Law Enforcement/Special Crime Unit RP Search


Midnight Rose

Original poster
Hey guys! I'm really wanting to do a law enforcement/special crime unit (or a Hawaii Five-O (canon x OC; need Steve McGarrett!)) rolelplay with someone! Specifically I'm looking for someone to play a former Navy Seal who runs the task force for me. I am open to either doing a realistic or a supernatural setting, so just let me know which one you prefer!

I do prefer to play the female role, however, I'm more than happy to double up as a male... but you must do the same for me. Also, I'm only interested in MxF romantic pairings, third person POV multi-paragraph (semi-lit/advanced) writers, and realistic face-claims.

*All characters must be 25+*

**Also, I am open to using a desired female (or male) face-claim of your choosing if you don't mind using one of mine! -It's not mandatory-**

***70% plot & 30% smut***