Kingdom of Seasons OOC

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Isn't it september?

August September October November .....
oh, yea. I guess thats right.

idk, for some reason I thought Corvus was with us, well then Wheres September.
Mr.Clean, huh?

I've seen him on pretty recently.
*point at IC*

He did actually post lol

Your turn october
Ok I posted again, its just a short response.

I think we should fight some NPCs soon.
Bah my life has interrupted me for the last time! *poses in an epic anime stance* Now I shall devote some energies into completing this.
Re: Season Knights

March and July Knight spots are open for grabs.
Re: Season Knights

Name: Corra Lerato Venenum

Age: 22

Allegiance: Royal

Position: August knight, head over the summer months.

Equipment: Sword (shown in pics) Armour.

Appearance: See pictures. The black is her armour, the fire is when her spirit/soul burns through and is visible. corra lerato venenum.jpg

Static Power:
Soul baring: Her soul can flare around her and be seen by all, like a color show. When she loses her temper it seems as if she's surrounded by flames. Most believe that its actual fire and steer clear of the female. Not useful really but is a good intimidation tool.

Other form…For a time she may revert to a small dragon. (about the size of a ferret.) She often gets called a lizard when in this form. (which she despises greatly) pic link below.

Fire bite: Turns a person warm, drunken like. People started asking for bites when they learned this. (while in dragon form only.)

Channel Power(s):
Exploding sword.... first it engulfs in flames then at her explodes : sending burning shards out. The sword reforms when she calls out. Ties in with her emotions, the more she loses her temper the stronger the attack. Accuracy, of course, drops though.

Fire touch: Person touched feels as if they are on fire. Yet at the same time if she wills it, the person she's touching will be immune to fire to a point. She HAS to be touching them though.

Personality: Loses her temper quickly. She doesn't yell much though, she silently seethes for the most part. Quirky at times, saying her mind but then not. Corra's moods are a bit off, you don't know what you will get from one moment to the next. She also has a funny habit of sleeping in odd places in her dragon form.

History: Not much is known about this knight. They know she is loyal and that is enough. Her pattern of sleeping in odd places is how she fell into being the August knight, she was accidentally sat on by the old knight one day and after that it all fell into place. Last of kind.

Note: Loyalty is/was important to her people. Do not read if you are a possible match/mate/partner for Corra=>
When she finds a partner they become bonded. If one is unfaithful, the bond breaks and Corra very likely will die. (No one knows this and she can only tell them after they are paired.)
Re: Season Knights

Name: Sero Aestas (In Latin meaning Late Summer)

Age: 23

Allegiance: Kingdom Of Seasons

Position: July Knight

(Without face plate)

Hilt of the sword when not on:

Think of lightsaber-esque but it is really hot flames.

Static Power:
Charm- Naturally has a way with the ladies and can use his wiles to get into most places without much trouble, so he can easily manipulate conversations to his favor. Simply a ladies man.

Acrobatics-Can naturally get out of a sticky situation using his acrobatic skills that he gained from running away from furious fathers.

Fire Flower-After each encounter with a lady he leaves a fire flower as a reminder of him, these are harmless and are only ment to look pretty and strike infatuation in the ladies.

Channel Power(s):

Plasma-Creates his sword by sending his flame through the sword hilt creating the sword, the more power he puts forth in to the sword hilt the hotter it gets from red hot to white.

Firelight- If in contact with sunlight he can create a tiger of fire which aids him in battle. The same goes for it's power being increased from red hot to white, but there must be sunlight.
The fire is not harmful to the owner and so can be touched, and because the tiger also has a personality if it deems someone a friend they can no longer be burned either.
Tigers size can be increased but only to a point .

Lunarlight- Tiger formed by the suns reflected light from the moon, when created is at first a blue tiger unless more power is added and then becomes white. All other things similar to (See Firelight), other than the Lunar tiger can not change size and can not burn it's victims, has the attributes of a normal tiger.

Nova Shield-Creates a wall of plasma that almost has a mind of it's own, if hit by an attack it acts as a dampener and absorbs all impacts, only the outer area of the plasma is hot if on the inside one can not be burned. This can cover a large area but at the cost of knocking Sero unconscious.

Sero has always had a way with the ladies and he uses it whenever he can. Sero even attempts to court superior officers but hardly ever had any luck, but that doesn't stop him from trying. He always tries to crack jokes to lighten a mood, even when situations are dire.

Since the ripe age sixteen he has tried to get with as many girls as possible, and many of those times the girls fathers have broken down the bedroom door and Sero has run for his life learning how to maneuver around obstacles quickly to escape the raging father, becoming quite the acrobat.

Though he may have been going only for the ladies, after he successfully escaped another mans hands raring to wring his neck, he accidently ran into the Knight of December in which he grabbed Sero before he could get away. December had heard of Sero causing trouble and of his acrobatic skills and thought he would be a valuable asset, so had him trained in fire manipulation, as it seemed to suit his attraction to the girls. Sero believed it would only make him hotter, and he would be a Knight which could only go in his favor.
December oversaw his training making sure Sero didn't screw off, and overtime they became closer and Sero gained much respect for December, in which December became his mentor.
Ok, so the spring knights are on a diplomatic envoy did I read that right? But March and July are missing so it's just May and April who is Hydross right?
Nope I'm July :DD So I guess just March.
July. Yes. >_< I MEANT JUNE. Ignoremei'mstupid.
June is one of the summer nights, or at least that is what I was told. Hence me being on the boat.
Winter: November, December January, February
Spring: March, April, May
Summer: June, July August
Fall: September, October

Hm... No. isn't it... wait. Why can't I do this today?! There are FOUR SEASONS. There are TWELVE MONTHS. That means three months per season. I kept trying to put four months to four seasons >_< no wonder two kept coming up short!

Winter: December, January, February
Spring: March, April, May
Summer: June, July, August
Autumn: September, October, November

Just as a note to my idiot self. Is this right? So it's just March missing. YOU SEE? YOU SEE WHY I KEEP OVERDRAFTING?

People as stupid as me should not have children.
It's alright.

It's sometimes hard to figure out which seasons go where, depending on where you live. For me, It's kinda:

Winter: November, December, January, Febuary, March
Spring: April, May, June
Summer: July, August
Fall: September, October

On Wisconsin. >_>
Similar to Washington.

Just add march to Spring and October to Winter.
heyo...things going a tad slow lately, things still active or are we waiting for someone?