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Amelia had found herself in the Class 3-S group. I should've said something to get out of it, but, I can't really do that, now can I? Amelia's blue eyes drifted off as she followed Kenta and the others. Amelia had not bothered to observe the people, trapped within her emotions and thoughts. These people are all much bigger than me, Amelia had thought, slightly scared of Darius, who seemed to tower above the rest. But why should I worry about these people? After all, I just have to work with them for a day, right? Amelia calmed herself down, realizing that she had gone through all of this without acknowledgement by the High Schoolers in the least to her relief. Maybe I won't have to talk, either? Amelia wishfully asked no one.

Out of sight, Kenta had not taken notice of her, just as she had wanted it to be. She attempted to fade in the background despite the bright colors of her hair and eyes. The youth listened as Kenta introduced himself. He then asked for another girl to introduce herself that had interested her earlier. The particular person seemed like she was trying to make herself out to be not all that interesting as she spoke.

"Hi! Like I said before, the name is Allie Logan! I'm eighteen year old, and I live a good ways away with parents who are way over protective!" She smiled, proud of herself, as her cell phone buzzed loudly in her back pocket for the millionth time. She blushed heavily as her hands shot to her back pocket to shut it off. "Hehe, sorry. That's pretty much all you need to know about me!"

Really, all I need to know? I wonder? Amelia kept her curious thoughts of the girl to herself. Paper, pencil, where are they? Amelia asked herself as she rummaged through the belongings in her tote bag and opened a pencil case, taking out a number two pencil and then taking out a notebook that was labeled 'Quando io voglio parlare. . .' (When I want to speak . . .). She opened a fresh page and stared at the paper for a second before losing herself in thought trying to remember how to write in Japanese. I think it was . . . like that! Amelia thought as she finished writing down what she wanted to say in her note book, and then displayed the page for the others with Kenta to see. The page stated in Japanese:

"I'm not exactly a good speaker. Anyway, my name is Amelia Esmeralda. You may address me as Esmeralda-san or Esmeralda-chan," Amelia pointed at the last sentence, not liking her first name to be used when her last name could be used just as well.
Hi! Like I said before, the name is Allie Logan! I'm eighteen year old, and I live a good ways away with parents who are way over protective! Hehe, sorry. That's pretty much all you need to know about me!"

~That so? She's pretty damn bubbly.~ Darius thought to himself, and lightly rubbed a hand against his elbow in habit. Giving Allie a once over, Darius remained silent, and tilted his head to the right slightly as Kenta continued to run the show.

Ai caught his attention as she came skipping back towards the group carefree as anyone could be. ~Ain't that lovely... guess she's kinda like a hippy. Feel good and stuff?~ He thought to himself with a silent laugh however his facial expression remained bored... until she latched onto him. He didn't tense, and only lifted an eyebrow at the situation.

Not really knowing what to do, Darius stayed quiet for a moment before lightly patting Ai's head with his hand. "Uh yeah... no problem. I'd avoid that guy when you can." Darius didn't mention why she should... perhaps it was nothing, but perhaps things were somewhat like the states... the Yakuza kid had a bad look in his eye, and Darius only hoped it proved to be an assumption... or things would get really messy.

It was then that Ai's sister strolled up. ~Identical twins? Fancy the odds of seeing that... Kitsune's to boot.~ Giving Ai another look, which prompted a slight smile to her, he looked to Aisha as she spoke to him. "Yeah... it's my thing. Darius Ravata." He answered plainly. Now he had two people that were aware of his existence... and that made him somewhat uncomfortable, but he had an odd feeling that he'd get used to it. Besides... the Twins didn't seem so bad from an initial gauge. They weren't annoying either.

When Amelia dug out her notebook, and held up what she'd written, Darius looked at it, then at her, and then back again. ~She's mute?~ he thought to himself, and looked back down at her with a slightly softer gaze than he usually gave people.
Kenta chuckled as Allie's phone went off yet again, he had seen her reaching for it before. Her parents were like Maya's it seemed, always protecting their little girl. It was comforting to see, and smart... Kenta couldn't help but think. He bowed to Allie and smiled, "Thank you Rogan-San..."<Sankyoo> He attempted in English at the end there.

As he looked around the ring the twins had apparently joined them finally as well as Gin. So that leaves just Kybaki-San and Gherard-San...I hope they aren't fighting. That wouldn't be good and I don't think anyone is ready to meet Ikawa-Sensei quite yet... He had hoped that nobody could really tell just how stressed out he was, being Class Rep wasn't an easy job especially when it was a school for the gifted and "special" kind of students.

Kenta's attentions were drawn to a little girl that, to him, had seemingly come out of nowhere. She had the most brilliant blue eyes he had ever seen and was stunned for a moment as she ruffled through her bag and began to write something down in her notebook. Is this the elementary school student they sent to be my aid? I mean the other class reps have them assigned tomorrow, maybe Ikawa-Sensei has sent her early to help me! He was a bit excited for this, meaning he was a step ahead of everyone else.

He quickly read what the girl had wrote and kneeled down next to her, flashing a large smile, making sure not to rest his hand on his katana's hilt like he normally would so he wouldn't seem threatening. "It is a pleasure to meet you Esmureruda-Chan." He smiled warmly, completely butchering her name as well. Where's a nice Japanese name that I can pronounce easily? He thought to himself before bowing his head and flashing another smile to the young girl before standing back up and looking to Yuki.

"How about you? Arikado-San." He smiled, pleased he could actually pronounce someone's name. He also couldn't help but think that he seemed to live up to his namesake, Yuki looked like snow, white and clear, very handsome in an odd sort of way.
He had stood silently watching the others arrive from their respective dorms alongside Kenta and Allie with a calm gaze. If he was not paying attention to the others while waiting, his focus turned toward the sky with a halfhearted interest in the weather. A soft mental laugh that wasn't mocking played out in his mind upon noticing the interaction between Ai and Darius before looking somewhere else so as not to stare at something which was none of his business. But once everyone started to introduce themselves they gained his undivided attention since appearing rude on the very first day would not be a great impression to make. Allie's little speech pulled a small smile onto his face which might have seemed otherwise frozen in a constantly unaffected but pleasant expression.

Next, Amelia's little notebook antics struck him as a touch odd but in a nice way. Unable to read the note, which didn't matter since it wasn't for him anyway, it made her adorably mysterious. She must have been shy or something. . . the girl certainly did seem like the youngest here out of everyone else. Maybe that was why unless she was sick and couldn't talk. Those beautiful eyes were absolutely stunning in a way which made one feel compelled to help out if she got into any trouble.

Kenta suddenly addressed him as being the next for an introduction, which produced no awkward reaction from the Ice Demon. All he did was nod toward their representative before starting to speak without any outward hesitation. Both hands were in his coat pockets.

"Well, name is Yuki Arikado and I'm seventeen. I'm from Japan but I've actually spent a lot of time in the United States too. Apparently since in America Yuki sounds a lot like a girl's name, even translated into English, the Americans I know over there gave me the nickname 'Blizzard'. And after that it got shortened into Blizz. So if you want to call me by Yuki, Arikado, Blizzard, or Blizz it won't bother me either way. Oh! I do speak both English and Japanese pretty well, so I'm cool helping anyone who's looking for it just in case there's problems. Honestly I'm the last person anyone should feel shy with so don't get cold feet. In my opinion anyway."

Yuki spoke in English since he guessed everyone there was likely to speak it or at the very least understand. Every word reflected his outgoing nature and fearless attitude toward interacting with others as his icy blue eyes traveled from person comfortably. Plenty of other, more threatening things existed in the world capable of putting the fear in him than just talking to others. Hopefully Yuki hadn't talked for so long that the others got annoyed with him. Knowing how luck worked sometimes, they were probably more interested in his coat than him.
Amelia looked at the others, slightly blushing at the reactions that she was getting. Darius looked at her in a soft way, making her think that he was pitying her for being mute or something like that. They probably wouldn't understand that it's a matter of my powers getting in the way of my speech instead of being mute, Amelia reminded herself. Often because she wrote to to other people when she wanted to speak, they would call her weird and walk away.

Kenta had kneeled down besides her in a non-threatening manner, coming up with a large grin on his face as he spoke to Amelia.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Esmureruda-Chan." Kenta butchered Amelia's name.

One of the many reasons I wish not to speak; I'd be afraid of butchering everybody's name, Amelia thought to herself as Kenta continued speaking. Eventually, Kenta turned his attention to Yuki, who proceeded to introduce himself. Umm, English, what? Amelia nervously thought as the boy continued to speak, almost entirely unable to understand him. Darn, should've started learning English before coming here, too, Amelia thought to herself as she sort of drifted off from the words of the extroverted youth. If only . . . , Amelia drifted off into a dreamy state, her light blue eyes blurring out reality around her and filling themselves with a calming daydream. As the person's introduction finished, she snapped back into reality, suddenly straightening out as she reminded herself of the errand letter that she had received. I should confirm that, Amelia thought as she scribbled down something on a page in her note book once more and held it up to Kenta. In Japanese, she wrote:

"Ah, yes, Ikawa-sensei sent me to serve as an aid,"
Ai gave a slight whimper, glancing at her twin while still facing Darius, the second time that she had.... more or less butted in....

The blonde smiled, but this time, it was not genuine. It was purely forced. While she knew that her twin was most comfortable with her, she felt as though her relationship with her twin left her isolated from everyone else. She had no other friends, no one who knew her like her twin. Hell, Aisha made it seem easy to make friends, but Ai knew how hard she worked at it. Aisha was a driven being. She was authoritarian, down to her core. She needed things her way, and to have it as such, she required many people to call on. Her relationships were hollow, and Ai had never heard of her expressing a love interest of any type. Ai sometimes thought that her twin was skeptical of the entire world while she faked a smile behind a masquerade of popularity.

Ai just wanted one other friend.... maybe two.... that.... that wasn't selfish, right? She hadn't even every really tried... Aisha had so many... but... it felt like.... she was.... smothering..... smothering her. And.... she... she liked this guy...... Aisha could tell, and Ai knew it. Aisha knew everything..... right?..... Didn't she?.... She couldn't even remember what her parents looked like or behaved like. For as long as she could remember, it was just Aisha. Aisha feeding her. Aisha playing with her. Waking up to Aisha's genuine grin. Talking with Aisha about the future. Aisha warning her about people....

Ai trembled slightly, her attitude darkening as she felt her relationship with her twin anger her. She was sick of the likeness. She was sick of the same clothes. She was sick of being WE and not ME or I.

Most of all.... She was sick of being weak, and desperate, and dependent. Ai knew she was like a child. But there were benefits of this.

She called it the "Three T's". Treatment. Tantrum and Thin-skinned.

People treat you differently if they think you're just innocent. And also, it's not uncommon for a child-like person to throw a tantrum, as well as slightly condoned. And Thin-skinned for being easily set off.

She grinned somewhat deviously. As only a child could. When burning an ant to death with a magnifying glass.

For now, though, she kept silent, and took her twin's hand in her own, and gave a bright smile.

'For now.....'
A small sigh could be heard from a guy as he slowly walked up to what would be his new high school. His name was Kiyoshi Yukimura and the reasoning for him being almost the last to arrive was he actually got off at the wrong place. Kiyoshi slowly looked around with his blueish-green eyes as he sighed again "So this is it..My new high school" the words slowly came out of his mouth as if they were forced.

"It'll end up being like all the others..I'll have no one and will eventually be an outcast. So why do I even try" He softly stated as he turned around his black hair swishing in the wind and looked seemingly at the sky but to him he saw other things. To him he saw four ghost Takeru, Akira, Miya and Sayuri

"Now all four of you be on good behavior..please I'm bad enough in a fresh start as it is I don't need them knowing this." He spoke soft so that no one even around him could hear as he nodded to the sky as he turned around again as he slowly fixed his glasses into place.

"Why did I get off at the wrong place in the beginning. Maybe I can just sneak around the school and dorms when I have to go in them" he thought to himself as he knew he wouldn't be noticed as he looked around at the others as a third sigh escaped his lips as he knew this wouldn't end well for him either way.
Kenta listened intently to what Yuki had to say, but unfortunately he only caught a sentence or word here and there. English? Great, I feel so left out... He sighed a little, but still giving Yuki the proper respect as if he had understood every word to perfect clarity. He nodded where it seemed appropriate and smiled at the end. "Thank you Arikado-San." He bowed to him as well and turned to look at the rest of the group. Ai seemed occupied with Darius, and Aisha seemed occupied with Ai. What a convoluted mess that seems to be...

His attention was grabbed again by Amelia when she held her notebook up to him, confirming that Ikawa-Sensei had sent her as her aid. "OH! THANK GODS!" Kenta cried out, a little louder then he had intended. "Well then I'd like for you to stay with us, if that's okay with you Esmureruda-Chan." He bowed deeply to her before turning back to the others. "Rabata-San! Please introduce yourself!" Kenta nodded to him, speaking a bit louder then normal to catch his attention, hoping it'd be enough to distract him from Ai and Aisha. They would get their turn next, but he would make sure they introduced themselves, they seemed a bit too co-dependent and that wasn't good at this school, less kind people could use that against them.
"Me?" Darius said in English and pointed to himself. After lightly rubbing his neck, he sighed, and looked at Kenta. "I'm Darius Ravata. Moved here from Minnesota out in the states at after I was adopted when my parents died, and as a request from a few people at the school. One of them was called Ikawa I think... so here I am." He said in fluent, and nearly perfect Japanese. He then repeated himself in English for the rest of the group. He didn't know if anyone spoke either language, so he decided it best to say it in both. He'd likely get the message across to everyone.

"I'm supposed to help out with the athletics department, but I'm pretty sure... some of you might have known, or not be surprised." He said again in both Japanese and English. There wasn't any arrogance in his tone. It was still matter of fact. He didn't look like the School Council kind, or the intellectual, but looks could be deceiving. He had an odd feeling that his name might be known since when his parents died, it had been big on the news. It might not have made it to Japan, but he was sure a few people had heard the story... better to get the fact out there before people started askin' him about his folks, and all that happy crap.
Kayla Thorton managed to find the right train for her new high school the first time. The second time she definitely got off on the wrong stop, had to circle back, wait at the train station again, then hop off at the exact location of Kazeyama. Why her parents were sending her to a Japanese high school she had no clue, though they had been acting more nervous around her the past 2 years. Maybe this school could help her learn more than just regular subjects they said. Maybe it could help her control her freakish powers. She called the school a few times for directions, and after writing them down, she got on the right train -hours later- and set off for the school. She'd never been out of Seattle Washington a day in her life, so the culture shock was starting to affect her. Just a little. On top of this, she was wondering how anyone -moved- in such a populated country. Her nerves were already frazzled, but she steeled herself and tried to gather her directional sense as she told the train driver where she needed to go. He told her the best he could do was arrive really late. She accepted that and knew she'd be asked why she was late. She tried to call her parents to let her know she was almost at the school, but realized they'd changed their number, disconnecting the house line. Ouch. That hurt a bit. She didn't dwell on this because if she did she'd only upset herself and that's not what she'd need while focusing on not being lost. Understatement of the year...

Once at the school however, she saw the whole city -WAS- Kazeyama. Oh great- the first thing she did was walk over to a group standing at the train station. She didn't know anyone here, but hopefully the confusion would work itself out soon. She was getting really tired.
Ai looked up at Darius as he spoke, all attention on him. As he talked, Ai realized how little she had known. She had been so afraid of him when she first saw him that she had not even considered that he was, like everyone else, a normal human being, more or less. She felt ashamed of her first perception, or, rather, first judgment. She didn't feel pity for him, not because of any lack of caring, but rather, she knew that pity in itself could inflict a more serious emotional wound than the original problem, in the fact that it could cripple you in a way. And receiving pity from people that you hardly know can be even worse. So she did what she thought might be best. She listened, truly listened. The only person she had ever paid attention to before Darius was her twin. And that was all. So, this was her second time really paying attention to what someone said. Taking note of tones of voice used, and noticing the tones left unused, or rather, the choices in behavior that weren't chosen.

The sighs, the fact that he took the time and care to speak both in English and in Japanese. The fact that both tongues seemed nearly completely fluent. The amount of pauses. Any changes in stance or movement while he talked. It wasn't compulsive. It was how Ai worked. It was slightly obsessive, and then some, and she was perfectly capable of admitting that. But it was one of the reasons she understood her twin better than other people could.

He was going to help out with the athletics department. She, as he had said, wasn't surprised, but in another way, it was curious to her. At the moment, he just seemed like the type that was perfectly content, living his life under no one's radar. The type that was content to be undiscovered, and left alone. When he was done, she smiled. He seemed easy-going, at the moment, but her thoughts drifted back to that thug and remembered how Darius had come into the situation. Obviously, it was an annoying, and troubling situations, but what elements of it had really gotten Darius to get involved?

She smiled while she went through the information in her head.

"I see." Ai murmured softly, and took one step, that ended up with her tripping and pitching face-forward into her twins' breasts. This was beyond embarrassing, and she quickly gained distance and looked at her feet, a blush upon her cheeks. She muttered "Dammit" under her breath in a harsh tone and smoothed out her dress quietly.
Kiyoshi heard something as he turned towards the sky and responded to it "So you think that one is the person I need to go talk to?" his arm pointed outwards towards Kenta.

"Fine..I guess I got to go over there and at least talk to that person" he said as a sigh rolled out from his lips as he slowly sneaked over towards the person he has been told was the person he should introduce himself to.

"Hopefully he is the only person I'll have to talk to" he thought another sigh rolling across his lips as he stopped for a bit as he saw a female standing around as it seemed to him she didn't know what to do just like the situation he was in. In the back of his mind he wanted to help her but he didn't want to talk to her, no that wasn't it he knew he couldn't talk to her as of now so he was hoping she will catch a glimpse of him and get an idea of what to do.

He then continued to walk towards what he deemed was the helper of the new students. He didn't know a true name for it as he was never in a school long enough to learn a name for it as he slowly spoke "I know I should of helped her I really wanted to but she probably didn't really need it." if anyone heard him speak they would swear he was speaking to himself. He finally walked up to his destination

He slowly reached his long right arm out towards Kenta grabbing at his shirt sleeve with his hand as he started tugging at the sleeve of Kenta's blue polo shirt as he spoke "Ummm...excuse me" His shyness getting to him even then he continued "My name is Kiyoshi Yukimura and..I'm ummm new here." he finished as he felt that was one of the hardest things he had ever done but he was a little happy with himself that he did get it done.

He slowly straightens his black tie while looking down and continuing once more "I figured you were the person all the new people should come over to." That being a lie but he didn't wanna reveal the truth to anyone of how he knew. He continued to hang his head low in the back of his mind the worst possible situations looming.
Oh! what a relief. Kayla watched the young man sprint over to Kenta. Was this person the one she was supposed to go see first? She followed right after the guy and introduced herself to him. "I'm really sorry I was late... I got lost." She finished. She smiled at the guy who'd headed over to Kenta first, showing she was thankful he knew more of what to do than she did. Now settling the rest of the confusion should be somewhat easier since she was hopefully in the right place. Still tired, she really looked forward to bed time, or at least time to adjust in her dorm on her first day. Her mind was still adjusting to the fact she knew absolutely no one in this new country. Things would probably be very awkward for the first few weeks, but she could handle that. All that mattered now was getting there.
Walking down the stairs, Gherard felt a little more relaxed and sped up his walk. Reaching the bottom of the staircase, he wasn't paying attention and tripped on the second to last step, throwing his GameBoy in the air and landing on his face at the base of the stairs. Ahhhh... fuck... He sat up slowly, putting his hand underneath his nose to keep the blood from getting all over his shirt. Grabbing a handkerchief from his jacket pocket, he covered his nose and looked up to see where his GameBoy went.

Oh no... No no... His GameBoy laid in front of him, batteries flung from the back and the screen jutting out of the casing. Not that... Please not that... He gently grabbed it, as one would pick up a stray puppy, and held it to his chest. He looked around to see if anyone had seen his ordeal and caught sight of a blonde girl standing over near Kenta. Without taking his eyes off of her, he slid his shattered GameBoy into his pocket and stood up, putting his bloodied handkerchief back in his jacket pocket. He walked toward her and ran his hand through his hair, trying to make nothing was sticking up. Deep breaths... Deep breaths...

Clearing his throat, he waved his hand in the air attempting to get her attention, "Hey, are you - FUCK!" Slipping on the batteries thrown from his game, he almost faceplanted again, barely catching himself with his hand. He tried again, looking into her eyes and smiling through the embarassment, "So... Um, are you new?"

Oh my God... She's American...
Kenta nodded as Darius explained himself. Thankfully it was at least in Japanese half the time, Arikado-San hadn't been so thoughtful to Kenta, but that was okay. Kenta's gaze had drifted over to Ai and Aisha who seemed to be holding hands. That's kind of curious... he thought.

"Hey, A...." Kenta was about to say as he felt a tugging on his shirt, which he promptly turned to see two more people standing by him.

"My name is Kiyoshi Yukimura and..I'm ummm new here." The boy had said and Kenta nearly began to cry as he took Kiyoshi's hand and repeatedly bowed.

"Finally! A NATIVE JAPANESE! You don't know how good it is to meet someone else who actually speaks my language on a native level with fluidity! Now there's you AND Arikado-San AND Rabata-San! No ACCENT!" Kenta nearly began bouncing with joy before catching himself, letting go of Kiyoshi's hand and straightening back up, turning to the others, "Not that there is anything wrong with your Japanese, nor you in particular..." He bowed to the rest of his classmates, a little more then embarassed. Though I doubt half of them understood what I was saying

Kenta turned his attention to the other girl that had shown up. "It is a pleasure to meet you Kaera-San." He then looked at both of them, "You two are some of the students I've been waiting for. Yukimura-San, you're in dorm 4F, that's fourth floor please go unpack and return quickly, we have much to do...and Kaera-San, you're in room 4C with Rogan-San, she's already set up. Please go unpack and return quickly." He motioned towards Allie as he spoke her name and then bowed, turning his attention back to the group that had arrived on time. Well at least the first group has time management skills... Kenta sighed inwardly.

"So...Ai-San, would you please introduce yourself, and just yourself. Aisha-San you can go after her. Please only introduce yourselves." Kenta nodded, while grabbing his clipboard and checking off a couple more names. "We're still short a few students..." He muttered under his breath.
When Arikado watched Darius speak he realized the folly of his own actions not having spoken to everyone using both languages. He actually felt quite ashamed of himself for having left out those who could not understand English completely. For that reason along with seeking to show respect, the Ice Demon attempted to smoothly make his way over next to Kenta without attracting much attention. It kind of worked out nicely too since several incidents happened such as Ai falling into her twin's breasts and even an embarassed Kenta too! Considering his somewhat eye-catching coat it would have taken events like that to divert attention.

By the time Kenta had finished talking to Kaera-San, he had already placed himself beside the clipboard holder. Just after Kenta asked Aisha-San to introduce herself Yuki leaned over toward him and whispered a brief but solemn apology softly into his ear using fluid Japanese. Even if it hadn't offended him. . . it would have been in poor taste since they were going to be rooming together. Hopefully his ever so slightly chilled breath wouldn't unnerve Kenta in some way. After that he took a few steps away so as not to invade personal space for a prolonged amount of time.

After that Yuki's full focus went to the Kitsune twins. . . which he didn't quite know were Kitsune.
Ai Yukino looked up nervously at everyone, gripping Aisha's hand in her own, tightly. Timid. For a brief moment, her ears and tail showed, but they disappeared as quickly as they had first showed. She stuttered for a few seconds, then finally took a calming breath and bit her lip before starting to talk again.

"I..... I'm Ai Yukino.... I'm... nineteen years old... and... nineteen seconds younger than my twin, Aisha.... Ummm... and I.... I.... guess... there's... not much else to know... except...that... um.... we've never been outside of Japan.... and... um...I..... I...." Ai was trying to find anything else to say, not knowing if she should stop there. She went into a few minutes of pure intelligible stuttering before being able to enunciate again.

"I... I like to cook... but.... um.... last.... time I checked... I... uh.... have given.... um... over twenty people food poisoning.... so.... um..... I.... I.... will.... work on that...." Ai mentally kicked herself again, for making herself look like an idiot. She gripped Aisha's hand harder, trembling and embarrassed, worried about what people might think of her, now that she had admitted to her problems with cooking.
Aisha gripped her twin's hand tighter to comfort her. She never did understand why Ai was continually nervous all the time. She smiled at the two newcomers. Gotta keep up appearences. She turned her focus to the group that surround her and the other walking back from their dorms. She gently fluttered her lashes and smiled eloquently at the group.

"I'm Aisha Yukino, I'm nineteen and I'm currently the student council vice president of our class; so if you have a question or comment please don't hesistate to ask me." she smiled. 'i love being in charge...' she ran her hand softly and quick down her pontail. It was the only way she could release her nervous energy with out showing it. 'so many names to remember urgh' she switched her stance. "I'm in the cooking club as well as festival head organizer; I'm captain of the volleyball team and co captian of the softball team..." she grinned. "I would really love to get to know all of you this year and I truely hope it's the best school year!" 'blah blah blah' she mentally rolled her eyes. She faked a blush. " I hope that wasn't too long Kenta, did I bore you? She smiled and giggled as she asked the group surrounding her. Her tail pop and swished abut before she pulled it back in again. 'people will not see that...' she continued to beam.

Amelia had picked up Darius's speech in Japanese, but had little to no idea what he was saying in English, so she just assumed that he was re-iterating it for the others to understand. It would be nice if I could've done the same, Amelia wishfully thought again as he spoke. Wait, what's this? Amelia asked herself as her blue eyes drifted over to Ai, breaking up the dreamy state that had began to wrap around her earlier. Why's she paying so much attention to him? Amelia wondered. No matter, drifting off again, Amelia thought to herself as Darius finished introducing himself to the group that had been assembled.

Kayla introduced herself as Amelia's mind was focused on the parade of cloud animals she conceived of while on the train earlier in the morning. Meanwhile, Gherard arrived, and subsequently yelled out a curse word that shattered Amelia's fluffy day dream and thrusted her back into reality. At least only a few of them are so clumsy, Amelia thought to herself as Kenta went on an outburst about somebody finally being able to speak Japanese. I can speak it just fine, but, he doesn't know that, Amelia thought to herself as her eyes expressed a bit of worry. After the youth apologized, she looked at Ai and Aisha, the twins.

"I..... I'm Ai Yukino.... I'm... nineteen years old... and... nineteen seconds younger than my twin, Aisha.... Ummm... and I.... I.... guess... there's... not much else to know... except...that... um.... we've never been outside of Japan.... and... um...I..... I...." Ai nervously introduced herself.

Yet another reason I let the paper do the talking, Amelia noted to herself as she held back her pity for the young lady. Amelia watched with an emotionless face as the girl stuttered for a few minutes before finally managing to speak something that was understandable. Amelia turned her attention to Aisha, the more put-together of the two.

"I'm Aisha Yukino, I'm nineteen and I'm currently the student council vice president of our class; so if you have a question or comment please don't hesistate to ask me," she smiled."I love being in charge...' she ran her hand through her ponytail, drawing Amelia's attention to the girl's hair.

I wonder why she's running her hand through her ponytail like that? Amelia pondered the question until she drifted off into the thought of parading cloud animals once more.
Kayla blushed bright red when the boy who'd walked up to Kenta first got high praises for knowing the Japanese language. She decided against speaking further since obviously he found accents or just plain AMERICANS distasteful. Well, she'd refrain from speaking any English while she was here. Maybe that would help? She didn't know though since Japanese were often given the reputation for disliking most foreigners and even calling them mean words like 'Gaijin' for outcast. That part of life Kayla dealt with just fine. She could be with crowds and people or by herself. Either way, she just hurriedly unpacked on her side of the room, making sure not to step on any toes that first day at Kazeyama. She would simply observe behaviors and try her best to either blend in, or stay out of the way. She definitely did not expect to make many friends that first week, being an American and all. She got through packing, then hurried to go meet with Kenta again, jogging at a fast pace so she didn't miss anything. This time it was easier to navigate her way around- sort of.-