Kingdom Creatures

Charlette felt her tail wag and she blushes. "Yep. Always have and always will"
Raiden smiled. "I need to get some rest. I'll have guards watching just incase soldiers from the other kingdom decided to try to invade early. You know where I am if you need me my queen... I'll see you in the morning. I love you," he said with a warm smile.
"Y-you can sleep n-next to me if you want. You d-don't" Charlette's face is now red again just from the thought of him laying next to her.
Raiden tilted his head. "Isn't that against the rules?" he asked. Raiden paused. "I don't think you'd appreciate what I sleep in...which is usually nothing. Not big fan of pajamas." Raiden shot another one of his irresistible side smile.
Nevinyyral decided to go see Rielo. They had not spoken in a while, except for the exchange of words when he had war news. He gets up from his place on the floor in the middle of an arcane circle he carved. He slowly makes his way out to the Garden where he finds Rielo, Aaron, and Claire. "Hello, everyone! How are we today?"
Rielo lifts his head slowly, his face dull as he looks at Nevinyyral. His body shuffling a bit, the large dire wolf standing up from the floor shaking his body making the loose grass fall off of him. He then sits up right instead of laying down, he tilted his head towards Nevinyyral and sort of nodded.
Claire stretched and yawned. She sat up and rubbed her eyes lightly before looking over at the two canines. "Hello, Nevinyyral." She said lightly, no thoughts coming from her other than the disappointment that the sun left her nice spot, leaving her in the shade.
He looks at her. "Ah, Claire! How is the queen's cat-maid doing? Well?"
She brushed some dirt from her dress and nodded. "Well, yes." She stood up. "And her dog-mage?"
"I am doing well. From what I hear around so are the queen and Raiden." He had heard their entire conversation. Nevinyyral smiles at Claire. "If you are looking for a place to sun yourself, there is a place in the center of the queen's hedge-maze I go to to meditate sometimes. You are welcome to it, if you wish. Simply follow the trail of black roses. When you wish to come out, follow the trail of white ones." He sits down, trying to get comfortable.
Charlette shurgs. "It's not against the rules but if you don't want to you can leave. That's all."
"Oh! Well...thank you." She smiled softly. As much of a pain in the tail he can be, he isn't all bad... She thought to herself. She looked up towards the castle and frowned. "Wait...they aren't...together, are they? know...rabbits?" It was the politest way she could think to pose the question.
Nevinyyral chuckles at her, taking her thought as a compliment and her suggestion as a joke. "Together, yes. Like rabbits, no. That might change as the night moves in, however. It is up to the Queen. They love each other, but he still must do as she commands."
>> Aaron

frown ran it's way onto his face quickly, before turning to one of calm. He didn't bother to say 'hello' to the Mage. He didn't care to, and also didn't care to stick around any longer. He stood up from his place on the rock, with less than a noise. Turning, the messenger began to walk away from the group of others. Annoying, annoying. He thought to himself. I wonder, I wonder. A hint of maliciousness lingering, before disappearing altogether. How enjoyable it had been, before everyone came, that was.

Having walked a slight ways away from the others, he had found himself back inside the dreary castle. Very, very dreary indeed. He moved through the hallways, almost seeming abandoned, before finding a spot next to the window to sit down by. "Ah," he said, thinking. "What a pity, indeed." How tragic it was to have been stuck into such a miserable time. I'll still be your friend! Forever and ever! He heard the voice as clear as if the person were still there. Where are you, then? He responded to himself, miserably.

This castle really was, indeed, dreary.
Claire frowned. It was her duty to keep that from happening...and wait on the queen hand and foot apparently, but...She sighed and leaned back. The queen was grown now. She wasn't really needed anymore. Except to wait on the woman hand and foot apparently. Hmph. She looked at her nails as if she had nothing better to do, though her eyes did travel up to the queen's bedroom window. She wouldn't...
Nevinyyral looked at her. "Oh, but she would! He loves her, as she him; why do you think he was made a knight in the first place? Not just for his skill with a blade." He looks at the window where the queen and Raiden are. "Hopefully they won't do anything stupid..."