Jet Set Role Play (jet set radio future)

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Yoyo headed for totokyo streets to look for the immortals.
whoa the immortals are actually in shibuya terminal
Yoyo stopped in his tracks right after reaching the streets of tokyo and headed for shibuya terminal. After those fools of the immortals.
who knew they are now headed back for the skyscraper district and pharaoh park
Yoyo stopped once more. "Aw come on" He then made his way back where he had started to the skyscraper district then his next stop would be pharaoh park.
There they are capture those brain dead fools and spray their backs press to play tag.

'Press Start?' Yoyo thought 'where do I press start?' Yoyo shrugged. "bring it I'll whoop your immortal butts." He was ready with the cans he had collected before arriving.
You WIN now theres these weird noise tanks they were brainwashing the immortals?
'Noise Tanks hu.' Yoyo thought I know who to deal with next. He went up to the immortals which he just beat. "Do you know where the Noise Tanks hang out is by chance?"
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