Joss Whedon is sexists!!111!

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Okay, I have a keyboard now, so here's a full explanation of all the things I've seen people complaining about as far as Age of Ultron goes. It's mainly about sexism, but it's not at all just about Black Widow. Many spoilers, obviously. I would apologize for the snark and sarcasm included in the explanations, but I'm really not sorry.

The big one is Black Widow's "I'm a monster because I'm sterile" thing. All sorts of rage just because of that.

Black Widow being cast into a caretaker role for the Hulk, as well as when Hawkeye gets injured.

She also has a moment at a party where she sorta serves drinks to other Avengers, so subservience position and all that.

All the heroes at the party except BW try to lift Thor's hammer after he tells them only someone worthy can pick it up, and apparently this is sexist. Her spoken reason of "that's not a question I need answered" (or something to that effect) apparently wasn't enough for the angry people.

Basically every interaction between BW and Hulk. Includes flirtation silliness (including a racy joke that caught extra rage; H: "You're being too hard on yourself" BW: "Here I was hoping that was your job"), a moment where he faceplants into her boobs, and a thing where he carries her "bridal style" (I saw someone else use that term) to safety after she gets messed up in a fight. Just the entire romance arc pisses a lot of people off, from what I've seen.

She gets kidnapped by the bad guy (damsel in distress), but is able to use shit in her cell to make a device to transmit a morse code signal internationally to alert Hawkeye of her plight (omg more damsel, begs to be rescued!!!), and apparently doesn't even try to break out despite clearly having scrap metal and shit on hand and obviously having enough ingenuity to make useful things out of it.

Also the fact that after Hulk peaces out BW mopes and stares at the wall. That apparently implies that she's incomplete without a man or something? idk

On the not-BW front, there's an agent lady (Maria I think?) who was a badass in past movies but in this one was running around in high heels and a dress and not doing much of anything badass, so more rage there.

Iron Man and Thor get into a little bit of a contest comparing the achievements of their lady friends, which of course is just rank objectification.

Iron Man makes a joke about reinstating jus primae noctis, which makes him a gross rapist of course.

They introduced a new character, scientist woman Dr. Helen Cho, and she supposedly did nothing but fill female stereotypes. One of her few lines was, after being reluctant about attending the previously mentioned party, asking if Thor would be there with the obvious indication that that would change her mind. She was the other person, along with BW, who cared for injured Hawkeye. Then she gets mind controlled (saw this compared to rape a couple times), forced into basically doing a tech-preganancy to make the ultimate body for the villain (apparently this + the BW sterile thing shows that Whedon thinks women are only good for baby making), and then gets shot and dies.

Then there are some things for Scarlet Witch (hereby referred to as SW because lazy). Iron Man called her "that little witch," which is a reference to the horribly evil and offensive gendered slur 'bitch.' Hulk chokes her and says "don't piss me off," AKA thinly veiled spousal abuse and victim blaming. She frequently gets swept out of harms way by Quicksilver, meaning she's turned into a helpless weak girl. She had a whole breakdown and needed a pep talk from Captain America to get it together and wreck some robot ass, which obviously means Whedon thinks women can't do anything without a man's approval and aid. Then she was also carried "bridal style" away from danger, which apparently has become inherently sexist.

The other big rage thing I've seen is that they apparently did worse than just whitewash SW and Quicksilver, they TOTALLY RUINED THEM!!!1!! In the comics they were Romani Jews, and in the movie there was no mention of Jewish heritage and instead they were willing volunteers for Hydra (AKA Marvel-land super Nazis) experiments that gave them powers. Add racism and antisemitism into the mix!

That's all the stuff I can remember. Some of it makes sense, other of it is people being over sensitive, but as I said before it's not just because of Black Widow. None of this excuses the threats Whedon received, of course. Fuckin' crazy people.
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(Had to reply to something)

"The other big rage thing I've seen is that they apparently did worse than just whitewash SW and Quicksilver, they TOTALLY RUINED THEM!!!1!! In the comics they were Romani Jews, and in the movie there was no mention of Jewish heritage and instead they were willing volunteers for Hydra (AKA Marvel-land super Nazis) experiments that gave them powers. Add racism and antisemitism into the mix!"

I haven't seen the movie but I've been raging about this for months, since I saw winter soldier. Not only were they Romani Jews, THEY ARE MUTANTS! The movie makes them "Miracles" instead of Mutants. Oh, and one more thing, THEY ARE MAGNETO'S CHILDREN. Granted, they aren't children born from his love, just a one-time thing, but he's their father nonetheless.

The whole situation with Marvel owning only a fraction of the characters that have been in movies (Marvel may get a little production credit, but 20th Century fox owns The X-men, and apparently the title of mutants. That's why Marvel-Disney made the "Amazing Spiderman" movies, because they could no longer use the old Spiderman, since they don't have the rights anymore.

Marvel royally screwed themselves in the sense of moviemaking, because now they have to ask for permission to use characters that belong to them.
I would say that something is very wrong if we consider portraying a woman being broken up about being forced into sterility (by people who consider her to have no more value than a handgun) sexist.

Her rationale for considering herself a monster makes sense: she had her ability to create life taken away, and instead was grown to be a killer. That line of reasoning is semi-logical (it's as logical as it's intended to be-Black Widow isn't a monster, but neither is Hulk).
Really wish I could post that .gif of Widow looking at Hulk, Hulk grins, cuts to a giant green penis hammering some girls butt.

It seems totally appropriate.

I've yet to see the new movie.
Just so y'all know, Joss Whedon had denied the reports that he left twitter because of feminists. As said by this Buzzfeed interview/article.
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Well, the exact reason why he left twitter wasn't the point of this thread anyway.
*looks back at Joss's career*
*realize its contained in my fucking drawers*

Hey guys I'm sexist lol gonna watcha show about a blonde chick kickin' the shit outta demons and vampires and shit k l8r
*looks back at Joss's career*
*realize its contained in my fucking drawers*

Hey guys I'm sexist lol gonna watcha show about a blonde chick kickin' the shit outta demons and vampires and shit k l8r
Buffy? He worked on Buffy the Vampire Slayer?!
Really wish I could post that .gif of Widow looking at Hulk, Hulk grins, cuts to a giant green penis hammering some girls butt.

It seems totally appropriate.

I've yet to see the new movie.
Wish granted.


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Don't know if trolling

The dude was responsible for making the series.
No I seriously didn't know this XD Though I used to own every season on dvd >.> Buffy was my first television crush.

I'd link the fan fiction but I don't want to scar any children for life here.
Do eet! I'ma email it to my friend and make him shit his pants. Lol but it's prolly NSFW so you'd need a spoiler XD
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Wish granted.





But I was afraid the admins would be mad with me for posting or directly linking porn.

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