Lantern & tip_and_slide

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Aaaaand there it was again. Like someone just hit him in the face, jealousy was surging through him at the worst. He tries not showing any signs though. He just stares down, a tad, okay, more than a tad upset about Alex's approach.
Katia smiles and nods, taking hold of Alex's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. 'Sure, I'd love to come. Even though I've never been to a football match before, should be cool!' She wrote to Alex enthusiastically. She didn't see this as a date or anything, just a day out with a good friend, and she really appreciated him inviting her. She looked over the table to Calum and wondered why he was looking so down. She reaches over and taps him, smiling warmly at him with a giggle. 'Sorry, are you alright? You seem really down today' She wrote.
Calum looked up and smiled, his eyes a bit sad. "Yeah, today was just...uh slow.." He responded. He didn't want Katia to worry about him, even if he was super jealous of this guy that just swooped in. He wanted to see her smile, like she smiled when they were hand in hand. He was concerned for her happiness, even if it meant he wouldn't be able to have any of his own. And right now, it seemed just that was happening.
Katia thought for a second. She bit her lip as she felt slightly bad about the whole football thing. She looks over at Alex and smiles weakly at him. 'Hey. Can me and Calum talk together for a second? I have these really complicated maths equations, you'd find them so boring' of course this was a lie, but it was the only way to get him away so they could talk alone. Maybe that way Calum would at least tell her how he really was feeling. She watches Alex's emotions. He was hesitant, but stood up waving goodbye and telling her that he'd catch her later on.

She turns to Calum, once Alex was at least out of sight. She picked at her food for a while, then wrote. 'What's wrong? You look really sad. If it's about the football thing, we can always do something together as well'.
Calum bowed his head sheepishly. He knew Katia would probably run, or at least be a bit freaked if he told the truth. But he never tells huge lies, and he wasn't about to start. "I guess I'm a little jealous..I mean, I'm really glad you're striking up friendships but.." He blushes a faint red. "I'd really like it if we got the chance to hang out together sometime." He smiles, feeling a bit relieved to get that off of his chest.
Katia looks down at her food. She wasn't sure what to say, she felt like she was stuck in the middle of a tricky situation. She wanted to hang out with Calum, but them Alex might get annoyed about it. She began to pick at her food and then stood up. 'Oh. Okay. Cool' She wrote and then collected her things, throwing the remains of her food and then leaving.
Calum slammed his palm into his forehead and sighed. "Great.." He threw the remnants of his lunch in the trash and went off to class. Before he lost her, he gave Katia a slight tap on the shoulder. "Hey, you don't have to if you feel pressured. I'd understand..."
Katia just wanted everything to be normal. She wanted to be able to be friends with them both, but it was hard as they clearly disliked each other. 'I'm not pressured, i just want everyone to get along without being jealous. It'd be a lot more easier' She replies with a shrug and looks to him. Once they got into class she took a seat and sat down.
Calum sighs. "Right..sorry.." He blushes and walks sheepishly into class. "I just make you happy. So I'll try..a-again, I'm sorry."
(Sorry! I thought it was your turn)

Once lessons ended, Alex was confronted by Katia. She wrote to him that she wanted to spend time equally with them both and if Calum couldn't get tickets to the football match too, then she wasn't going. He felt so furious and jealous, that he just yelled at her without writing.

"The world doesn't revolve around you or this dude! You are either coming or not. He isn't invited, so he isn't invited. You act like he's such a great friend, when all he feels is sorry for your lonely self. You either want to get out and have fun or hang around with someone who's taking to be your friend" He snaps.
(It's alright!)
Calum sat back in his lesson to take some notes. He kept himself focused throughout the lesson and got up to go to his locker afterwords. He needed to try staying positive. Maybe he just needed to get to know Alex more...

Calum was suddenly stopped from his train of thought by hearing a yell in the hall. As soon as he saw Katia and Alex, he began to grow worried. He didn't know how Katia dealt with these kind of situations, and he would interrupt if he needed to. For the mean time though, he stared in awe. This was no way to treat someone, even if you were upset..
Katia just nodded her head vaguely, reading his lips carefully. She began to wander out of the halls, she was clearly embarrassed. She say outside on a bench and sighs, shaking her head gently. Everyone always let her down, even her friends.
Calum went to follow Katia to comfort her. That was awful, the way Alex yelled at her. He didn't want to start a fight, so he just glared at him whenever they passed in the hall. He went outside and found Katia, immediately sitting next to her on the bench. He pulled out a sheet of paper and wrote:

Hey..I saw that whole thing in the hall just earlier. Are you okay? Alex shouldnt of just screamed like that.."

He wrote, giving her a pat on the back gently.
Katia tugs away from his touch, but really, his comfort was all she could ever want right now. She was angry, upset and wounded. Sometimes she wondered what she was doing with her life, all people did was hurt her. She stood up and wanders over to the road, watching as traffic goes past.
Calum frowns, he follows her slowly. This was hurting him too..he really liked Katia, and he knew she needed comfort. He wanted to help her out, even if she kept running. "Please don't run.." He managed to say.
Katia looks down and wraps her arms around herself for comfort. She soon began to wander slowly away from him, going towards where she lived.
Calum sighed. "Of course, I ruined everything.." He caught up with Katia and walked along side her.

I just want to help you out, it hurts me seeing you upset like this..

He wrote on a slip of paper.
Katia took the slip of paper and crumples or up, throwing it into a trash can. She still had a blush on her cheeks, from how embarrassed she had been from earlier. Everyone just standing there, watching her being shouted and insulted without doing anything about it. She walks in the opposite direction.
Calum chuckles sadly. "I'm not giving up.." He follows Katia, trying to think of ways to reason with her. He didn't mean to ruin things, though that's probably what it seemed like..
Katia frowns at him and sighs, then finally began to rush off in the direction of where she lived. She goes towards her house and then goes towards the front door, fumbling in her bag for her eyes. Now where'd she put them? She got them out, and they slipped out of her hands and onto the floor. She quickly scrambles and tries to get them, so that Calum could just go away.
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