Last Post Wins: The Reckoning

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I'm being kidnap and going to have sex with you and you didn't even asked. Well okay.
*Goes along with it*
*Briefly wonders how somebody would go about raping someone else when they are willing to play along*

Well maybe... no. Meh, semantics.
*quietly whistles to himself*
*Looks at Hiro*
I have been kidnap, stuffed, put in a box, broken my foot, stolen, stolen back, ninjaed, fought over, kissed, cuddled, hands hold, carried in different poses, piggy back rides, hugs, had sex with, put in a sack, embarrassed, hurt, trapped in many different places and many more. You come to realize most do it for fun or because they like you and mostly don't mean to real harm so yeah.
Hmm? *Turns his head to look back towards Angel and Red*
I picked up on the fact that you two were close the second she laid claim to you. It's just that she used the word rape when it turns out that you are okay with it and, well... never mind, never mind. I've decided the details are unimportant.

You seem like quite the popular girl if you've had that many things happen.
*Slightly blushes*
No not really I don't know why they do so then again I never really had friends so I don't really know. There all nice but I don't think I'm popular I'm the opposite of that to tell the true.
*Reaches out his hand, places it softly atop Angel's head and playfully ruffles her hair as an older brother might do to a younger sister*

You're a sweet girl. I don't see how anyone could possibly not like you.
Thank you but most do I think that's where my fear from people came from at first. But, I'm glad everyone is like that.
*She spoke softly as she fixed her hair, eyes slightly darken with a small smile*
*Brings the back of his hand up to his mouth, trying to hide a laugh*
Sorry. I didn't mean to laugh at you... It's just that I've always wanted to see a girl's actual reaction to me doing that and I have to say, the way you fixed your hair with that little hint of a smile was quite cute.
I say rape because I need people to think that I am brutal but I am actually gentle ^^
Don't tell anyone because then I'll need to send Angelic to kill your family :D
I see.
That's some rather impressive blackmail so you have my silence. I sure wouldn't want to have Angel kill my family and make me feel all conflicted about it.
Good that we understand eachother ;) heheh
*leaps out from nowhere and assassinates red*

hahaha >:3
How could you tenchi-roku >-<
*uses flamethrower at tenchi-roku*
*puts on an assassin's creed outfit and parkours away from the fire*
You'll never take me alive >:O
fine by me then I'll take you dead ^^
*hits with a oak*
*falls rom an 24 foot tall building and survives*

I'm alive,
*sinister look*
>_> you!!!!
*continues to freerun*
*Hits with a gigantic tuna instead*
*falls down but tries to crawl away*!!! @_@
That's a good idea :D
*gets ready to rape Tenchi-roku*
Wait.. You're not a girl.. hmm...
*Hits with oak*
*rolls out of the way and parkours like a ninja*
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