[JovenMaria] Never judge a book by its cover [bloodbitten]

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As soon as Minami got to the token dispenser, she brought out a five dollar bill. Putting it in the machine, she awaited impatiently for the machine to finish the exchanging process. Once she got all the tokens, she proceeded to drag Satoru once again, towards her favorite games. If people were to asked them why were they together at the arcade and she were to answer, that it was Satoru's birthday they would sweat drop to the floor. Due to her dragging him towards her favorite games instead of the other way around, however it was her idea after all. Though, it indeed defeated the purpose of going to the arcade in the first place.

After playing on a couple of games on her own, Minami decided to drag Satoru to the air hockey machine. As they arrived at the machine, Minami turned towards Satoru with a smile. "Come on, Satoru. Lets play air hockey together, it is your birthday so, you should have fun as well." She said this while placing a hand inside the box of sweets. Yet, finding the box already empty, her smile dropped into a scowl. "Satoru... You ate all the sweets...?"

Her friends who were following them got the sudden urge to stop and flee. "Oh, look girls, I think its time we leave..." All of the girls agreed with a node and fled the scene.

Minami gave Satoru a cold glare, a sight that he had not yet experienced. "How could you!? Those were my favorites and brought them to share it with you, not so you could eat them all by yourself..." At first she let out a whine, but then she gave him an angry humph and turned around. After placing the tokens on the machine, she marched towards her side. "You know what, forget it. Now, come and play with me as payback..."
As he was dragged around, Satoru continuously ate all the sweets in the box, not stopping. It was hard to believe how many cakes he shoved in his mouth in that short time period. The two managed to pass a few guys from the school who glared in confusion, catching Satoru licking his fingers. He simply glared at the guys arrogantly, shouting at them while Minami pulled him along. "Are you jealous because I'm the only one eating cake right now?" (did NOT just steal a Death Note line -3- shhh)

The boys gave a disgusted look and mumbled under their breaths before going off to find another arcade game, or to talk to some girls.
Perhaps Satoru's sweet tooth actually gave him a sugar high, because he had never acted this way before..

He stuffed another carrot cake in his mouth as they arrived at the air hockey table. The one-eyed boy casually watched as she put the tokens in, licking his fingers clean before looking down into the box. He had eaten all of the sweets.
..but he could really care less. Now, if only he could find a trash can..

Before he had the chance to walk off, he felt Minami put her hand in the box, turning around to watch her reaction.. which wasn't a pleasant one. He kept a poker face as she angrily shouted at him, licking his fingers arrogantly before shrugging. "Well, it's my birthday.."
Satoru stuck his nose in the air and huffed.

Then when she said he had to battle her in air hockey, he groaned. "Aww, come on, that's not fair!"
Quickly, he walked over to her side and glared her angrily in the face. "Let's just go back to the cafe and I'll buy some more!"

..he really just wanted to buy some more for his own benefit.
And quickly, he grabbed her hand and attempted to pull her out. "Hurry up, Minami, I know you want cake more than you want to kick my ass in air hockey right now."
At the sudden contact Minami gawked at Satoru. Suddenly her face turned a fiery red as she let him drag her out of the arcade. Okay, so she had been dragging him around all this time, so why get flustered all of a sudden.

Just to be clear, Minami had not been paying attention to what she has been doing, mostly acting out of instinct. However, now that she was a bit more focused on her surroundings, she couldn't help but blush when Satoru was the one to initiate contact. However, being the dense one she didn't know why it bother her so much. "I don't get it... I don't feel like this with Keisho. So what is it?"

Shaking her head, she decided to leave those thoughts for later and after giving Satoru's hand a soft squeeze, she completely relaxed and let him drag her, -this one time-, towards the cafe. Besides, she did want to buy more treats since she didn't got a chance to taste them.
He was suddenly surprised at how easily Minami allowed him to pull along, looking back to see some little kids awing about the fact that they had a free air hockey game now.. he chuckled nervously..
"Err.. I'll pay for that.."

Turning around as they got outside, he grumbled to himself, indicating that his cold nature would never actually leave him completely, sighing at how he ate all the sweets. Surely it wasn't too bad, and he normally wouldn't care, but this time he did.
Besides, he had to get his mind off Takeshi.

He realized he was still carrying the box of treats in one arm, Minami's hand in the other, sighing at his own stupidity. He should have thrown it out at the arcade.. oh well. They were nearing the cafe now, so it shouldn't be too big-a-deal.
Soon enough, they arrived, and Satoru stood outside for a few moments before entering.

He found a trash and threw the box away, unaware that he still had Minami's hand, before walking over to the counter proudly.. or, no.. he kind of marched.
Upon arrival, he stuck his nose up and demanded, "We need more sweets."

Finally, he let go of Minami's hand to reach into his pocket for money, slamming it down on the counter before crossing his arms.
Keisho could not believe what he eyes just saw. This b..boy was holding his Mimi-chan's hand. How dare he do such a thing?

With a scowl on his face, he send the boy a heated glare. However, he decided to ignore his request and just turned to Minami. "Hello again, Mimi. How was your box of sweets?"

Minami gave a warm smile, though she pouted at Keisho's question. "Well, to be honest, I didn't get a chance to eat any of the treats since someone here, ate them all..." At this she sent Satoru a mock glare, though it soon morphed into a huge grin. "Though, I guess its alright since it is his birthday so he deserved them..."

Keisho gasped in shock at first and then just settled on sending a real glare towards Satoru. "So, now you came to look for more? What a shame, I think we out of those sweets for today...I'm so..." He was lying of course, but before he could finish his fake apology, Keisho's mother, Hisa, appeared.

"Mimi-chan? Oh God, it's been a while since I last saw you...Come here..." Going around the counter, Hisa engulfed Minami in firm hug. Then, just as quickly as it came, it left. However, she was not finished. Turning towards Satoru, she gave a warm smile. "And who's this? Did you finally found yourself a boy..." Circling around him, she ended up in front of him before engulfing Satoru in a hug as well. "It was about time, Mimi-chan got herself a boyfriend and its a handsome one too.. I think I'll make a batch of your favorite sweets just for you as a celebration gift..."

Minami's face resembled a tomato by now, due to the embarrassment. But, before she could have the chance to correct Hisa on her assumptions, she left towards the back of the small cafe. "And I told Keisho that if he didn't hurry someone would stea.........." The last part could not be heard since she was already gone.

Keisho could not believe his mother. How could she assume such a thing. She knew Minami was his... and by the way she almost told his secret. Though, it was only a secret to Minami since his liking towards Minami was obvious for everyone except the actual girl. Recovering from his shock, Keisho sent another glare towards Satoru. "I guess you could take a seat... The sweets would be out in few minutes..."
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The boy snorted once Minami mocked him, though he wasn't trying to be cold, he was just slightly embarrassed that she had done that.. well, why should he be? Those sweets were too good to share.
Satoru's cold gaze returned when his request was rejected. "No more sweets, huh?" he said in a suspicious tone. "I know damn well you have mo-"

He was cut off by the sound of someone walking out, a woman.. assumingly the boy's mother, and she beckoned over to the girl, who walked around the corner to give her a hug.
Crossing his arms, he furrowed a brow at the scene.

..all until the woman approached him, of course. "Hey, what are you-"
And he was hugged.. Satoru's face turned sour at the pressure.

When she released him, he grumbled an inaudible phrase before patting down his shirt and fixing his hair, though his idea of fixing it was just to make it elegantly disheveled. He listened as this strange woman started making assumptions, raising his brow once again. Adjusting his eye patch, he arrogantly sighed and folded his arms. "That's a heavy assumption, Miss. But we're not even friends."

However, Satoru dropped his cold gaze upon hearing that she would make some sweets for them, and his face lit up. Turning over to Keisho, he flashed an inhospitable glare. "I knew you were lying."
He took the offer to sit down and quickly grabbed Minami again, dragging her over to the table they sat at yesterday.

After sitting down, he slouched in his seat and glared at Keisho from a distance. "I don't like him."
"Who..? Keisho..? Aw! That's because you don't him and he doesn't know you either. But once you get to know him, I'll bet you like him." Glancing towards Keisho, she send him a warm smile which he returned gleefully. She obviously was unaware of the cold glares both of the boys had exchanged, lately.

--small time skip--

After some time waiting, Minami watched as Keisho brought a plates full of treats. "Thank you, Keisho." Minami gave Keisho a smile and once he went away, she dropped the smile. All of a sudden, she had remembered some words Satoru had said to Hisa-san.

"That's a heavy assumption, Miss. But we're not even friends."

Thus, with a mischievous smirk, she quickly pulled the plate of treats out of Satoru's reach. "So...We are not friends...? After I shared my sweets with you..? ...That's it; no more sweets for you, Mister." And with that said, she started to eat the sweets by herself and waited for Satoru's reaction. "1...2...3..."
"HA! Unlikely.. he looks at me like I'm a piece of trash.." Satoru growled, but suddenly stopped.
He leaned back in his chair and sighed vainly. "Then again, he's right. I am trash." the boy chuckled, he obviously meant that as a joke.
For some reason, Minami was causing him to come out of his shell a bit. Or maybe he was still on his sugar rush. Who knew?


After a few minutes, Satoru watched as Keisho made his way over to the table with the treats on a plate. Almost immediately did the blue-single-eyed boy's mouth start to water. Once he set the plate down on the table, Satoru reached to grab a treat..
..only to have the plate swiped right under his hovering hand, which grabbed at nothing on the table instead.

He watched Minami in shock, heart sinking once she started to smirk diabolically. "Minami.." he said concerned, staring at the plate of sweets.
Watching her start to eat them was torture. He shook his head, starting to panic. "Minami, w-wait! Stop that!"
But the more he complained, the more she ate.

Finally, the boy stood up and stared down at her in horror. "Okay, okay, we're friends. Hell, we're best friends! Can I have some now, please?"
He sat down slowly in his seat, one ice blue eye begging. Then he remembered something a friend had called her the day before, and he repeated it to add effect. "PLEASE, Mimi-chan?"

Satoru practically gagged at the nickname.. but if it would get him sweets, then he would do it all day.
At first, she couldn't help but keep smirking at his miserable face. "Hmm...I guess he really likes sweets..." However, she would not let how sad he looked stop her, so she kept eating. But when she heard the words she was waiting for she almost, relented. Yet, she knew that he was only saying to get some sweets.

"I don't know Satoru, there to good to giv...." She couldn't finish her sentence once she heard him use her nickname. Suddenly a grimaced appeared on her face. "I'll give you some, if you promise to never use that nickname again.." She said this with a serious tone, yet it was filled with a bit of pain.

She remembered when she used to love that nickname but after what happened, she came to hate. Even her mother, had stopped using it when she asked her to stop. She'd would let Keisho use it, just because even after so many times asking him to stop using, he still did. So, he was the only one who could use it and his mother, since she picked it up from him.

Snapping out of her thoughts, she moved the plate towards him. She had suddenly lost her appetite, however she would let Satoru enjoy the sweets, it was his birthday after all.
He gasped as she suddenly passed him the plate, trying to hide a smile before scarfing down most of the sweets like a vacuum already.. it was odd to see the guy wasn't overweight. Probably had a high metabolism, indicating that he might actually work out when not in school. But no one would ever know, because it was no one's business.
But when he looked over to Minami, he stopped eating.

Satoru took into account the nickname, and sighed, feeling bad all of a sudden. A rare emotion for him to feel. "I'm not allowed to call you that?" his tone returned to a bored one, hinting that his pride still got in the way of his normal human feelings.
"That guy over there calls you it all the time.. what's his name.. Keisho?"

Taking another treat, he huffed at the name and stuffed the cake in his mouth, leaning back in his chair once more to savor it and appreciate the fact that he at least got something good for his birthday.
Oh, he hoped Keisho was watching him.. he'd be so angry.

Perhaps jealousy was what fueled this introverted sixteen year old..

He sighed, thinking about his family and what they were doing right now. Probably still mourning.. Satoru had left the house pretty early this morning after he heard the news. He figured the library would calm him down, but he was wrong.
And he didn't want to make a scene here as well, so he frowned and shook his head, the thought suddenly being rattled back into the dark pit of his mind.
Minami frowned as Satoru reverted to his usual demeanor. She hadn't meant to offend him or hurt him. However, she was not in the mood to talk about her past. "Even if Keisho calls me by that nickname all the time, it doesn't mean I like it. Most of the time I just ignore it since I have asked him a billion times to stop calling me that, Though, it was when we were younger, so I guess I got used to him being the only one calling me that, so it doesn't bother me that much, but I still don't like..." Once she said this, she decided to look out the window letting Satoru know that, she did not want to talk about it anymore.

Keisho on the other hand, had been serving some customers that sitting close to Minami's table. So, when he heard his name being mention, his ears suddenly perked up just like a dog. However, he suddenly didn't like what was being said. "She doesn't like being called Mimi...but I thought that she did...Hm? She asked me a billion times...What was I doing in those moments?" Soon, he couldn't hear any talking so he went back to attending customers.

After some time in silence Minami spoke again. "Besides, he Keisho is actually a friend. You...We are not officially friends, yet. So, no.,, You are not allowed to call me any kind of nicknames..." She said this with a mocking glare sent in his directon, though the playfulness on her voice countered the seriousness of her words.
He sat up straight in the chair this time with a small yawn, hearing her vague explanation for what was going on with that nickname. Quite frankly, he was glad she told him not to call him that. Because he didn't like saying it in the first place, probably because he hadn't been around students much to feel comfortable with it. So he simply nodding in understanding.

Upon seeing Keisho tending to some customers nearby, he ate his sweets a little more slowly, picking out the boy's flaws, one by one.

While he ate his sweets, he listened to her talk about how she had asked Keisho to stop calling her that, but he simply wouldn't. Satoru nodded and sat back after eating another snack. It kind of reminded him of his own nickname, Toru.
"I understand.." he said in a low voice. "Everyone at my house used to call me Toru. Until the accident, of course."

Taking another sweet, he stuffed it in his mouth, savoring the taste. "Then everyone got all serious, and stopped."
His voice trailed off, mostly because the incident reminded him of Takeshi, and what happened. He'd rather not talk about that. Not now.

Looking up, he furrowed a brow as she mentioned "friend". Well, she was right.. they weren't friends.. to be honest, he couldn't deny the fact that they were going to be friends soon, because he never knew he'd get this far with another student.
And besides.. deep down, he really did want a friend. He just acted like he didn't because others didn't want to be his friend.

But Minami.. she actually did want to get to know him. And for that, he had to accept it. Satoru slowly pushed the plate of treats towards her and nodded. "Here. Eat some."
At first, Minami just stared and her eyes blinking shockingly. However, she quickly recovered and giving Satoru a big smile, accepted his offer. "I guess I could take this as us becoming, officially, friends, because I don't think you would share treats with just anyone..." Minami said this as she picked one of the mini strawberry shortcakes and bit into it.

For a second, she couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips, once the delectable taste filled her mouth. However, she quickly stopped in embarrassment at the sound she was making. Upon seeing some of the looks some people were giving her, her cheeks decided to turn a rosy color. In a swift motion, she averted her gaze towards the window, still she kept popping sweets into her mouth.

Some tables away, however; Minami's friends were surprised to see Satoru, was still in one piece after what happened at the arcade. "Do you think she has gone soft or, is it something that has to do with him? I mean, I don't think that if it was one of us, we would be eating so calmly with her on the same table..." One of her friends said, at which the others just stared with amazement and thoughtful expressions. Though, it shouldn't be surprising since an angry Minami was kind of a scary sight, at least for her friends.
Satoru frowned and hung his head as she assumed they were officially friends. "Don't get your hopes up, I'm not that easy to hook!" But his tone was filled with more embarrassment than actual coldheartedness. It all went away when he heard the odd sound escape from her vocals, being replaced with a furrowed brow.
And he tried so hard to contain his chuckle, quickly doing so by holding down the corners of his mouth.

He took another sweet with love in his eyes, examining it just so he could enjoy it whilst knowing exactly what he was putting in his mouth, savoring all the tastes that exploded in his mouth.
Then he started to think about actually becoming friends with Minami, for real.

Which begs the question..

"Why do you want to be my friend?" he suddenly asked in curiosity. "I mean.. why now? You never even looked at me when school was in session, but as soon as break starts, you start coming around."
He was genuinely curious to know this. No one would just come up to him and befriend him for the hell of it, they had to at least have a solid reason.
Upon hearing his question, Minami turn her away from the window and towards him again. For a few minutes, she just stared at Satoru, then in a quick motion she shrugged. However, she still gave him a quick explanation.

"To be honest, I don't have a good reason just that when I saw you that first day at the library, I found you rather intriguing due to that mysterious aura that surrounded you." Picking another treat, she popped it in her mouth and smiled, though she dropped it once she started to talk again, while looking out the window, again.

"I know that at school, I didn't even paid any attention to you, or quite frankly didn't care but that was because, I was busy with schoolwork, family situations and my friends. At the moment, I was not interested in making new friends, or any gossips or rumors going around school. Though, I think I overhead some, that now that I think about it, I think they were about you. But, frankly, at that time, I couldn't care less. Yet, when I saw you, really saw you that day, I guess I was curious as to why so many of the students feared you... I guess I just wanted to find out..."

Shrugging again, she kept eating the sweets. However, after a bit of silence Minami returned her look at Satoru, and gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry if it's not a good reason, or just a selfish one, but in all sincerity, I'm glad that I approached you that next day. Because, now that I'm starting to know more about you, I don't find you a bad person at all; and I still don't get why people are so scared of you... I think you are a big softy at heart..." What that last part, she gave him a playful smile while her eyes, held a warm gleam in them. She knew that she sounded all sappy and corny, but it was what she truly felt, so she didn't care how she sounded at the moment.
Satoru listened to her explanation, narrowing his eyes a bit. It wasn't exactly a bad explanation, it was just.. odd for him.
And when she brought up the rumors about him, he sighed and nodded at that simple fact. He didn't know why everyone was afraid either. An eyepatch shouldn't define anyone.. perhaps there was something else that drove others away.

He looked out the window as she explained more, wrapping everything around his head.. yeah, he changed his mind. She didn't really have a good reason at all. Not like it was going to piss him off or anything either.
Satoru sat back in his seat and swiped another sweet, eating it with a raised brow. "Well, you're right. That's not a good reason at all." he was being honest.

"But it's not like I can do anything about it.. I may be hostile, but that's because I don't expect anyone to talk to me. And since you're obviously not going anywhere, I can't just tell you to leave.. besides.. it'd be nice to at least have one friend." he folded his arms, sounding arrogant. Only because his pride was getting in the way.
Minami couldn't help but feel bad for not having a good reason for wanting to be Satoru's friend. Still, she didn't regret approaching him two days ago. At first, she just wanted to know why people feared him, since she didn't actually found him scary at all. Yet, after that first day, she quickly became intrigued by the mysterious, cold-looking boy. She started to want to know more about him. That was why, now that she was making progress, there was nothing that could possibly stop her from advancing, except the boy himself. Though, her instincts keep telling her that, he was probably enjoying having someone to talk to more than he was letting on.

At seeing Satoru's actions, Minami chuckled softly while looking at him. "See... Just like a a teddy-bear with a rough exterior. You'll admit you consider me a friend sooner or later..." Minami just kept smiling as she went to pick another treat, however she quickly realized there was only one more, left. She stared at it a couple seconds. Then looking up at Satoru, -who by that time had also realize the situation-, she gave him smirk and with a mischievous look, tried to quickly swipe away the last remaining sweet. Though, she knew that she couldn't underestimate Satoru's love for sweets, which she had obviously learned about by just watching him eat them.
Satoru hung his head at that little comment.. he wasn't exactly going to let that happen that easily. "We'll see about that." He folded his arms and huffed, returning to an arrogant and prideful stance, going in for another treat.. err, the last treat at that. He stopped himself upon seeing Minami go for it as well, and they had their little staredown.
He raised a brow, slowly inching his hand forward.

"Minami.. it's my birthday.." his volume was soft, but his tone was possessive.
He looked down at the treat and grabbed it, sighing. For some reason, he would feel bad if he ate it all.

The boy groaned and tore it in half, looking away as he handed her one half and his own. How very odd...
He was sharing.
"Minami.. it's my birthday.."

When he took the treat, she had just sighed in defeat, and hung her head down. However, through the corner of her eyes, she noticed that he was extending his hand towards her. Looking up, she couldn't help but grin like a fool, once she saw that he was handing her half of the treat. He might not see it, but he was starting to warm up to her. Or maybe he did, but he was just to prideful to admit it.

Still, smiling she took her half and thanked him. "Thank you.."


While this transpired between them, Keisho was still thinking through what he had heard. However, once he saw the scene, he balled up his fist. Keisho knew he was starting to lose his chance, so in a desperate move he walked up to their table. He only had one goal in mind, stopping Satoru from stealing his girl. "Minami-chan? Can I talk with you for a few minutes.." Looking at Satoru with a cold gaze, without Minami noticing obviously, Keisho extended his hand towards Minami. "In private, if you don't mind?"

Upon hearing Keisho's request, she nodded. However, she was a bit shocked and slightly confused, when she heard him call her by her name. She hated the nickname, he usually uses to call her, yet it was a bit strange hearing Keisho call her by her given name. "Of course, Keisho..." Looking at Satoru, she excused herself and taking Keisho's hand, she followed him.


Now, that he had Minami's attention, Keisho couldn't help but be a bit nervous. He had not thought everything through, however he could not back down now. "Uhm, Minami... I-I just w-wanted to ask you if.. if you would like to g-go to see a movie this weekend..?" Keisho's face was beyond red at the end of his question, he felt so embarrassed about stuttering like such an idiot. However, he was still hopeful that she would accept.

Minami couldn't believe what she was hearing, or basically seeing. Keisho resembled a tomato, and his behavior was beyond odd; well, for her it was odd. Yet, he was still her friend and she didn't have any excuse to not go and see a movie with him. "Uhm, sure Keisho. I would like to go see a movie with you. We are friends, after all." Smiling, she patted his head like one would do to a child. "Now, if that was it, I should go back to Satoru. It his birthday and I don't him to feel lonely..." She didn't know if he would lonely or not, but still Minami didn't want him to feel awkward sitting by himself.

At first Keisho was happy, but when he heard her explanation as to why she accepted, he felt rejected. Of course, he shouldn't feel that way since he had not even told her about his feelings, yet he didn't know how more dense she could be. When she mentioned Satoru, he balled up his fist in frustration, anger and jealousy. "What does he have that I don't..?" Obviously, he didn't voice his question aloud, since she had already left towards the table. So, with all the different emotions he was feeling, he left towards the kitchen to take it on something else, that was not the customers. If he did that, then it would be his mother taking her anger on him.

As soon as Minami sat down, she let out a worried sigh. Looking towards Satoru, she decided to voice what was bothering her. "Hey, Satoru..? I know that you don't know Keisho at all, but don't you think he is acting a bit odd..?" Staring at Satoru, she waited for his reply.
Satoru nodded as his eyes darted awkwardly around the vicinity. "Err, yeah.. you're welcome.. whatever.." his tone was rather nonchalant, and he quickly brushed the little situation off. Finishing off his half the treat with a satisfied and sad smile. Satisfied because it was so damn good, but sad because the moment was ending. He wanted more.. but of course, he knew when he had to stop. Any more sweets, and he'd most likely ruin his great metabolism.
And this boy couldn't afford that. Everyone rejected him because he was quiet, and he didn't need to be bullied for being overweight now.

He saw Keisho approach and raised an eyebrow at him, saying nothing as he grabbed a napkin and started to pat his mouth down. Hearing Keisho speak to Minami and request to see her alone, he leaned back in his chair, folding his arms behind his head with a small sigh. "Just bring her back." he said calmly.

As they left, Satoru glared at the boy and watched his every move. And that's when he knew something was going on.

A few minutes later, he watched as Minami was coming back, though his gaze was still settled on the boy she had just been talking to. After he disappeared in the kitchen, he turned his attentions to Minami and listened to what she had to say about that little chat.. and she wanted to know what was going on. Satoru smirked and looked at her dead in the eyes. "Yeah, he's been acting weird. I mean, no one just acts like that around regular friends.. it's obvious, he's got the hots for you, girl, and those cold glares aren't because he's afraid of me too."

He snorted. "The boys aren't afraid of me, it's just the girls. Keisho is territorial. I am a threat to him."
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