KujaXPaine RP anyone? (FFX-2 and FF9 Crossover)

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I am dying to RP the Final Fantasy Realm. FFX2 and FF9 to be exact. My personality type is a lot like Paine so I want to RP as Paine, but if there is anyone out there who would be willing to RP as Kuja for a crack RP, then I'm definitely all for it! You may ask, why Paine and Kuja? Well, this crack pairing has followed me around everywhere, from a Final Fantasy RP website to Deviantart even. I have so much fun RPing this and you will definitely have as much fun as I do if you want to RP with me!

If you really want to RP as Paine and want me to be Kuja, I'm fine with that too ;)

Message me on here or privately if you are interested! Thanks!
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