Land of Myth and Magic RPG


Character Name: Voish
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Dragon
Age: 216


General Appearance: Gold and silver scales. Old english style dragon. Can take a humanoid form, most commonly a human or elf, with golden blond shoulder length hair and blue eyes.
Strengths: Dragon?
Weaknesses: Having been in slumber for such a long time a lot of Voish's powers are weak. It'll take him time to become full strength again.
Powers: Fire breathing. Magic casting. Some offensive spells. Mostly healing spells and empowerment spells. Can give strength, speed and regenerative powers to allies. As well as sheathe them in magical protections and wards.


Current Goal/Purpose: Currently Voish slumbers until awaken. Being a good dragon he will only rise to assist in a worthy goal.
Talents: He's a great flyer and physical combatant.
Inabilities: He's slept for the past hundred years. So he is out of loop as to what is going on in the world.
Fears: Bigger dragons and failure.
General Personality: Voish is very supportive and concerned for others around him. He is still a relatively young dragon so he can tend to be over zealous.
Secret Personality: He's very insecure after his last failure. Which will make him even more protective than he normally would be.
Secret: Voish put himself into the sleep after failing his last mission which lead to the deaths of those he was assisting.


General History: Voish is the child of a Gold and Silver dragon mating. Both dragons are still alive though Voish doesn't see them. Once he was old enough to leave the cave he was sent out on his own. Following the good nature of both his parents he has in times past aligned himself to noble and righteous causes. However the last time he was pooled to a cause was to assist in the slaying of a rampaging red dragon. When he met the dragon in battle he was easily knocked aside by the older and more powerful dragon. After receiving severe injuries the red dragon made him watch as he destroyed the heroes that Voish had been traveling with. Rather than kill Voish off the dragon left him to live with his failure. As soon as he had healed enough to fly, Voish found himself an isolated cave and slipped into a deep slumber.

Present Life: Sleeping.

Special Notes of Your History: Voish has been stumbled upon in his cave before. No one ever tried to wake the sleeping dragon but his location is known to a select few.
Interesting, it'll be fun role playing with you.

I'm sucking very hard at thinking of anything at all to do in this RP, and honestly, I don't think I'm contributing anything. Just letting you all know, I'm pulling Rosie out. Sorry for wasting time.