Kidnapped to Kalos

Where do you want this RP to go Plot wise? Select what you would find nice.

  • Earth People get home

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Pokemon take over the planet

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Team Flare wins

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Team Flare loses, Earth People stay here

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Whole Planet Blows up, nobody wins

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 38.5%

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With a sigh, Lysandre slumped in his chair. He pulled out a Pokeball, and releases his Honchkrow. "This is a kind of Pokemon. They are creatures with amazing powers. People have been fighting over them, poaching them for their furs, abusing them. They force them to fight each other for enjoyment." He rubbed the Honchkrow's back, making it happy. "Honchkrow, use steel wing on that empty chair over there." The Honchkrow did, and Lysandre sent it to play with Elle. "They all have powers like that. I don't want to eliminate them, but unless I can take away their powers and keep them happy, it just has to be done. That's why your world is so vital. If a world can exist where everyone is happy, nobody fights, but it has no Pokemon, then I'm willing to eliminate them. Surely you understand." He straightened up, then rose to his feet and stretched. He sat down again and continued to eat his Ice Cream. He then tossed a few Poke Puffs to the Honchkrow.

Vulpix listened intently to what the Eevee had to say for himself, fight indeed. Slightly agitated by the endless line of excuses she rolled her eyes "Words are words," she muttered under her breath, just loud enough for the Eevee to hear. The mention of Raikou however, did perk her curiousity. What kinda of idiot would take something from one of the legendary protectors? The thought left her dumb founded. One of the aliens, no doubt. Bastards.

Think they can enslave us then have the audacity to go against our guardians?

A low growl resounded from the back of her throat. The humans had been nothing but cruel to her kind. They'd taken away parents of baby Pokemon, trampled over their homes, enslaved them to fight and for what? So they could show off a shiny treasure. Her thoughts made her feel sick.

As a signal of her displeasure with the Eevee, Vulpix turned away from and lifted her nose snootily into the air "As punishment for attacking me, you owe me a debt," her dark eyes wandered back onto the furry brown ball off fluff in front of her "I will travel with you until that debt is paid."

Under the impression she was being perfectly reasonable the Vulpix sat back on her haunches and starred expectantly at the Eevee.

"Then you will be forgiven."
"Please somebody please help me stop I'll be good stop killing me please stop i beg-"

A squeaky voice, the rattle of a dying mouse, was barely audible.

"I don't wanna die I don't wanna die I don't wanna I dont' wanna please stop please-"

Now where was it coming from?

"Please I beg you please stop it stop eating me please I beg you-"

Oh there it was. It was coming from his ice cream.

Except it wasn't an ice cream.

Lysandre heard the screams and froze, then sighed. "I thought I made sure there was no Vanillite when I ordered this. Stop eating, everyone." He searched until he found the source of the screams. "What are you doing here?" then, seeing the wounds, he called for medical attention.
OOC// I can's see the picture in the spoiler, so tell me what you are.
The Eevee thought about it for a moment, then he asked the Raikou. "I think that's fair. But it's your quest, so you decide." He hoped for a yes. She was special. Something about her was strange and exciting. I feel an odd attraction to her, one I haven't felt since-
He shook head to get rid of those thoughts. No sense in dwelling in the past. That was partly why he didn't choose what to evolve into. If I had become a Vaporeon like I thought he wanted to, then a relationship with the Vulpix wouldn't work. Why is this so hard?
John doubted that Honchkrow would do much. So, as Lysandre ordered his Pokemon to use steel wing, John scoffed and he smiled. He was stunned when Honchkrow's black feathers turned to steel silver and slice the chair in half with ease. John gave a whistle as the bird went to play Ella. That may have been amazing, but John guessed that he would eventually get used to it. Then, as he ate his ice cream he pondered over what Lysandre said. It sounded so much like Earth. And as he pondered, a voice spoke pleading not to eat it. Upon hearing this, John looked down at his own ice cream and dropped it to the ground.

To his amazement, a ice cream-like creature was held by Lysandre. It was talking which only made John grow more concerned for the creatures. What if they are all sentient? Well, in a way at least. From what he could gather Pokemon appeared to be capable of higher thought and this just proved it. John also needed to figure out how to sustain it quickly. Perhaps such it was made from ice cream, maybe ice cream would heal?

"Lysandre, would it be possible to simply put ice cream on the creature's wounds?"
"I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps..." Lysandre quickly grabbed vanilla ice cream and rubbed it on the wounds, and watched in amazement as they healed. He gently put the creature down on the floor, then asked, "What were you doing in the ice cream? Are there anymore of your kind in there?" He didn't want to eat anymore, since the creature had been in it. He put the spoon on the table and turned to John. "That idea seems so obvious. I don't know why we didn't think of it sooner, but I thank you."
"To be blunt, I didn't think it would work, but perhaps in times of desperation people just think of odd things that work. Also, I would to we aren't that different after all. Back on my planet people still hunt animals for furs, but also sport which is heavily protested. Abusing them has been outlawed, but still happens and thankfully there are organizations that help the poor creatures. As for watching them fight for amusement, that has been outlawed as well, but still happens. As for fighting over them? We did that when we were starting to gain a foothold in our world, but nowadays people don't fight over them unless its to buy a pet. Still, you want to kill creatures that seem capable of higher thought? When word reaches back to the Animal Right groups they'll tear you a new one. And I meant the last one figuratively."
"You feel very passionately about this. That is good. I don't want to 'eliminate them,' as you so bluntly put it. I just have seen terrible things. People have begun to use Pokemon against other humans. Humans can't fight back. The Pokemon mutilate and destroy all, without thought." He glanced at Ella, to make sure she was out of ear shot. "These Pokeballs enslave them." He pulled out an empty one and demonstrated its use. "When the Pokemon is captured, they are changed. They forget themselves, wanting to please their masters. It takes time, but it is inevitable. They no longer have the will to make their own choices. They will fight and do anything, because they must. I don't want to get rid of them, but for there to be a perfect world, I have to."
John looked at Lysandre with questioning eyes. His face twisted into one of doubt showing his distrust. The cadet was starting to consider this man was overzealous in his work and he would have gut him right there if it wasn't for Ella. The Pokeballs may 'enslave' the beasts, but how did that even work? It is hard enough to train a animal like a dog and even harder for creatures such as Orcas, but they still seemed to retain their free will. Plus, animals had a much higher chance of survival with humans. All of this was frustrating for John and he slumped into his chair preparing for what he was about to say.

"So, you dragged me and the the girl from our worlds to help you to kill these Pokemon and then reform a new world?" John hollered, loud enough for Ella to hear. Then John sank his voice into a menacing tone only loud enough for Lysandre to hear." It is people like you that causes so many problems. I also guess that people who aren't strong enough also won't get to enter your 'new' world. You are living in a damn fantasy man."
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Chuckling darkly at John, Lysandre smiled, but there was no joy in it. "You know, that's what Augustine Sycamore said as well. You doubt me and my goals, yet you now nothing about this place. Boy, do you realize that I have your life in my hands? I could tie you outside for the wild Pokemon to get. Then you'd understand, but you'd also be dead." He shook his head. "No, If you had the slightest idea-"
"Lysandre, what did he mean about you killing all the Pokemon?" Ella had come up unnoticed. She now stood, looking from John, to Lysandre, and back again.
"Nothing, sweet Ella. Are you having a nice time?" He sent a glare towards John, telling him silently to be nice.
John's lips turned into a sinister smile and he whispered to the Team Flare's leader." I'll shut up and tell you what you want about earth, at least what I know. However, it will be under my own conditions. First, you will find deliver a message to our families telling we are fine. Otherwise, some people won't be happy and they will come looking for us with pitchforks and tanks. Second, I want information on this world as well. Third, get a scientist from our own world. That can aid greatly if you only want to rid of their powers and preferably someone who works in the biology field. Then last, you will return us home."
Lysandre pointed out a Butterfree on the other side of the window, and Ella went off to look. Then he leaned towards Johs, so that they were close. "If I can find a scientist, then I'll do that. I will message your families. Information will be given in a fair way- you give, I give. As to going home, we'll see. You won't return until we are ready to release you, and I refuse to make promises I cannot keep." He leaned away, satisfied. "I'll have paper and pencils sent here soon. Ella, since you are so happy here, why don't you stay here for a bit?"
"Have fun, Ella, little boy." Lysandre nodded to each in turn, left the room, locking it behind him. He shifted his attention to the Pink haired boy down the hallway. More work to do. With a sigh, he soon found himself walking that way, preparing for more trouble.
John silent laughed as the pieces came together. He then began to process what he could do to escape and he turned to Ella who seemed memorized by the butterfree. Upon seeing the creature John gritted his teeth. He had little information about the planet, but soon he would be absorbed in his own work. Still, what could a crippled cadet do? If only he had one of those Pokemon.

John smiled at the thought deciding that having one of the Pokemon could drastically change things. He then glanced at Ella and he became worried. Ella was young for any of this. Once again, his mind roared in fury at the idiots that called themselves Team Flare. It was clear to him that Lysandre was using Ella and that he could break his vow. Then, an idea began to form in his mind as he watched the Butterfree drfit higher into the sky and out of sight. Ella seemed so amazed by these creatures so perhaps she would like one?

John got up and limped to Ella. "Yeah, Ella. Don't you think it would be cool to have one of those Pokemon as pets?"

John's voice was soft without hint of any bad intent. All he needed was her cooperation then his plan was sealed. For good or for worse, he will get back home with anyone kidnapped by these buffoons. Vengeance would taste so sweet.
"They're so cute. I would love one." Ella turned to the cadet. Her eyes shone with hope.

OOc// Can't do more, have to leave now. post more tomorrow.
OOC: Alright.

John titled his head and crouched down." Yeah, it would be cool to awesome to have one. In fact, I was thinking we could talk to the big guy and try to convince him to have our own! That would be splendid!"

John then shuddered. This could go wrong and result in his death. He knew that the leader wouldn't harm Ella such he expressed such concern, but Lysandre didn't seem to give much care for the cadet. John then turned his head towards the door wondering what Lysandre was doing.
Lysandre entered the room where Crowley was being held. He walked over to where the boy lay, bending slightly to look him in the eyes. "So, you are the boy with the Shiny Raikou... How... quaint. I would have expected someone a bit... more. I suppose all of your power comes from your Pokemon. Well, anyway. You will give us what we seek, or you'll soon regret it. Your Raikou is already on the way here, so no sense in holding back. Soon, we will have to torture it to get the information, and I know you care for your little pet." He kicked Crowley sharply in the knee. "Answer Me!"
A scientist and a few grunts swarmed suddenly into the room where John and Ella were. The all formed into a circle shape, and there was a bright flash of light. "Success!" A dark form fell into the room, which let out hissing sounds. It was furry and filled with fury, and it scraped it's razor sharp claws down the scientist's leg. It bit and clawed the Grunts, and nobody caught it, for fear od death by this other worldly beast.
"Come here, kitty kitty." Ella sat down, making small soothing sounds. The cat, who was terrified, ran to her and growled, still fluffed up and scared.

"What is that beast?" The grunts were absolutely horrified. The cat heard their fear and hissed, lashing out at any who came near.
John began laughing as the cat managed to injure the grunts. He couldn't believe that they were afraid of a mere cat and considering that they lived in a world filled with creatures capable of tearing a man in two it made it all the more comical. John also walked to the cat making a 'purr' trying to calm it down. It still hissed at him, but didn't try to claw him. John lifted his head away from the cat to the terrified grunts who bore the marks of the furious cat.

"You are all scare of a pussy cat?" John laughed.

His plan could be a lot more easier than expected.
"Pussy cat? Is that what you call that thing?" The cat, not much liking to be called a "thing" turned and let out a fearsome caterwaul, then hissed some more. she liked the girl, who was quiet. But the Red ones hurt her eyes, and they made awful sounds. Pushing her ears flat on her head, the Calico jumped towards one of the grunts, who screamed and jumped back. "Don't be stupid, just grab it! It's so much smaller than you!" The scientist was tired of the delay. "Why don't you touch it, if it's so harmless?" The grunts were not fooled- a monster like this wasn't to be touched.
"Well it is good to see at least one person who has the sense that the cat isn't harmful." John said as he grabbed some kind of treat and limped over to the cat. The John went around eye level to make the cat feel more safe and extended his hand. He also looked at the grunts gesturing for them to get out." Unless you want to feed the cat." John smiled.
Lilith had gone straight to the room where her very own group of grunts would be, giving them each an ultraball and then sending them out to catch better Pokemon for themselves. She wanted them to be useful to her. After the short meeting of giving them the tools and communication information they needed, the girl headed out of the room and down the hall, withdrawing her Tyrunt into a Pokeball. She ended up wandering through the halls, following the sound of, well, panic. She blinked a bit when she walked into the room with Ella, several grunts, and a male inside. As well as... a cat? She blinked a bit and then stepped forwards into the room, going slowly towards the cat that the boy was giving a treat to. She knelt down, reaching out towards it. "I remember these things... Cats, right?" She glanced to the male.
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