Leaders (taken)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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Violet was about to say something but a nearby shout outside the base caught her attention. She held up two fingers to Jasik, signaling for him to take the back entrance and go around. "Acer, stay." She whispered as she picked up her rifle and slipped towards the entrance by the lake. She glanced out and a group of guards were looking around, shouting to each other in russian.
Jasik pulled two pistols from his belt and went to the back entrance. He shot a guard the second he stepped through the door. "Jack, support the back entrance" jasik yelled as he heard more guards coming
Jack came running down the hall, a rifle in hand as he aimed two shots that missed Jasik and hit the guards easily. "Got your back. Lacey's working on the doors.."

Violet aimed her first shot easily, but one of the guards landed a well-aimed shot that hit her right shoulder. Ignoring the sudden pain, she shot the second in the head. "Lacey, what's the stat on the doors?"

"3-2-1! Cracked it, closing soon, charging."

"Copy that." A red light flashed by all entrances, telling them they had 3 minutes before they closed. Violet's jacket was starting to darken as her shoulder bled. It took her only one minute to realize it was a sedative bullet, because her vision was faltering. Another shot rang in the air and a bullet missed Violet's head by inches. Acer came running behind her and fired a pistol shot at the guard. "I told you to stay back!" She said, firing a shot at another guard who hit the ground. The door started to come down and she stepped back.

"You're hurt. I saw the shot." He said, hitting another guard in the chest, they were cleared out front by the time the door completely closed.

Violet shook her head. "Lucky shot, recoil took too long." She said simply, standing up slowly and walking towards her room. She ignored Lacey's sudden apologies about not closing the door fast enough. Closing the door behind her, Violet sat on her bed and slipped out of her jacket. She picked up a roll of gauze from her shelf and wrapped it gently, well enough to last a few hours. Her grey tank-top was slightly stained on the right. She laid back and her mind started to drift.

As soon as Violet had disappeared, Acer went to find Jasik. "Hey, Violet...is..." he broke off, trying to regain his breath from sprinting from one side of the long base to the other.
Jasik sat on the ground next to jack. "Holy hell" said jasik as he looked at the bullet holes that littered the church. "I think it's time to relocate"
Jack nodded at Jasik's comment, but Acer seemed to have gotten his attention. "What?"

"Viol-" He was interrupted by Lacey's sudden appearance.

"V-violet's been shot.. She's unconscious." She said quietly before turning and going back to her desk.
Jasik quickly went up to violets room and opened the door. She was passed out on her bed and there was blood all over her chest and shoulder. Jasik went over and checked her pulse, then he listened for breathing. After checking her vitals jasik checked her wound. The entrance and exit wounds were clean, so treating it wouldn't be difficult
Acer went over to the spot where she had been shot and picked up the culprit bullet. He rolled it between his fingers twice before goong to Jasik. "It's a sedative bullet." He said, pointing at the needle-like points. "When it reacts with the chemicals in blood, it releases the sedative."

Violet made some sort of moise between a huh and an eck.
Jasik decided that he would just let her sleep. He finished tending to her wounds then left her room
Acer followed Jasik out, cracking Violet's door behind him. "That's a lot of blood..she'll be okay, right?" He asked, his mind processing how the guard was able to get such a direct shot..or was he just lucky?
"She'll be fine, she just won't be able to do much for a while." Said jasik as they walked downstairs. "We're going to have to relocate, they found out we are here so they will send more guards"
Acer nodded. "Okay. Relocating...There's an old house near the city, it's got an underground tunnel system too. I used to live there." He said, brightening a little at the fact maybe he could help.
"we'll try and get there as soon as we can. It'll be another day at least" said jasik as he looked around the church at everyone
Acer nodded. "Okay." Then he went to sit in Violet's room. "I'm going to wait on her to wake up."
-10 minutes later-
Violet woke up with a jolt. She sat up painfully and looked around. Acer, as soon as she moved, got to his feet. "Stay down."
Violet shook her head. "A little knockout bullet has never kept me from my duties." She stood up and rolled her shoulder slightly to loosen the pain-filled shoulder muscles before she walked to the door, picking up her now-clean jacket and slipping it on. Acer followed her out, looking around for anyone that might help get her back to bed and tell her to rest, but Jack and Lacey just ignored them.
Jasik saw that violet was up. "How do you feel?" He asked as he looked into her eyes. Then looked over to Acer
"I've been better, but most of the effects have worn off.. I think." She gave a feeble smile.

Acer closed his eyes for a moment to think, but came up with absolutely no way to get her back to her room.
"You should rest for a little while longer. We are going to have allot to do later." said jasik
Violet crossed her arms, but painfully uncrossed them as soon as she did it. "Resting doesn't get work done."

Acer had taken Violet's good arm and was gently pulling her back towards her room.
"Neither does being shot" said jasik in a joking tone. "But you seriously need some rest. You're obviously still hurt"
Violet released a long sigh, but complied, going back to her room and lying down, Acer sitting back in the chair beside the bed.
As violet and Acer went up to her room. Jasik went around and told everyone about the plans to move locations. He decided the he and Acer would lead the group to the new building.
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