Kingdom Hearts.

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THE PLOT, lightblue
Kingdom Hearts is a series of crossover action role-playing game which makes it pretty epic. As for the plot...I'll paste the info in this as we figure things out.


Kingdom hearts is a go.

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Alright, since you've already been doing a KH role-play between the characters: OC, Donald Duck, Sora, and Goofy.
I say we should choose different characters, no matter how awful we portray them as. Of course an OC is going to be involved, but how does this sound so far when it comes down to what characters will be played?

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I think that's a good idea! As for the characters to be played, you can have first pick. I really don't mind =u=
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Sure! Ok, so we have a total of four characters which is enough for me.
So we can go right ahead to plotting!

Shall we do some fluff? I am love starved. No not really, but my characters are. LOL
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Woooooo plot!
And cotton candy sounds good. Just kidding, I meant fluff! If its Sora and Kairi, I'm gonna be so jelly though X'D
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Yup, kairi and sora. We can have our OC's in the beginning like not care about it and tease them about. Eventually though we can have a plot twist where one of the OC's like Sora or Kairi.

Bring out the drama llamas!

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Oh my goooosh what if my character turns out to be like... wait never mind. I was gonna say what if my character was Riku's Nobody, but I don't even think that's the right thing. Besides, that's in KH 2 and I'm not that far yet D8

But yeaaah drama llamas!
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PFFttt, okie dokie. So for the plot.....they crash landed on -insert some place in KH- and now they're going to rule over the lands. MWHAHAHHHAAH. I really don't know...we'll probably end up winging this, huh?

Almost alike to a drama or a novella LOL.

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No need for a plot then, I'll send you a link to the chat again.


Ok, sooo shall we just do a rp thread?
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