Just Survive (Zombie Sandbox RP) (IC)



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OOC: OPEN SIGNUPS Just Survive (Zombie Sandbox RP) (OOC)
Interest Check: INTEREST CHECK - SEEKING INVITES Group Zombie Interest Check

Hi. This is a zombie survival RP. There's no plot, your job is just to survive the hoards with your character(s). This RP in particular is set in some non existant town somewhere in the world years after the plague began. There is little technology beyond the occasional gun and hand held torches. Perhaps you might find a generator. But keep in mind, zombies are attracted to loud noises and the smell of fresh blood.

Don't be a dick.
Your character isn't touched by God. They're not good at everything.
I don't care about post length. Write whatever the fuck you want.

Zombies are undead people and animals who had once been infected by an unknown virus. As the recently deceased rose from their sleep it was discovered that the virus didn't actually kill the people but rather turned them into braindead zombies who were capable of extreme regeneration, allowing them to love forever if their brain remain intact. Here are some types of zombies you might encounter.

Walkers are your typical zombie. They are the most common and will stumble after you if you have been spotted. They may be slow but are deadly silent, able to sneak up on the unsuspecting.

Runners look just like Walkers but will sprint at you when spotted. This makes for a terrifying sight and often leads to the death of those who are inexperienced.

Climbers once again look just like Wakkers but are capable of scaling difficult terrain, often faster than a normal human.

Animals often act just as they would have in life. Except they can't be trained, tamed and can find you oh so much easier than a once human zombie.

Vomiters. You guessed it. These special zombies may be rare but once they've spotted you they can vomit out acidic spit that causes erosion to any surface it touches.

Screamers are easiest to kill but any one that spots you will tear out a scream notfying any other nearby zombies of your presence. Keep your eye out for them.

Fighters are the hardest to kill. They made up of military people and armoured 'end of the world' fanatics who succmumed to the virus whilst still wearing armour. You will often find that some of these may also be Runners.
Terri hummed softly, poking at the small fire to ensure that it was warm enough. "Do you think we'll be able to find more food? Supplies are running low."

Wesley shrugged, keeping an eys out down the hill in case anything moved. The two had taken refuge for the night in what seemed to be an abandoned shed where someone had once lived. "Can't you uust look for more bugs?"

Terri frowned at her. "You really have no taste, hunh? Don't you ever get bored of eating the same thing?" Another shrug.
The found sound of a screamer wafted through the air, stilling the movements of the girl. Slowly reaching down, the girl gripped the hilt of her sheathed sword. While the sound didn't sound like it was close, she knew that once a screamer began to cry, more types of zombies would follow and had the possibility of finding her. Brianna listened for a few seconds longer, hoping she could figure out which direction it had come from. Sadly, she didn't hear anything after that.

On any normal basis, she would have been cautious and stayed as low as possible, but she had found a few rabbits while scavenging and she couldn't pass those up. It was hard enough to get food as it is, anything could be infected nowadays.

She let out a quiet breath, hoisting the sack of meat on her shoulder. Brianna turned on her heel and began to walk away from the inner-most part of the city, one of the more dangerous places to be. She prayed that she was getting farther away from where the sound came from, but she truly had no idea. If she saw anything, there were tons of buildings surrounding her. Hiding in a building wasn't always the smartest ideas, some of them containing god knows what, but she would feel safer in one of them instead of being out in the open.

Brianna's green eyes flickered from left to right, and sometimes behind her to make sure that she wasn't being followed by anything. Nothing so far.
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Amity let out a sigh as she leaned against a tree, the pitchfork she had found the other day clutched tightly in hand. While she missed her family so, so much, she knew that she would never be able to find them again at this rate. So she didn't bother and kept moving. But oh, how she missed them so! She'd wished those raiders had never come, but she couldn't turn back time. Not now...

The sound of a scream tore her from her thoughts and her eyes flew open as she realized a screamer was right in front of her, screeching its lungs out. How could I be so careless?! she thought to herself as she charged and slammed the pitchfork into its head. It took a while for her to withdraw it. 37 counts to withdraw. Count to 113 for them to come more. No good, have to leave quick, it'll take 68 counts to fully leave the area where it screamed. Will come in all directions, gotta go, right now. With that in mind she immediately went in a direction that she hoped no zombies would appear. It would be a 73.8% chance of them appearing, odds were not in her favor since she was alone and no one else was backing her up in what possibly could be a hoard.
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Location - Outside City ; Edge of Forest
Tags - N/A
OOC - (Sorry this took so long to reply...work been overly hectic lately.)
Sitting on an old log of a tree that had fallen over long ago, the white haired male glued his foggy white gaze onto the dancing flames of the campfire he had started several minutes ago. The night was going to be cold and it was far too dangerous to continue wandering around aimlessly in the dead of night where the undead could sneak up on you more easily, so rather than go and find some kind of shelter to rest for the night; the male had decided that he was just going to stay at the edge of where the forest met the largely open grassy plains.

At least if he stayed here then if anything or anyone attempted to sneak up on him he wouldn't have to concern himself with too many distractions of being caught off guard randomly; there were tree leaves scattered in the forest so footsteps would easily be heard and the plains made it easier to maneuver around due to the largely open area.

While the male continued to sit there, his stomach had started to grumble at him at the thought of hunger coming onto him. Slipping his backpack in front of him and unzipping the larger zipper in the back; he dug through his supplies that consisted of small unusable electronics, whetstones, small tools, snacks, seasonings and a few other supplies.

Just as he had ended up pulling out a small can of beans rather than waste too much time with cooking any meat or even hunting; the sudden echoing distant sound of a screamer screeching through the night from the nearby city had him halt his movements just to turn his head in the direction of the city grounds. "Hm, that sounded awfully close...I've got a bad feeling about this..." Whispering to himself underneath his breath, Takayuki knew well enough that a screamer didn't randomly let out a shriek like that unless they found themselves a prey of some sort.
There was no doubt that after a scream had shrieked, there was going to be a hoard of the undead of all different types swarming the area where the scream came from sooner or later; the only bit of good news out of that would at least mean the trail of smoke from his campfire extending into the sky wouldn't get too much attention from the undead however it might get the attention of whomever attracted the attention of the screamer to begin with or even possibly anyone else.
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The streets were vacant, quiet, and rather eery. No matter how many times she'd pass through them, they always freaked her out. From the rotting cars to how the earth had taken over the city, it gave her chills. She had seen pictures of how it used to be, the people, animals, how vibrant it had been. While she preferred to be on her own, she always wondered what it would feel like to be around so many people. They were probably way worse before than how they are now, she thought. Brianna shivered as a gust of cold wind hit her skin, goosebumps immediately forming. She wore a thin jacket, it was old and the fabric had been thinned out over the years. It barely gave her any warmth, and she had not had the time to go out and find another. It seemed as if lately there were more and more infected, especially around her small shelter. She figured she would have to relocate soon enough.

After a few minutes with no sightings of humans or infected, she made it to her temporary home. The building was a two story, but only the first floor was safe. On the second floor, one side of it had totally fallen a part. The walls had given out and the ceiling came down, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. Although the second floor could be accessed, there was nothing useful up there and what remained of the ceiling could fall at any second. The first floor wasn't doing much better, but it offered some warmth and the windows had already been sealed with pieces of thick wood. It kept her out of sight, and the building didn't stand out. Keeping her safe from the eyes of other survivors, animals, and infected alike.

Brianna quickly got to work, setting the bag of meat on a counter. Pulling out her pocket knife, she began with slicing the skin of the rabbit, gripping the hide and taking off the fur. Setting the fur aside–she could use it later–, she removed the legs and the head; they held very little meat and weren't very useful. Making a small incision on the stomach with the knife, she opened the chest. Careful to not cut into the intestines, she removes them along with the innards. She soon finished with the rest, left with the heart, kidneys, and the liver. The rest were put back into the sack, excluding the fur, and would be left somewhere in the city the next time she would go scavenging.

Since she was in a closed space, she had to get creative with how she was going to cook the meat. She had a couple of matches, a pan, water, and a small bottle of wine. It would charr the skin, and the inside wouldn't be fully cooked, but she was starving and it would provide her with the protein that she needed.

She pulled the pan out of one of the cabinets, setting it on the counter. Opening the bottle of wine, she poured it in the pan and set the meat inside. Brianna reached inside her coat pocket and pulled out a box of matches, pulling one out and sliding it against the rough part of the box. It took a second, but once it lit up, she gently tipped the pan and set the flame close to the liquid. Brianna wasn't even sure if it would work, but she felt some relief when the wine lit up with fire.

The girl set the pan down, watching as the meat popped and darkened up. A smell wafted through the area, causing her stomach to growl. It wasn't the best smell, but it was ten times better than the smell of rotting flesh.
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"Either way," Terri continued, turning his attention back to the flames, "it wouldn't hurt to pick up something if we come across it." As he spoke, the sound of a screamer rang through the air. He tilted his head to hear a bit to hear better, the sound close. "That wasn't us, was it?"

Wesley shook her head, bringing the scope of her sniper up to her eyes to peer through. She wasn't able to pinpoint the screamer exactly, but the walker in her sights began to walk away from their camp. "They're heading North. Though, to be safe, I think we should lock ourselves in. Anything that happens to pass us on their way may just decide to eat us instead."

"I take it we're not gonna try and help?"

"And why should we do that?" Wesley asked.

"They could be helpful, considering neither of us are any good at close combat. And if it doesn't work out, we could use this time for scavenging."

There was a pause before Wesley raised the gun once more, pointing it at Terri. "Fine. But if I die, I'm taking you with me."

Terri simply grinned, turning away and quickly packing away whatever things he needed, smothering the fire as he did so. "Consider it a deal." He then took watch, allowing time for Wesley to do the same before the two set off towards the North.

Location - Outside City ; Edge of Forest --> Edge of City Limits
Tags - @Periwinkle

With the screamer's shriek still ringing through his ears while he had prepared to open the can of beans, Takayuki told himself mentally that he wouldn't get up to go check on the sound yet the longer he sat there the more the idea of not helping made his gut churn. Eventually giving off a deep sigh, he stuffed the can back into his backpack before swinging it over his shoulder. Kicking dirt into the burning flame to put it out, the silver haired male soon turned his attention towards the direction of the shrieks from earlier before immediately heading towards it. Knowing well enough there was probably going to be plenty of infected swarming their way towards the sound of the screamer, he was going to need to take caution in making sure he did not end up running into a horde of them before they reached their destination.

Whether it was good or not that he had made his small little camp as close as he did to the edge of the city, it did at least allow him to reach the city grounds after several minutes. Originally, he was going to head through this city in the morning anyway just to see if he could do some scavenging before moving on through the city to continue on his travels; though of course his curiousity had gotten the better of him causing him to come here now of all times.
By the time he had reached the pavement of the sidewalk, his gaze while it may had been slightly limited due to the somewhat misty gaze of his slight blindness he could still easily see the fact that the roads were littered with empty cars all around that had their doors wide open while there were some that had old dried up blood stains still remaining on them. "How did it come to all this...?" Questioning himself as he progressed down the sidewalk just to turn his head from one side to the next in case he might hear something unusual.

As Takayuki continued on his way, the sudden scent of what seemed like a cooked morsel or at least 'cooking' even if it seemed a bit burnt and bitter came to his attention. Coughing lowly to try and rid himself of the scent which soon was far too difficult to do so due to it's intensity, the male immediately headed in the direction of the smell. Surely, there was no way that was any kind of infected so it had to be some kind of survivor. Only concern this brought up was whether or not the person or people were going to be friendly or hostile; if they attempted to attack him then he would just have to strike them down and at least it would give him something to loot. If they were friendly, at the very least he could do was help them with that smell and make it better so it wasn't so near putrid.

Finally, as he neared his destination only to find that the smell was coming from a small building that appeared to be slightly boarded up as though it were built for defense or at least a makeshift camp. He cautiously approached the entrance while keeping several feet away from actually entering. "Um...Hello..? Is anyone there?..." Calling out in search of a response, the silver haired male made sure that his voice didn't carry out too loud in case it might attract some other unwanted attention.
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Sam Bishop was sitting on top of a boulder, skinning the wild hare he had recently killed. The man always packed light, so he was required to hunt daily for his meals and meager supplies he kept with him. Unlike most of the survivors he occasionally comes into contact with, Sam actively sought out and killed the flesh eating denizens that plague the ruins of the old world. It was a personal crusade of his, a quest to kill every zombie in the world. Of course, that is impossible, but it doesn't hurt to try.

As Sam peeled off the last bit of flesh from the critter, the sound of a screamer reached his ears. Slowly getting up with a sigh, he picked up his antique sword before promptly shoving his freshly skinned meal into his pack before rushing off in the direction of the noise.
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The longer the meat cooked, the darker it got, and the worse the smell became. Every second that past made it more apparent that she had made a horrible mistake somewhere between her planning, and she couldn't help but feel disappointed. This was the only thing that she'd been able to catch in weeks, and she had already ruined some of it. There was only so much in a rabbit that you could eat, and she had two more rabbits left. She couldn't let them go to waste, not like this one. At this point, she was afraid to eat it. Eating it raw seemed like the better option at this point, even with all of the dangers of eating raw meat.

After waiting around three more minutes, she reluctantly grabbed her bottle of water and poured it on the burning liquid. Clean water was hard to come by, wasting it on inedible food was stupid, but she couldn't leave it the way it was. The smell was getting to her, and the food was burnt. Despite the fire being put out, the smell lingered. It made her stomach grumble, and at this point, she was losing her appetite. Brianna would rather starve than eating a charred, vomit-inducing, smelly piece of meat.

She felt almost incompetent, knowing how long she'd been on her own, and how much skill she had gained, she still couldn't cook. She frowned, running her hands through her greasy hair.

"Um...Hello? Is anyone there?..." A voice came from outside, startling her from her thoughts. Her breath hitched, her back to the door. Brianna realized that she hadn't paid enough attention and that she had been followed. God damn it. Her day just couldn't get any worse! She reached down to her belt, she felt around for her sword. Brianna only felt air, and realized that she had set her sword down when she had entered her home, too excited to cook the food to care.

Turning as slowly and as quietly as possible, her eyes searched for her sword. It rested against the doorframe, the exact place she wanted to avoid. Whoever was outside could be dangerous and she wasn't prepared for a fight, her body too weak to even handle a small child at this point. The only other exit was the second floor, but that led to the stranger. She was more or less trapped.

With no other options, she finally responded. "I will shoot you if you come any closer." Brianna spoke, her voice smooth and collected. Considering how she felt inside, she could do at least one thing right. The girl had been lying, of course. She didn't know how to load a gun, let alone how to use one. However, she hoped her warning might scare him off.
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