Lol
I used to play (top laner), but I wasn't on enough to keep up with the constant changes and whatnot. Unfortunately, it's not a game one can play casually (the community is too toxic for that), or I still would. I like the lore and what they used to do with it, and I still have a bit of a soft spot for some of the champs, but I don't think I even remember my login info.

Let's all make SMURF ACCOUNTS.


If you don't mind that I placed bronze last year. I don't play ranked a lot sooooo.....

Username: Raxicor

Let's all make SMURF ACCOUNTS.

I totally don't have one of these. Cough. 8)

Could be fun! Mine is level 8 haha.
It would be a neat, clean way to reintroduce us to League without having to worry about being rofflestomped at level 30.

Though, to be fair, everyone else at level 1-29 are also smurfs, sooo... >>;;
It would be a neat, clean way to reintroduce us to League without having to worry about being rofflestomped at level 30.

Though, to be fair, everyone else at level 1-29 are also smurfs, sooo... >>;;
I have also found this, and they can be fucking vicious. Though, if we were queueing with friends, that wouldn't be such a big deal.
I have also found this, and they can be fucking vicious. Though, if we were queueing with friends, that wouldn't be such a big deal.
lmao Vicious is an understatement.

Yeah, more I talk about this, more exciteface I am to play. What do you use to voice? Skype was the tradition for me. Unless there's an in-game voice app now?
I use Curse-Voice which is set up for Steam and League so you can mute people in your chat or turn up a certain persons volume and stuff all from pressing tab instead of tabbing out of League.
lmao Vicious is an understatement.

Yeah, more I talk about this, more exciteface I am to play. What do you use to voice? Skype was the tradition for me. Unless there's an in-game voice app now?
Nope, no in-game voice chat! I normally use Skype as well.

The only problem with using smurfs is that I won't have my skins. I have so many skins. D':
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There's a group on Iwaku of it already. Not that active, and most play on NA, so that excludes me (EUW).
  • Thank You
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Upscale Cricket on NA.
I'll play anything but Jungle and prefer Marksman or Support.
Just mention you're from Iwaku.
NA scrubs. Why is there nobody on EUW? ;-; All by myself over here.
League hates me.

Played my 10 placement games. I won 7-10 and carried my team a few times as Vi as JG and I was placed in Bronze V when last season I was Silver 2
League hates me.

Played my 10 placement games. I won 7-10 and carried my team a few times as Vi as JG and I was placed in Bronze V when last season I was Silver 2
D: I'm sorry, man. I've totally given up on ranked. I did it once, placed Platinum V, was happy with my border (and Elise skin even though I basically never use her,) and thrilled with the fact that I'd never have to play ranked again. Then they took away my border. I was so sad. Still, it's so stressful, and takes away all the enjoyment of the game from me. Never again.

Also!! My room-mate and I have been playing every other night on our smurfs, so if anyone would like to join us, that would be awesome! Normally we play duo bot (because I'm practicing ADC and he's practicing support,) but with an awesome group both of us would be down to play other roles too. :D

Right now I'm super digging Draven. If you told me a year ago I'd like this champion so much, I'd tell you to shut your mouth. Who knew he was so fun to play?
Jhin hype.

(I keep up-to-date on League but I haven't played for months. Every time I think I should I always think "I could probably do something else with my time")
Jhin hype.

(I keep up-to-date on League but I haven't played for months. Every time I think I should I always think "I could probably do something else with my time")
I'm pretty dang stoked for him. Not only does his kit appeal to me, but he fits one of my favourite character archetypes as well.
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