Lantern & Andy

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He nods a bit and gently touches her knee. The scrape didn't look too bad but it wouldn't hurt to clean it a bit. He took the water skin off from his belt and gently poured some water on it and then looked up at her " that by choice or because others don't give you a chance?"
She was watching him carefully, wincing ever so slightly when he began to look at it. "I don't know. I guess people don't really give me a chance" She mumbles then looks up at him, blushing slightly. Why was she blushing? She shook the thought away and looked back at her knee.
He reaches into his pouch and pulls out a small linen wrap to be used for bandages. He gently wraps it around her knee and ties it with a knot. It was tight enough to keep it from falling off but not so tight to cause discomfort. "well..I'll give you a chance if you want"
"Thanks" She says softly and smiles. She stood up lightly and then looks to him, still blushing lightly. She looks around, not knowing what to do now, so she just stood there, staring at him.
He smiles back up at her and stands up and dusts his knees off "your welcome. It wasn't any trouble and it wasn't that bad just a small scrape should be fine in a day or so"
She nods lightly. "So. Where do you live?" She asks, curiously.
He looks up at her "oh me? I live in a small cottage in the woods not to far from here. I don't like the hustle and bustle of a city"
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She nods and smiles at him. "I guess I'll see you around, then" She says softly, looking down slightly.
He nods a bit and stands up " live nearby or anything? do you even have a home? Not look like your homeless or anything I'm just..saying if your home isn't anywhere nearby you can stay at my place for the night"
She shook her head and sighed. "No. I have no where. I'll stay, but I don't want you to go through too much trouble" She says and looks at him with a shrug.
He gives her a small smile "it's no trouble at all..seriously I mean it's not like your being hunted or anything right?"
She shook her head. "No, of course not" She says. She was still gazing around, wondering where the large, black dragon had wandered off to. She soon shook the though out of her mind and smiles faintly at him. "So, show me where you live?" She suggests, not wanting to stand around in the forest any longer.
He chuckles a bit and nods slowly "I didn't figure you were." When she asked if he would show her where he lived he smiled and nodded "alright this way" He turned and started walking down a small path that had been hidden by some bushes. It might have been possible to see it from the sky but on the ground it was nearly impossible to tell it was there.
As they walked, Ally looks around. She soon clung onto his hand as they walked along through the depths of the forest. She blushes but then continues walking, glancing down at her knee vaguely. "Wow. This part of the forest is beautiful, I've never been here before. How long have you been living here?" She asks him, curious. She had never had a real living arrangement, she just slept underneath trees and such.
He looks at their hands a bit surprised that she was holding it out of the blue like that but he didn't care nor would he stop her from doing so. He looked up at the sky to ponder her question for a moment before he answered "I built my home've been out here for a few years now? I'd say five at the most. and yes..the forest is beautiful out here"
She nods gently and smiles, once they went towards his house she let go of his hand and walks towards it. "Wow, this is a pretty nice house. I can't believe you built it all by yourself" She says, and then turns back to look at him, smiling.
He smiles back at her and puts his hands in his pockets. "I'm pretty proud of it myself, It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a sauna that I heat with my own dragon fire. I'm glad you like it"
She smiles. Once they got inside, she looks around. It was beautiful. Later in the evening, she goes outside and switches into her dragon form, curling up by herself.
He walks outside and looks up at her "do you prefer sleeping like that? your welcome to come inside and use the guest room I have built"
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