Ai had followed Aisha back to their room, quickly setting up and taking a shower. Ai's half of the room was noticeably messier and she cuddled with a plush animal on her bed while she waited for her twin to get out of the shower. She thought about all that had happened today, and smiled. A genuinely happy smile. And then the phone started off again, somehow, still working. That made her remember how Kenta had told her that he "knew".
She figured that she probably needed to tell her twin about the incident, but was much too wrapped up in her thoughts and memories. Having changed into a casual white dress with black trim, she looked at herself in the mirror, finding it funny that her and her twin did match clothing a lot. It wasn't so much "Fashion sense" as it was mimicry. Ai copied her sister's choices in clothing. She pulled on some long black loose socks and used the sock glue that her twin had lying around, to keep them from falling down, and then pulled on some shiny black shoes. She didn't know what type they were, or what they were beyond "Shoes", but she liked them.
Ai brushed out her hair and fumbled with it, making it into two messy, loose, casual braids. She looked in the mirror, then shook her head, not liking the look, and untangled her hair before situating it into a high ponytail, then grabbed a white ribbon and wound it into her hair before pulling a necklace on and clasping it around her neck, and then slipped on a few bangles, liking the way they jangled together as she moved. She had thought it was odd that she had gone almost an entire thirty minutes without tripping or falling or dropping something, when, just as the thought came, she tripped and bumped into the wall next to her.
"COME ON, TWIN! GET OUT OF THE SHOWER AND GET DRESSED OR I'M COMING IN AFTER YOU!" Ai shouted, unaware that her voice was loud enough enough for probably the rest of the hall to hear her. and she wasn't even done yet. "HEY, AISHA! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE GUYS HERE?" Ai yipped, happily. She snacked on a candybar that she back in her bag as she waited for her twin.