Judge a Book By it's Cover (Kigarra & Kaldoro)

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"Other people can't see these wings as long as I'm near you, that's one of the things your spiritual energy is good for." Lotoking in to another drawer she pulls out one pair of pants then looks down at her own legs. It was clear that regular pants was a no-go. "Um, you wouldn't happen to have a dress would you?
"My mother left some stuff in the dresser here.."
As he was done changing he showed her the room.
"You can be quite pleasant to have around I guess."
"Nn, what do you mean?" She went in to the room and looked inside the closet to pull out a long blue sundress. With a bit of a smile she put it on then looked back at him. "You starting to take to me?"
"I guess...had not much of a choice!"
He yawned again.
"Do you want to eat anything?"
he looked inside the kitchen, he didn't have much they should
go buy food as well, some stores where open anyways.
"Lets buy some stuff to eat when we leave..."
"An apple would be nice." She said while adjusting herself a bit. She followed him in to the kitchen and looked over his shoulder.
Luckily he had pretty much just apples left he took them and cleaned it under the water giving it to her and started eating one himself.
"Let's get going then" he have jer a quick smile which was unusual for him, he felt all happy and that was on the other hand even more unusual. He picked his keys and left the apartment with her locking the door behind him.
She took the apple with a grin and began eating it happily. The smile she received from him was pretty nice, she began to think as she followed him outside. Her wings folded up a bit and laid against her back so it wouldn't get cold.
They walked through the town, rather a village multiple smaller shops down the streets with the school up the small mountain, nothing big besides the schoo building an old western style house. Most houses where rather small, so the school and the chapel were easy to see. The area all around the village was mostly farms or grassland.
"It really isn't big here though... it's a small village."
They walked through the village and he shower her all the building and in front of the chapel he stopped.
"How are demons with chapels and the sort?"
She looked around the area as they walked around, making sure to keep every area noted but when they reached the chapel she stopped and glared at it. "Tch....stupid, I might burn it down by accident..." She said with a click of her tongue and a slight hint of scorn.
"True love it is then?"
He chuckled as they kept going through the street and at some point entering the store, he got mainly all they needed before turning to her.
"Is there anything specific You would want to buy?"
She scoffed slight before continue to follow him to the store, looking around at the different foods and licking her lips in hunger."What I want..? Hmm...bread, apples....meat...stuff like that." She thought out loud before looking up to him.
To her demands he looked a little confused.
"Well thats...rather easy.."
Issei picked up all sorts of things and some more apple before turning to her a last time.
"You really don't want anything unordinary?"
"What? Are you expecting me to ask for human hearts and the eyeballs of a cow or something?" She asked, slightly teasing and also feeling a bit offended.
He heard in her voice that she wasn't too amused with that question.
"No, I just thought you would wanting sweets or something like that, I'm not dumb I doubt you would eat eyeballs..."
Not wanting to be bothered more by that he continued and payed everything.
"Is there anything else you want to see?"
A yawn left him as he looked up at the sky.
The sun slowly made its way towards the west.
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