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I'm thinking Silas might grow into Nihilism from over-exposure to the watch, as well. Something to the effect of: "None of it matters. No choice we make is relevant. In another timeline we made the opposite choice, in another we died, etc." The lines of good and evil or morality in general could begin to blur for him.
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Well, this isn't really about good and evil. It's about balance. Maintaining the status quo which is literally the only stable relationship for the universe is your job, not destroying villains. You'll notice there is no Force of Good and Force of Evil.
I feel by experiencing and going through both the good and bad will allow us to properly understand the way to true balance
At least that's how I experience real life
I feel like I should say something about Marcus here but I'm drawing a blank ><


I just want him to grow, be respected, and all that good stuff.
I was merely suggesting a detachment and a departure from Silas' humanity. Losing that cardinal virtue that allows us to empathize and value each other. Instead, just seeing shapes and forms, dangling in senseless articulation without meaning or purpose. In all honesty, it'd allow him to serve 'balance' pretty effectively, since all his choices would come from a place of logic, with no emotion or humanity clouding his judgement.
Love how existential this has gotten. Really inflating my ego here, guys.

By the way, has anyone seen @Pray4me? I can't remember if she said she was stepping away or not.
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I don't think they did say so. Also careful about inflating egos. They can be liable to pop if you add too much air.

-probably just failed making a balloon joke-
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I'll be posting Friday. You all are such quick posters that I can barely keep up. But don't slow down!~
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@Crowley, I await your post to rewind time so we can get in the car safely.

@Mythy the Dragon-Wolf, sorry. I killed you. You'll come back, though. :) You can write his last breaths before time's reversed and he forgets it ever happened. Or are you not happy with that and want me to change it?
@Quiet One

I think I'll wait for Crowley to rewind the world so'z I can do everything in one post.

Though question, we forget everything completely? I only ask because I think it would be cool for Marcus to have some sort of flash. Like before he dies he would realize Simon was most scared of the can and thus him, and wanted just some sort of feeling to follow back through time for him to realize 'open the thermos!'

Hope that makes sense.
Well, the can's not a very intimidating weapon for him. His cane is a culmination of all the Forces, meaning he's prepared for pretty much anything.

If Marcus remembered what happened from before the rewind, then so would Simon, so I was going to have everyone but Crowley's character forget everything with every rewind. While they might not remember the past timelines, however, your Locks might get new instincts caused by the rewind, a basic "don't do this" sense that'll prompt them to do something different.
He still personally went for Marcus first. He's gonna draw some conclusion, which may or may not be 100% correct.

I'm not asking for him to remember everything. That instinct to change to do something different is enough.

Speaking of which, if I'm correct in when Silas used the watch it was before Marcus pointed the can, so more than likely he'll just open the can right away rather than keep it shut.
Well, he was SUPPOSED to click the button before the Lockpicks broke the door open, so that when he set off the rewind they would break in right as our heroes are leaving. But because it was after Simon's arrival, then they can fire their weapons at once, overwhelming the bad guys long enough for them to get to the car and escape.

He didn't specifically target Marcus, but I could get some sense of paranoia coming from it.
Just let me have my ideas without shooting them down! T-T -playful pout- XD
@DangoYumi, @Viral, @Pray4me - I'll wait for your reply posts. Try to use @Mythy the Dragon-Wolf as an example - some info on what you were doing before the rewind, followed by your take on the change of timelines, all without being aware of the changed history. One thing I want everyone to do is maybe try something for fighting back, and ABSOLUTELY get in the car.
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Alright! Thank you guys for keeping this active. Sorry that I didn't get to reply, exam weeks are coming up and it's been hard on me ;;v;;
If I can, I'm REALLY going to try for a GM post either tomorrow evening or Wednesday. To do this I need to know who's driving the magic car, plus have temporary god-modding to actually get everyone out of the armory and on the streets. No dialog control, don't worry: just Abel giving instructions the driver has to follow. Cars from the 30s were really difficult to drive. Whoever's driving should be a more frequent poster, I think.
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If no one else claims it, I'm willing to have Marcus unwittingly get into the driver's seat. Which would be interesting cause he doesn't even drive modern cars that much XD
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