Kaustir, Chapter 2

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Fifty push ups and sit ups? Amalia could barely do ten on a good day, and released a hollow laugh as Takeda gently pushed her to the ground. She considered her arms to be her weakest body part, and yet they were starting with push ups first.

The first ten sets left her huffing, the twentieth made her arms tremble, and the thirtieth made Amalia whimper. The last twenty were unbearable and what made it worse were the eyes of various soldiers upon her weak and pathetic body. Matil actually hid herself in Amalia's shawl, silent as the night.

With her back against the cold sand, and wet clothes plastered against her body, Amalia saw everyone's faces as she lifted her chest up over her stomach. Go back to playing in the water you idiots, she wanted to shout. Stop watching me! But it wasn't long until her whimpers turned into cries of pain and the attention she received remained on her until she was done with her sets.

Hearing K'jol's jeers almost undid her.

Collapsing onto the sand, Amalia closed her eyes to stop the tears. She was trying, desert sun be damned, she was trying.

"Why do you wish to pursue being the General Amalia? What are you fighting for?"

Oh and now he wanted her to talk? After subjecting her to the most grueling exercise she ever experienced? Anger flushed her face briefly before Amalia pushed it aside.

She groaned, not wanting to answer. The woman was starting to wonder the question herself, but the surface answer would always be for the people, for the nation. It was beginning to grow deeper than that and quite honestly, she didn't want to stir the cauldron of self doubt and insecurities any longer than she needed to.

Nils approached with a request to talk to her. Even if the request came off as condescending, Amalia did not care. Anything for a break from this hellish exercise. Amalia rose with a moan, and muttered to Takeda,

"I'll be right back. Perhaps the soldiers can train each other." She glanced side long at K'jol. "The sands know how willing they are to spar and test their might against one another. Pair K'jol up with Rakar."

And then she fled, calling out for Nils as Matil followed at a sprint.
The three weaved their way through the city, occasionally stopping to sample other fares at Draegal's request. Although Nae clicked his tongue in frustration, sneaking in snide remarks about pickled lizards, the caravan back to Zirako was halted until the Czar finished his business with the Mayor. For the amount of liquor the Draken consumed, he didn't seem to show anything except for a grimance (at how awful it tasted, probably). Lut mostly declined, and he skipped through the rest of the streets with his parasol.

To waste some time, Lut gave the pair a tour of the Imperial Warehouses, situated deep within the caverns and passages underneath Avarath. Their twistings, turnings, and movement patterns were modeled after the desert ant, and the distribution efficiency unparalleled. The pair were not as impressed as he was proud, but that was on par for the course.

A piece of good news welcomed him as they approached his trailer in the caravan. A modest, six wheeled affair, it was clothed in dark silks and staffed by a pair of riders, both clad in the dark chain mail and masks that he had displayed in the games. One of them stood up and handed him a folder.

"My Wraiths never fail me." Lut retrieved a trio of papers and his eyes flickered over them, a frown, a grimace, then a scowl, which turned into a smile, a grin, then barking laughter. He gestured for the two of them to come inside and laid out the papers on the desk.
CISTERNS: All catchment basins in Sector 5S have been closed. Water is being imported from Aqueduct 6.

GENERAL STRUCTURE: All water in Zirako is supplied by 132 springs. The springs are collected and split into 5 aqueducts. Each aqueduct (5) is broken into 13 sub-aqueducts that supply adjacent 26 sectors (A-Z) - 5S. Each Sector is fed by at least 2 sub-aqueducts.

NEW: Cisterns 5R and 5T are closed due to showing initial signs of contamination. All other basins in Sector 5 are normal.
CITIZENRY: Five thousand strong. Most single male, some families, small amounts of children.

DESCRIPTION OF AREA: Heavily industrialized, most of the area is devoted to sanitation, with some small quarries, small workshops, and some metal refining. There is no agriculture or livestock to speak of, except for personal use.

ETHNIC MAKEUP: Kaustirian natives, Viridosian immigrants and refugees.

RACES: Draken, Human, Nocturne, Forest-Kin.

PROSPERITY: Low income.

EMPLOYMENT: Menial tasks, manual labour, construction, sewage, sanitation.

GENERAL STATE: Unrest, discontent, not revolutionary, no dissent.

GENERAL STATE OF POPULACE: Unease. Dissentry on rise. Lung infections on rise.

GENERAL STATE OF SECTOR 5S: Humid. Heat and springs combine to form wispy fog that flows through the city during the night and sparingly during the day.
BODY 1: Human. Deceased at home. Examination of body reveals: black spots. The insides were examined and found to be liquefied. Liquid was assumed to be highly toxic and incinerated.

BODY 2: Draken. Had been complaining of symptoms for weeks. Finally succumbed. Inside revealed gelled liquid. Fuzzy overcoating. Assumed spores. Incinerated.

BODY 3: Forest-kin. Heartwood rotten and liquefied. Incinerated. Sprouted black tendrils and taken root into the surrounding masonry. Entire area torched by firefox cadre.
"Now ... " He fixed the group with an inquisitive stare. The aura around Lut sharpened, a smooth feeling in the room but with a fine grit to it, like a desert shark's skin. Finally, all in the room could tell that he was doing something that he was competent with. His shadow loomed over them, a grand magistrate ready to dole out their punishment. "I know Nae is not making dust devils out of rat dunes."

"We know that someone is poisoning the water, because the Nocturne were the last to be affected. But we sealed off the affected aqueducts, and the disease continues to spread."

"We know that it isn't spread by natural causes, because the infection is localized to a few cisterns that suggest upstream poisoning."

"So at the very least, we know what's happening."

"All that remains is: who is the murderer, where is he poisoning us from, why are they doing it, and how are they poisoning our people?" A smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth, as if he seemed to know the answers and was just giving them a chance to have fun.
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Nils turned around as Amalia approached him, "General I have a matter to discuss with you in private.." Looking around to make sure nobody overheard them Nils stared into Amalia's eyes. "I know it is not my place to criticize your leadership, but as the guide I feel I must be frank. I do not know why the Czar sent you on this expedition. Being a leadership figure is one thing, but you are inexperienced when it comes to surviving the desert. If you can barely get by here, how will you survive the Dorograd wastelands? I can only keep so many people alive if our leader goes against common sense when it comes to survival." Blunt and straight to the point as always Nils crossed his arms and waited for Amalia's answer.
She had to take a deep to compose herself. The past twelves hours were taking a toll on Amalia's mental stability. The assassination attempt, the rude guards, the smoldering heat from the desert, the grueling exercise, and now doubt from her own expedition team. It was almost enough to unravel Amalia. She threw back her wet hair, back straightening. Matil stood by her side, the fur by her neck rising.

"I believe I'm doing quite well as general, thank you," she said with pursed lips. "And the Czar sent me on this mission to retrieve the tablet, and I intend to bring it back with my entire team alive. I may not be as experienced as you or the rest of the soldiers, but my will is stronger than all of you combined. And I apologize if forgetting about my shawl shows lack of common sense, but my mind was elsewhere."

Amalia had expected a discussion about the whereabouts of the tablet, or at least what she would expect in the wastelands. Realizing that more talk about her experience would lead to a verbal and very public argument, Amalia said, "And as our guide, what should we expect? You haven't touched upon this at all."


Gulzar was awfully quiet as the Emperor greeted him. Admiring the work of the elephant as he peeked out of the window.

'Is he mocking me?'

Lucky for Gulzar, it is not easy to spot revealing expressions on the face of a draken. So Lukesh should not have been able to sense his anger.

His fear, on the other hand, he wasn't so sure if he could hide his deep anxiety for him from the nocturne. He had, like everyone else, heard the great tales...or terrors of Lukesh. And he had seen him at the Coliseum. He had felt his presence on his body when the Ruler of Kaustir had made his judgment and chosen Amalia to be the heiress of Korsch.

Even with these experiences, there was nothing that could prepare him for this meeting, face to face with the Desert Sun.

The air felt enigmatical in the saddle on top of the elephant. Gulzar Ganguly had finally met his superior. He was popular among the people of Avarath, but still nowhere close to that of the Emperor.

Through his mind he went over Lochan's – his trusted advisor – consultation for the eventual session. They knew Lukesh would approach him sooner or later. And with the Lut Sar fiasco...this seemed to be the beginning of a long and incredulous friendship.

"Stay calm and be polite." Those were the words with upmost importance from Lochan.

He joined the Czar gazing at the citizens who had showed up to bid their overlord goodbye. All the while listening to him talk about the Black Tower. It was a grand sight, the mayor enjoyed the emotions he witnessed. The games had been a success, the people had enjoyed the show.

'I'd like to take a look inside the Black Tower, maybe next time...' Gulzar thought. The Kresnik was doing its work.

There was a moment of silence as they continued their journey, passing the coliseum.

"I could not bear to leave, knowing that you did not have the best interests of the people at heart."

Their eyes met as the Emperor added the question.

"Where did that tablet come from, Gulzar?"

The mayor took a deep breath and moved his glance back on to the crowds.

'Stay calm and be polite.'

"The people bask in your presence, Desert Sun."

Gulzar finished his Kresnik and looked at the Emperor again.

"I hope you will visit our memorable city again, soon, while I am still among the living." Gulzar chuckled. "Make your next stay longer, your experiences...richer. I ensure you will find the culture of Avarath very decent. It is not as complicated as you might think."

"I always keep the interests of my people at heart, Czar."

The mayor swinged his attention outwards once more, considered ordering another Kresnik, then remembered this was not a bar and turned his attention to Lukesh.

'He is mocking me!'

His inner rage did not show on the surface. "Zirako, Avarath...Dorgrad! We all need each other in order for the expansion of your great Empire, Desert Sun."

There was a quick pause before the mayor eventually answered the question.

"The markets brought the tablet, Emperor. This is the city of merchants..." Gulzar said almost submissively.

"Now..." The mayor changed his posture, a sense of rising comfort felt through the tone of his voice. "If this is about the promised gift I failed to deliver you...my ship from Hosia didn't make it over the Prosperos Sea..."

Gulzar paused.

"I ensure you...if I had known...I would have prepared something to make up for it. We'll make another order and have it shipped to Zirako as quickly as possible, Emperor."
Arania had followed the expidition, not making much note of herself. She had been traveling through these wastelands, hoping to reach Avarath somewhere in the far past. And now, she was going back into that hell. But she didn't complain. There were many people staring at her - mostly because of her fragile appearance, but she was composed and controlled most of the trip.

When they got to the resting place, she had seated herself somewhere in the shadows, her hood in her face. Most of the soldiers knew of her. She had treated many warriors in her time as healer, and therefore, most knew her, if not by her practices, then at least her face or her name. She was scribbling down things in a book. What it was, well, that was a thing not many knew. All it was to most was a simple book with some kind of alchemical results and tests in them.

She was watching the display of general Amalia getting humiliated. How... well, she wouldn't bother to think that. Amalia had... in some ways, put herself into this situation, and if she wished to go through these kinds of things, Arania would not lift a finger for her, pity or not. It had been her own choice.

Being the General wasn't supposed to be an easy job, anyways. When she closed the book, she turned her gaze to the moon above, her fingers gracing her Aux, the pendant on her forehead, the outline of her bow slung over her back. She had really gotten herself into this.

But she knew she couldn't just let Seiyr go to such a place like the wastelands without her. Not that she didn't believe in Seiyr's strength - but their friendship stuck deep and she couldn't abandon that.

From her silent, dark corner she watched events unfold. They involved different people. Takeda.. Amalia, K'Jol, Nils... probably a bunch of others but she didn't quite remember all names just yet. Maybe that wasn't needed.

It was quite of a statement that she heard from Amalia - to bring all soldiers home? Had she ever been in the wastelands? ... Probably not.

Shutting those things out again, Arania closed her eyes and let the rest of her senses take over, taking in the surrounding nature. No apparent sense of danger, not even from her Aux. They were safe... for the time being. The desert was not kind on those who underestimated it. They would suffer greatly if they didn't at least be careful.[/dash]
Watching Amalia do her exercises was painful. It didn't take long before she was on the verge of tears. At that point, Rakar had to look away, though it seemed that many of the other soldiers did not do the same. Everything about this mission was becoming more and more pathetic. Not only was the General possibly the worst candidate for the position, but most of the soldiers here seemed to relish in seeing her prove it. Not only that, but apparently the best time to train her was while on a mission to recover a highly important artifact.

Despite it all, Rakar couldn't help feeling a sense of pity towards Amalia. While it was true that she should never have even entered the tournament that won her the rank of General, it was the Czar that granted it to her. He couldn't help but wonder why. Part of him thought that perhaps the Czar simply wanted to make her suffer until her eventual death, but another part of him wanted to believe that maybe the Czar saw something in her that perhaps no one else saw. Seeing how she handled the job thus far, it was difficult to believe the latter.

His thoughts were interrupted when the General mentioned pairing him up with K'Jol for training. His first thought was "Is that an order, or a suggestion?" Surely she wasn't serious. "As in, fighting each other?" What if one of them were injured? Their effectiveness in the mission would be compromised. There were healers with them, but surely their talents, and medical supplies, should be saved for when they are truly needed... Perhaps he was overreacting.

Without a word, Rakar looked over to K'Jol and eyed him. He was waiting for some kind of confirmation, whether K'Jol thought it was a good idea or not. Maybe their perspectives on the matter were the same. In the back of his mind though, Rakar felt that his view would most likely not be shared by his fellow soldier.


Nils paused for a moment before speaking, "Good, you have determination. You will need it to stay alive." Motioning for her to follow him Nils lead Amalia to the top of a nearby dune so they could have some privacy. "General, you have to realize that it will be impossible to bring everyone back alive. I expect we will lose at least half of our troops if not more. The wastelands are not like the regular desert. The air itself is poison and if you breath it for too long your lungs will shrivel up and die. There is a foul corruption around Dorograd that causes the weak to go mad and change into feral beasts. But that is only the beginning. Once we arrive at Dorograd we need to find an acquaintance of mine. He is an anima named Theo and his skills will help us immensly. As for the tablet...from what I can understand it appears to be some sort of map. It is made of stone and contains information that the Czar wants. It seems that there is something of great importance hidden beneath the sands of Kaustir..." Nils frowned and stared out over the campsite and absentmindedly played with his chain that was coiled around his arm.
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[dash=red]Seiyr sipped from the canteen she brought along for the journey. In her other hand was a blueprint of a project she had left behind from her last trip to Dorgrad. She wished she finished it, for it was one of many inventions that would of aided on this journey. All the engineer could do was hope what she brought would be enough to stave off the desert horrors.

Standing next to Arania, she spoke in a quiet voice, "I fear for the General's life. The Czar is testing her strength, her will. If she survives, she could be either a great ally or a great foe to him. Yet… that tablet…" her voice trailed away. It was in her nature to investigate and to question- she was not only an engineer but a tactician as well.

This mission didn't sit well with her.

Her eyes strayed toward a pair deviating from the group. A tingling sensation grazed her neck; her Aux was alerting her. She recognized the Ipari Guard as he led Amalia away. Saying nothing, Seiyr made her way back to camp, keeping the General in her peripheral.

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Takeda watched the General scamper off to Nils and sighed "Maybe another approach needs to be taken." He slid down the dune from where he was perched and sat near one of the few campfires "I keep forgetting that Amalia has next to no training.... I've never started with a fresh one..... this will be a challenge, but the Czar ordered me to teach her and so I shall." these thoughts buzzed in his head. Takeda pulled out a small book and began to read, then glanced up at K'jol and Rakar as if to say "Do as wish." He continued to read, waiting for the General to finish her meeting with the guide, when the engineer, Seyir, caught his eye. Engineering was always something Takeda was interested in, and if it weren't for way of the sword finding him first he would have become an engineer. It proved to be a noble field using both mathematics and science for a great purpose. After he found himself staring for far to long Takeda cleared his throat and went back to his book.
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Five comments, separate from one another, sentiment mixed with distraction, truth with lies. Gulzar's answer was the perfect reflection of Avarath.

Czar Lukesh took a vial from a velvet box, opening the seal and running a rim of blood around his next shot of Kresnik. The talk of the ceremonial gift was dismissed. He cut right back to the point.

"So the tablet just turned up in your hands, freshly laundered through the market stalls?" He knocked back the drink with his eyes on Gulzar. "One day, Gulzar, you will play an angle that tips you right into hell."

The threat had no time to sink in. Lukesh rose, his footing steady on the swaying elephant saddle, and there was elation from the street crowds as they caught brief sight of him. The Czar crossed and sat face-to-face with the Draken mayor.

"Let's keep to one thing, shall we? Avarath." He said the name like a menu-item, like a lot number in an auction. "I intend to militarize the city before the year is out. The rumours you've heard are true. Before the winter I will march on the Chersonese, to isolate Viridos and put Pegulis in a chokehold. Your port, Gulzar - the port of Avarath - will be the launching area for complete naval dominion of the northern shores."

The elephant lumbered now through the inner wards, skirting the summer palace. A glance to the battlements showed the Czar's latest exhibit: the severed head of the mercenary Delesia, sewn to her horse and mounted on the east turret. She took her place amongst the dozen-fold spikes where heads were mounted. Traitors, assassins and undesirables. The elephant's route was no idle one.

As they passed the macabre show, Lukesh leant in towards Gulzar.

"I will have the full cooperation of the merchant guilds, won't I?"
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The scraggly lizard's line, brown
Morning. The party approached the outskirts of Dorgrad. The demarcation between the mining city and the rest of the desert was a massive ring of rocks, bursting forward from the ground when the land was still young and in the throes of her creation. They cast long, intimidating shadows in the shallow angle of the early sun.

In the distance, belching black smoke and coloured fumes rose from Dorgrad, combining into sickly looking dust devils. The dust storms, toxic fumes, and red-yellow sun created a disturbing mirage in the distance, eldritch, unrecognizable forms forming and dissipating, screaming with thunder and flashing with green and yellow lightning. It was a formidable mind defense against any would be intruder.

Hic sunt leones. Periculo vestro ingredimini!

In between the party's blinks against the rising sun, Lut stood before the party.

Amalia balked; why was Lut out in the wastes of Dorgrad? The deception, then, was clear - there was no way to tell exactly who it was that spoke from behind the mask. The Wraith flowed up the party, and extended a black tendril, the tip flattened, asking for her to deposit proof of something in there.

Seconds passed. A minute might have passed. The Wraith stared into the General's eyes, eye sockets black from the glancing angle of the sun. A timer seemed to be getting close to ringing. As she desperately searched her mind, two other Wraiths rose from the sand behind her, splitting her off from the party. Gleaming metal spikes protruded from their arms.

The soldiers in her retinue were shouting incoherently, leveling their pikes. The desert heat rose in waves from the Wraith's black cloaks. K'Jol shoved the rest of the party aside and roared at the two black objects, lowering his halberd to one of their necks. Takeda had his sword against the other, the metal ringing against the black chain mail. The weapons wavered, the shouting rose to screaming, and the tension hit a fever pitch.

Amalia remembered. She reached into her robes and deposited the fragment of skin in the Wraith's hand.

Before the seal even had time to settle, the cloaked Nocturne grasped the proof and deflated, falling to the ground with the other two and bowing its mask deeply parallel with the sand.

"Wisest General, we see your authority over the flow of the Sands." More Wraiths emerged from the sands, removing air pipes from their masks, for a total of five. "We are yours to command."
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"Right on schedule..."

K'larr looked out his window, eyeing four, large, covered ships. They bore both oar and sail, and their tops were blanketed with iron plates. Three of them had spiked plates, while one ship, the largest by far, carried smooth plates to act as a balcony around two large and lavish seats. Each warship was fitted with a menacing dragon as a figure head, with a canon protruding from the mouth of the largest ship, and red smoke pouring out those of the smaller three. And above the oars and around the entire frame of each ship, there were cannons. Truly a sight to see. Each of the smaller vessels held 8 gun ports a side, with two to the front and rear, while the lead ship presented and even more fearsome arsenal. With twelve ports on each side, four to the front, and two to the rear, the ship was certainly awe inspiring to the crowd that day. Guns were nothing new, and had been installed on ships for years now, but few could dream of something so fantastic as what had just sailed into the Port of Avarath.

"I had hoped that mad vampire would have gotten his pale ass back to Zirako by now. I suppose I'll simply chalk this garish spectacle up to a merchant's eccentricity."

He turned to face his associates, some old, some new.

"Though, I honestly doubt our beloved Czar will raise a hand against us now. Infighting cannot be risked if he is to instigate his war. There is nothing he can do, really: control is slipping from his fingers like so much desert sand, and he's too arrogant to see it. He will hold on to his dreams of conquest until he is breathing his last breath; then, perhaps he will see his folly, but not before."

Plopping down next to and eliciting a sour look from the newly recruited Blood Witch, K'larr reached over exuberantly, snatched the ornate stem of his hookah away from the mayor's young assistant, and took a long, triumphant drag.

"This tenuous time is nearing an end my friends; the pieces are finally coming into place! A glorious age lies directly ahead of us, all we need do is seize it. Let's hurry and be on our way, we're to set off to the belly of the Prosperos in but an hour."
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She hoped, prayed, that the others would lower their weapons. The last thing she needed was for her entire caravan to be cut down before they even reached the city.

The woman wiped her sweaty palms upon her silk pants, her forehead gleaming from the morning heat. Several layers of cloth protected her nose and mouth from the noxious air of the wastes, and her second eyelid protected her from the sands; the translucent film of skin made Amalia's eyes look cataract filled.

Cautiously, she approached as more of the blob like creatures emerged from the sands. Amalia fought the urge to scream from sheer terror, but curiosity kept her feet moving.

"You will listen to my orders? All of them?"

The Wraith who spoke nodded his head, but did not lift his face to hers.

Amalia paused, and glanced back at Nils. She remembered what he told her the night before, about their contact.

"I need you to take me and my party to see a man named Theo." She shook her head. "No, wait he's an anima. He has information that we desperately need, and I need you to do this without any of us getting hurt. He's in Dorgrad."

Questions regarding Lut were not important right now, as much as she wanted to ask them. Obviously these things knew him, otherwise they would not have wanted that scrap of skin. Recalling the memory of the assassin and his severed hand caused a chill to run down Amalia's spine, and she reached back to touch her dagger for comfort. Lut saved her before, perhaps he was doing so again.
Draegal looked at the papers, the situation had taken all of his attention. He had very basic medical knowledge, but plants he got, and the answer to what was killing the people in Zirako was clear, a fungus of sorts. What kind of fungus was beyond him, but that didn't matter quite so much. The method of transmission was most likely spores that were released at night, but he couldn't figure out the who and why.

"It's a fungus that grows in the aqueducts, and it releases spores during the night, which then get inhaled and stuck in the lungs. But I can't figure out who and why. My best guess would be a Viridosite, most likely a Forest Kin, in an attempt to try and undermine the faith of the people in the Czar, but that is just my take on the matter." He raised his head and looked at Lut with an inquisitive state.


K'Jol was about to send another blow to the Nocturne that opposed the group before watching Amalia pull out a fragment of skin. Almost instantly the guards lowered themselves to her feet, saying that they now recognized her authority and that they would follow her commands. The Draken turned his head to the right before making a rather grotesque sound in his throat, dispersing a ball of phlegm. He then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before turning back to the group, glaring at the new recruits.

"What a hearty Kaustiri welcome, eh?"

The Draken looked back to Amalia, observing how she put her trust in those who tried to kill her so easily. K'Jol was unsure if the woman was stupid or courageous. His fingers flexed on the pole of his halberd, still wary about those before him. The brute then walked to the back of Amalia before cupping a hand over her ear, whispering words of caution.

"You should not put too much trust in these people... once this task is over, we should have their heads rolling on the sands of this desert..."

[dash=red]They were on the outskirts of hell, and the Man of the House sent his deathly children as welcome.

Seiyr loosened her grip on the slender throwing knife she procured from her shawl, glaring at the cult-like contingent of Nocturnes. Their shapeless bodies seemed to melt as they knelt before the General, creating a disturbing illusion. Tearing her gaze away from the sight, the engineer cast a long accusatory look at Nils before speaking; she'd make sure to have a word with that particular blood-sucker.

"Now that we've stopped, I suggest you take a good long look at our newest company. Note what they took off their faces."

On queue a gust of burning air passed the group, causing a bout of painful coughing to seize the moment.

"From this point on, things are going to get rough. For those of you who have not traveled the wastes, listen up. The volcanoes around here spew out more than fire and ash- the natives call it kuoza. Decay. Breathe it in, and you're dead."

Seiyr motioned to her assistant, Arin, and a bundle was brought to her.

"As you can see here, this is a mask of sorts." She pulled out a thin glass object, indicating a short trunk that deviated from the body, ending in a filter. "The herbs in the bottom absorb the kuoza. If your herbs are not fresh, get new ones from Arania immediately."

Walking toward the General, Takeda, and K'Jol she offered them each a mask, pausing between the two men, her voice grave, "…If we had truly been under attack, we would all be dead right now. The wastes are merciless, and I find little comfort knowing that there are only two competent warriors in this group."

She let her words sink in as Arin silently passed along the last mask. Seiyr nodded to General Amaila.[/dash]
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Rakar, like the rest of the soldiers, had been caught off guard by the appearance of the wraiths. He had been riding right next to Amalia the whole time, assigned to protect her, and it seemed that his chance had arrived. Two more appeared, and he joined his comrades K'Jol and Takeda in confronting them, sword and shield drawn, but before anything could be done, the danger had passed.

Rakar sheathed his sword after the masked figures showed their loyalty to the General, and gave a sharp grunt in disdain towards them. Coros remained perched on the large Draken's shoulder, and mirrored his sentiment with a hiss.

Seiyr explained the decay, Kuoza, that was in the air just in time for Rakar to start coughing. She wasn't kidding. The masks were being handed out, and Seiyr came over to personally offer them to Amalia, Takeda, and K'Jol, neglecting to offer Rakar one. He didn't take this personally at first, until she mentioned, right next to him, that she felt that K'Jol and Takeda were the only two competent warriors here. That one struck him hard, enough to make him turn his head away from them and clench his fists in anger. Was she the only one who thought that? It felt for a moment like his last assignment all over again. Ordered to ride next to the General herself as a guard, yet still seen as nothing.

Rakar said nothing about it, as was his nature, but his body language would have been more than enough as he stormed off to retrieve a mask from someone else as they were being passed out. He put it on and took a deep breath to test it, finding it satisfactory. After making his way back to his camel next to the General, Rakar mounted it and awaited Amalia's next order. His mood had gone sour now, but he was holding it together. He wouldn't let it get in the way of his duty.

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'Playing with high risks comes with the territory, my Czar.' Gulzar thought. The Emperor wanted to move on and gave him no space to reply. It seemed he would not have to worry being questioned about the tablet any more, for now.

He sensed Lukesh did not really wish to hear him speak for lengths once more, but Gulzar had many thoughts he wished to discuss on the subject, and now was his best shot at making himself heard.

Gulzar fingered with his empty Kresnik-glass as he spoke.
"You have our support in these conquests, Emperor."

The Mayor looked his senior in the eyes as he continued, setting his glass aside.

"I wish to share some of my concerns with you personally before you leave."

Gulzar did not only speak for himself and his closest associates, these concerns were shared by merchants all over Sunne. Trade being the primary name of their game, not war.

"I understand us merchants can make great profits from all this, but...we have friends in Hosia and Tavark I would like to be able to trade with, even after the cities have been sacked. My hope is that you keep this in mind." Trade would continue whether the invasion of their neighbors was successful or not. Nevertheless, they would be better off if Kaustiri troops didn't burn and pillage - ruining important trading partners - in the proccess.
"My ports will be ready for your army to use, I simply ask that the rest of Avarath is kept untouched. I will not tolerate military camps in the centre of the city, Desert Sun."

These were only two of many topics he would have liked to touch on, but he had said enough, no need to push Lukesh's patience any further.


The mayor walked up the stairs to the entrance of his inner city mansion. As usual he was surrounded by city guards. "The Emperor is leaving town, remove his work of art from the summer palace." He addressed Lochan's temporary replacement.

"And I want you to call the merchant guilds in for a meeting! I have grand news!"

"All of them?"

"All of them!" Gulzar had made it to the entrance when he stopped and turned his head sideways to answer the servant who had questioned his order.

Lukesh was leaving, time to clean up his mess.

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Takeda was the last to sheath his weapon "For once K'jol we are in agreement." Takeda coughed as the sand kicked up "Damn this desert." he muttered under his breath. He couldn't help marvel at the contraption that was presented to him "Thank you Seyir." He slipped that mask on over his face and took a deep breath "Truly a modern marvel." he praised the engineer. Takeda couldn't help but smirk "Well judging by the weapons you carry on your person we are not the only well trained warriors on this expedition. Tell me though engineer do you have something for the deadly rain that drenches the wastes?" it was a semi serious question. Takeda sank back into his serious manner as he watched Rakar turn from the group with anger. "Rakar!" Takeda walked up to him. "It is unwise to let anger rule over your actions." his calm and collected. He looked out over the group "Everyone here has something to prove: The General wants to be respected, K'jol wants to be recognized for his power, even I have sins to atone for....." he trailed off at the end, but quickly came back to reality. "My point is that a warrior must free himself of entitlement in order to protect those around him." Takeda turned and headed back to the General with out another word.
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