Kylen's Interdimensional Bar OOC and Plot Discussion

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(I thought I should clarify this, since it's come up quite a bit through characters. Plus, I just thought of it. And I can't think of any way to work this into an IC post. For people wondering about me not doin obvious shit, like how Maulnar mentioned, it's me working my un-god mode shit into a character. The intelligence of a Demon is too much for T.B., so it's blocked off mostly to Lamashtu, the actual demon that is residing in his subconscious, can give it to him over time. Who is also a woman, giving him his duality. He's extreme and calm, into hard music and soft....into women and men as well. It's a key aspect of him. He knows a lot, but even with the partial knowledge of a Greater Duke, wisdom over magic and demonkind.....he's still the same, 15 year old boy who was killed by a Nazi scientist. His body was aged so he wouldn't be limited to the laws and such of a child, but he hasn't truly grown up. He's still a 15 year old kid. One with a bad mouth, a penchant for food and candy, alcohol and weed, sex and violence, but a kid nonetheless. Plus, he's got the WORST temper problem, wrath that surpasses even Satan, the penchant demon for all things Wrath.)
First off, OOC, mate ;)

Secondly, it's alright. Backstory time = fun time. Maulnar was just wondering, he doesn't know about the demon or his history, and honesly, neither did I. Good to know, though :p
...I've never posted here. How the hell is my comment in here, I didnt know we had an OOC thread, I'm confused. @_@
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. :/ derp
At least I know this damn thread exists now.
I moved your post rather than delete it so that other people could still read it. :]
Well.....that was surprisingly nice for a mod of an RP site to do. Looks like not all sites are run by assholes. Good to know. Thanks.
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Oh, Teal. It'll be a while before I'll respond. New Year's and all that, but I'm certain you've got plans, too, so it's alright, right?
Well, I've booked a hotel in London to go watch the fireworks there. It'd be a shame to just stay at the hotel now :p
I'm sitting Alabama.....doing nothing.....;n;
Home, sweet home, Alabama. Where the skies are so blue, right?
Be lucky I'm too sleepy to be pissed for that song.
Eh. I dont care. I just fucking hate that song, and the hicks that play it.
Ah, well. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. What about Skillet or The Offspring? ;)
Bit slow there, mate. Have a drink, Billy Joel is our piano man tonight!
Hahaha, it's alright. Hang in there, we'll be back at the bar in no time ;)
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