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So I hate typing out big, long, fancy RP requests and getting no takers it's just a waist of time for me. That does not mean that I am a lazy partner though.

A couple things, no smut and I would prefer at least a paragraph per post and at the very least on post per day.

So here are my basic plots, I don't add much to them because I prefer to develop them with my partner(s)

1. Man adopts two twin boys and is abusive. We would each at a twin and then either we could find a third person to play the dad or share RPing him.

2. Two Best friends go on a road trip together. This would be two guy best friends and would not include romance, it would also be very sand boxy where we wouldn't have a specific goal in mind.

3. Basically wife divorced husband and takes son with her and dad doesn't get to see his son for a few years until wife dies and son goes to live with dad, I would be cool playing either the dad or the so. But would prefer the son.
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