Katrinka's Dating Service


Following in tow like a new puppy, Brandon looked up at the storage space that was even a few feet out of his reach, and whistled softly. "I can see why you asked. That'd be quite a tumble for a lady, and that just wouldn't do. This Charlie guy sounds like a character if he's tweaking over forks, and knives." Lightly he stretched his arms, and neck, letting his body loosen up a bit... then he took a step forward, jumped up into the air, grabbed the edge of the ledge, and hauled himself up in one fluid motion.

Turning around, he hung his legs over the edge, and reached behind him in order to grab the ladder, and slowly begin to lower it down so it rested against the wall leading up to the storage area. "Well, since I'm already up here, you want to join me?" he asked while lightly patting the ledge "Or would you like me to start hauling stuff down for ya?" Knowing full well, that Katrinka had a job to do... he still couldn't help but pray for a little selfishness on her part.

The lady had a handle on her work, and he guessed it to flow like clockwork. Eager to help as always, Brandon expected for her to choose the later, and if so... that always left for more time for later in the evening..., but still... he's always one for goofing around now and then.
He smiled again. "Thank you." Then he and his bags were on their way to the back.

Meanwhile there were a million things in Deborah's head. She hated a million things in her head, especially if they weren't on the schedule. The sudden appearance of Malcolm Thomas was most definitely not on the schedule. Deborah was muttering to herself as she hung up the cell. She glanced around. Maybe she could just duck over there ... Nah, that'd be the first place he'd look. How about over there. No, she hated being in corners. He said he was driving up. It might not be too late for her to duck out the fire exit. Maybe she could slip into the room and hide among the linens ...

She took a deep breath. Cool. Play it cool, D. What did she care if Malcolm Thomas came strolling in or not. He was like a brother to her. So she'd handle him like one. And get rid of him as soon as possible.


She looked up at the man walking toward her. "The name is Deborah. I keep telling you not to call me, Debbie." Gah, she hated that nickname, too! It was the type of nickname you gave a poodle or a chihuahua. She frowned and she kept that frown even when he just laughed it off and gave her a hug! She stood there, endured it. "I'm working here." She didn't need to ask who had clued him in on where to find her, especially at this time of day. Her mother for sure. Oh, she'd get her back for this, good intentions or not!

Malcolm released her, stepped back. "I could see that. Unless you finally decided it was time to stop being a lone wolf."

"Hardy har har," Deborah muttered. Then she was grabbing his arm to drag him out of the hall. "Just have a seat. There's no way in hell I'm letting you loose in my apartment, unsupervised."

"No confidence in me? I'm flattered. I know I don't work here but how about I help you out. It looks like something big is happening tonight."

"It's nothing." She stopped and put a hand on her hip. "Just a little get together for my boss' clients of which *you* have no business with. Sit. I have stuff I have to do and the less distractions the better." She thought she was home free but as soon as she had walked into the storage room with the linens, there he was right behind her!

"Sorry. Got bored."
He said with a big grin.

Deborah rolled her eyes and started looking for those tablecloths.
"I told you I spent most of the night talking to this girl who was looking for her grandfather, I barely noticed that guy you're talking about." Drake said to the officer who had caught him in the lobby. "Look I didn't even want to join this dating service I'm just here because my xbox has a red ring." He smiled at the puzzled look on the policeman's face. "There was this one girl who was all over him though, Katrinka should know who she was."

"Thank you for you time any information is helpful." The officer said jotting down notes. Alone at last Drake looked around the room and noticed the face he was hoping to see.

"Still not found him?" He asked sitting next to Paris and putting his face into his hands, he really should have done it faster last night but he had made such.. no not the right time to reflect.
Paris was trying to arrange a set of candles on the table when that guy from last night dropped in to a chair. What was his name again, Drake? They talked about her granddad for a bit and he was nice enough to offer her his drink. Once she found the old coot, though, she didn't stick around the place to really talk anymore. Paris wasn't sure why she didn't expect to see the guy again, he was one of the clients after all!

"Naw, I found him last night and got him back to the nursing home. I just kind of figured since he ends up here all the time and I needed a job anyway, it was kind of convenient. Ms. Carrel hired me on the spot, so I guess this place is busy all the time." She shrugged her shoulders, picking up a box of matches and fighting with trying to get one lit. Who the hell buys cheap matches when there's those push button lighters?

"Cruising for chicks again today? Apparently there's another thing tonight."

Grinning wide, Katrinka had her hands on her hips and tapping her foot with mock impatience. "I have work Mr. Bathis. If you can grab the boxes marked with CN, that'd be great."

Katrinka didn't waste the opportunity to check him out while he was up there. He was pretty strong to just hop up like that! "Charlie IS a real character, but I have to admit all his meticulous counting has been great for my budget."

Moving near the wall, Katrinka unfolded the ladder so she could climb up it and get a better look at the supplies. "Ah, there they are. In the corner back there. Ah, there's my damned shoes!" Katrinka leaned over, trying to grab at a pair of sandles just out of reach. She had been looking for those for three months. Must have left them up there while they were doing the renovations!

"Bah... all work, and no play makes this a dull day..." Brandon said as he leaned back laying down on the storage spaces floor for a moment. Tugging on the bill of his hat lightly, he turned to look at Katrinka as she climbed up, and mentioned something about her sandals. "CN huh? I think I can handle that." he then flipped his legs up, rolled backwards onto his feet, and stood up slightly, grabbed her sandals, and then handed them to Katrinka. "Don't worry, I'll have it done in no time." The boxes themselves were stacked off in the back, and were easy to grab. Stacking them two high, he began setting then near the ledge, where he'd carry them down for the set up.

"You don't have to work all day do ya? It'd be nice to talk to you when you're off the clock too ya know? Hmmm... when is your lunch break? I could use something to eat, somethin' more than a scone, or a pastry at that." She certainly was dedicated..., but if he could put work off, then he knew he could get her to take a minute or two for herself too. His phone then began to buzz again, which resulted in him reaching into his pocket, pulling the phone out, turning it completely off, and placing it back into his pocket. "Work, work, work... sometimes I just want to quit." He said with a smirk.
"Gods, I don't think I even ate breakfast this morning. Come to think of it, I think I lost my bottle of juice too." With her sandals in hand, Katrinka jumped back down to the floor to keep an eye on what he was doing and give him room to climb down with all of those boxes.

"Lunch does sound like a good idea. I have a lot of things stashed in the kitchen, we can make something for all of the employees too so they don't have to go out and buy something. Thus, Katrinka gets work done faster and whoolah~! Another brilliant romantic evening!" She even poses during her little mini speech. Katrinka really did enjoy what she did, down to all of the little tiny details.

"And maybe you'll get a few minutes free to answer your phone. I'd hate to get you fired before we even have a first date. That'd be awkward." she gave a lopsided smirk.

"Now that's just a damn shame. We need to get something into your stomach, girl. You can't go on making happily ever afters on an empty stomach." He said as she then posed, prompting him to hold his hands up in a square using his index fingers, and his thumb. "Picture perfect as always." He said with a wink, and then grabbed the first few boxes, and carried them down the ladder with expert balance. "I'm thinking something Greek. I hope everyone here likes to try international food. I'm a bit of a food guru, and addict." Brandon said casually as he climbed the ladder again, and retrieved the last stack of boxes.

As he climbed down again, he rested them on the others, and dusted his hand off. "No worry on me getting canned. I'm kind of a boss at work, and I remember calling them last night telling them I was taking a personal day today. But enough about work... my head fills with paper work when I hear that word. Let's go whip up some grub! I got something in mind, and I'm going to need your help!" He said while lightly grabbing her hands. "Now, which way to the kitchen?"
*Drake brushed some hair from out of his face before replying, he almost wished he had a lighter so he could offer it to the girl. "Don't figure anyone will show today with the murder last night. I was worried it might have been your Grandad but the cop over there told me it was a guest so...." he paused almost awkwardly, "I left at about the time they said he did makes you wonder what if it had been me in that alley?" he stared at the floor a once-sided grin playing across the side of his face turned away from her.

"I just came to see if you found him, but guess I'll stick around for the food. Glad hes okay."
"If they don't like it, that's all the more for us." she responded with a grin. Katrinka took one of his hands, leading him out of storage and down one of the halls to the kitchen. Since the building was once a small scale hotel, the kitchen was a fair size. Not too large, but had professional appliances including a walk-in fridge, freezer and pantry. Katrinka figured if the saying 'A way to a man's heart is through his stomach' is true, might as well ease things a long!

"And here we have my beautiful kitchen. Better than the one at my apartment, for sure. After we did the renovations for the building, I've been seriously considering moving myself upstairs and just living here!" Katrinka let go of his hand to spin a spice rack sitting on the counter. She plucked out a bottle of marjoram, cumin and a few other things she thought might be appropriate for something Greek.

"We're in luck, too. Everything was fresh stocked over the weekend."

"Oh god, seriously? I didn't know that." What the fuck! Somebody murdered last night? From THIS place? Paris was having a hard time imagining a bunch of drunk love-crazed losers getting all stabby. ...Then again, drunk love-crazed losers might be exactly who goes on a murdering rampage.

"Yeah, I found him. Guess I'm glad I found him so soon. That's kind of weird someone getting killed." You'd think the new boss-lady would have mentioned something like that. But it might not have been something too major. Well, beyond someone getting killed and all.

"Anyways, yeah, that might put a damper on this whole coffee night thing. Can't say I'm all that sorry if no one shows up. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing besides chatting it up with the guests and making things look pretty." Ha! Finally. She found a stray lighter in the box and was now trying to get a few of the candles lit. From there, she'd have to make up something else to do.

He took his phone out of his pocket, turned it back on, and rested it on the counter. "Well we might have just about everything we need if you've got the ingredients for the pita bread then. Been awhile since I've made it from scratch, but I'd say today's a good day to do things old fashioned." Brandon said as he looked around the kitchen, put his cap on backwards, and then rubbed his hands together. Moving to the sink, Brandon turned the water on, and began washing his hands, while looking around. "I'll take a guess the flour's in that cupboard?" He asked as he finished drying his hands, and opened the door, grabbing the bag of flour, and setting it down on the counter then grabbing a mixing bowl, and a spatula.

Once again his phone began ringing, and on the LCD screen the word 'Mom' appeared. "Would you mind grabbing that for me?" Brandon said as he was hands deep in the mixing bowl preparing the flour. "I had a feeling she was going to be calling me back. She's probably having problems with her computer's internet again. She's not to tech savvy, and dad's not any better." He said with a laugh he said as he added more flour to the bowl, and began kneading it into a large ball before placing it down on the counter where he began pressing the dough.
"Maybe thats why she hired more help, the investigation must be looking pretty deep into her files. When I arrived here they even treated me like a suspect." He watched her light the candles then looked down at his hands. His right hand was gripping his left wrist tightly to stop and shaking, he needed to change the subject, fast. "So you'll be sticking around. If you find yourself in need of a drink I could get you one." He slid his hands into his pockets and turned his face away as if looking out the door, to hide his nervous twitching. "I always thought if you're responsible enough to have a job you're disposable enough to drink. Which is ironic since I don't have a job."
Adare pushed the double doors open effortlessly, his eyes half-lidded in a deceptive manner that did not at all warn to his mischievous inner workings. Adare smiled faintly at the people who seemed to be mingling around him, almost oblivious to his presence and he immersed himself, taking the anonymity like a second skin. Adare gauged his attire, a smooth fitting pair of old jeans and a tight tee shirt, against that of other men. Slightly wanting, but blending too much. He would make sure to inject more color if he returned here.

He seemed lost for several seconds, unsure of where to start. Does one simply approach a man and ask him who he enjoys bedding with? Adare chuckled, determined not to make an ordeal over this matter. If he needed too, he supposed that hitting on men he found interesting and attractive couldn't really injure him greatly. He reconsidered for a moment. Men. With their illusions of masculinity being threatened. They might very well harm him. No way to tell, though, but trying. With this thought in mind, Adare glanced around in search of potential.
April watched as a hunk of a man came through the main doors and stood, looking around, seeming lost. April couldn't quite put her finger on it but something was different about that guy all right. Could it be his shoes? No...those are flawless. Hmm...his shirt? No, also amazingly chosen...Maybe the jeans. NO! Those go perfectly with the whole ensemble...WAIT! THAT'S IT! With a devious grin she strutted over to the man, grabbing his arm and smiling widely.

"Hello there handsome! You, like, totally seem lost so I'm going to hang out with you for a while. The guy I met last night totes hasn't shown up and nothing exciting is really going on you know?" April giggled and curtsied a little for the man. "My name is April Harvard and unless my guy shows up, you're my girlfriend okay? Now let's find us some BOY CANDY!" April said with a triumphant smirk and marched up to a table where they would have the best view of everyone and everyone would have the best view of them.

"Now sit back and tell me which boys you find cute! I'll go and deliver the messages if I get a reading on my gaydar, kayness? This is going to be like, super fun!" April giggled again as she sat down.
Adare smiled, a simple upward tweak of the corner of his lips but all the encouragement the girl needed. Regaining himself, he chuckled and scanned the crowd again. She was entertaining and she didn't need an explanation from him. He liked her, in a way that kindred souls might appreciate one another.

"And should I get rejected by these stiff shirts, I'll point them to my adorable lady friend. Now lets see... The man talking with the girl? No, no, too uptight and serious. Plus he seems too intent on the damsel in distress. Perhaps a catch of his own, we won't bother. Who else is there? It would be sad to find all the men here were straight," and as he said it, he put such a horrified stress on the word straight, he couldn't help but smile. He hoped she would appreciate his view.

"You're old enough to drink, right? Do they have anything worth sipping slowly here?"
April smiled as he scanned the room with her. She shook her head at some of the men in the opposite direction that he was looking. When he emphasized the word straight April couldn't help but giggle.

"I know what you mean. I totes want a hot guy too but you know some guys just get so hung up on their heterosesshuality. That's like sooooo boring you know? I love seeing a little guy on guy smoochin'. Sometimes I'll kiss a lady, like I did last night with that Katrinka lady, but I was super drunk you know?" April let out another giggle. "They have a lot of good alcohol here, I had a few lemon drops too. But I think tonight is a boring night, and by boring I mean dry." She shook her head sadly before reaching down into her purse.

"Luckily, I brought some fun!" She pulled out a bottle of Bailey's and showed it to him. "If it's coffee, I'll make mine Irish." She cooed to herself before placing the bottle back into her purse, hoping that Katrinka hadn't noticed. She gave the guy a wink, "Don't worry, I'll share with you since you're fabulous. By the way, I didn't catch your name love..."
[dash=#A89382]Katrinka was in the middle of getting the coffee pots started with some fresh coffees. "Now I know you'll ignore work, but not one of your parents. So very interesting...!" The way she said it suggested that it must have told 'so much'. It could easily just been her teasing though.

Stepping back to the counter, she picked up the cellphone and gave a lopsided grin at the name. Pressing the button, she almost answered the phone herself. Instead, Katrinka stepped behind him, holding the phone up to his ear so he could keep mixing while he talked.

"Maybe you should get a job here too. I don't think she's all that picky about who she hires." Paris responded with a shrug of her shoulder. She hadn't noticed he was acting weird. She DID notice the man that walked in. He looked like one of those models in ridiculously over-sexy cigarette ads. In three seconds a bouncy bimbo was all over him. Paris rolled her eyes and was right back to carrying candles to the nearby tables.

"I could probably get away with a drink. There's like, ten people here at best. I don't think many more will show. Sucks for whomever's waiting on dates."

"Work's never as important as family ya know?" Brandon answered as he heard his mom's voice over the phone... which was pretty load since the old woman still hadn't figured out how to use her BlackBerry.

"Brandon? Hello? Oh this stupid phone... I tell you Harold it's like pissing in the wind with these new fancy cellular phones."

Closing his eyes a moment in embarrassment, Brandon then sighed. "Hi mom... what do you need? Aren't you supposed to be going to that pottery deal today?"

"What? No, that's tomorrow. We're cleaning the house today. Oh, that remind me, did you ever finish cleaning out your attic?"

"No mom, I haven't gotten around to it yet, but you know me... I always finish what I start so don't worry... and no" he said cutting her off "I can finish it.. don't worry yourself." Sighing again, he kept kneading the pita bread against the counter, and waited for his mother to explode into another series of questions.

"Well what are you doing today? It's such a nice day, and don't tell me you're working because I swear it sounds like the only thing you do these days!"

"Actually mom, I'm out, at a function."

"A function? Oh! You mean a date! All these fancy words for things these days. What's her name? Where did you meet? When are you bringing her over for dinner?"

"Kinda quick with the assumptions aren't you mo-"

"Boy, don't you beat around the bush with me! What's this girl's name."

Looking over his shoulder, and what he knew would be either a grinning, or giggling Katrinka he answered "Katrinka, mom. Her name is Katrinka."
Adare smiled at the girl, she was truly entertaining and he appreciated her enthusiasm in everything. "Kissed a lady? At least you were drunk. Shame I would come on a dry night, but I'll then most definitely indulge in a bit of Irish coffee meself. Remind me of my father while I'm trying to get drunk enough to woo a man into my, ahem, tender embrace" .

Adare couldn't point out a single man in the crowd who looked as though he were having enough fun to be worth wooing. There was even a man looked exasperated on the phone. "Couldn't hurt to chat up a few ladies, who knows, I might just change. Hasn't happened yet, doubt it will t'all but no harm in batting some lashes at a few catches, hmm?"
"Grr ... Damnit, Malcolm!" Deborah was growling. She was pushing Malcolm out the doors, table cloths in one arm but he was slick and dodged! Then he started moving all over the place, peeking into all the doors!

"Hey, what's in here. What about here. Ooh ... Is this where you guys are having your little get-together." He finally opened the door to where everyone else was and stepped inside, robbing Deborah of the chance to grab his arm and pull him out. She probably wouldn't have been able to. The man was stubborn as a mule when he wanted to be! He looked around at the people gathered.

Deborah walked in after him and the doors closed behind her. "Don't you dare flirt with anyone here, client or employee!" she ordered. "I have enough on my plate without having to worry about you breaking hearts or someone breaking yours!"

Malcolm turned and flashed her a smile. "Awwh. See, you really do care."
April giggled as she listened to the man talk about wooing other men. That's so HOT! She couldn't help but think to herself about how she would love to help him find a guy to seduce, to see them kiss. She couldn't restrain herself and let out a loud yell of excitement.

Then he mentioned something about trying for a girl. "Well hey there cowboy! If you have a few drinks with me anything is possible!" April giggled, looking around for the woman that gave her the coffee drinks so she could get the party started! Spotting a blond girl placing candles, "Um, like, EXCUSE ME! Can we get a couple of coffees here? We're like, thirsty and junk!"

April turned back to her companion with a wink and whispered to him, "And have a need to drink!"