Last One to Post Wins Volume 2

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Hm. Hm. Fair enough. Ya got me there.

Styrofoam bats? Although I must say I'm much more of a chess person... Since it's just styrofoam, I don't really object.

But.... Beware. Others may try to steal the thread from between us.
The Waluigi of Peace says: :waluigi: "Don't fight, be friends!"
Hmmmmmmmmm.... Possibly.... Depends on the other tean's lineup too.......
The Wario of Serenity says: :wario: "Leave these primal desires for power in the past."
Fun fact: there was thread like this years ago on another forum I used to frequent, of which I am still winning.
The Wario of Serenity says: :wario: "Leave these primal desires for power in the past."
Wario. Yes.

I now kind of want a Mario Series AU where everyone is pretty much the opposite of their apparent archetype.
So basically in accordance with Game Theory's theories on the subject.
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