Jageroux x Mae

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Rayven smirked, looking over her shoulder to Britney working busily. She looked back at Colin, "Will you be able to work now? We can't have you all love sick no matter how sweet it is." She really never seen him so nervous or lost when it came to a girl. He really liked Britney.

"Rivers," she had to take up the big sister voice. "I'll tell her too. Don't hurt each other. I don't know how long you liked her but she has for a while. I want you guys happy and don't let Bri or any bitchy exes in the middle. Okay?"
Frowning, Colin gave Rayven a puzzled look. There was no way he was love sick... Was there? No, he was just thinking about stuff. Normal stuff. Yeah. Coughing into his fist, he straightened his posture somewhat, putting those other thoughts aside... For now.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm focusing. Don't worry. Also, you don't have to worry about me doing anything to hurt her. I know I haven't had the best relationships, but... I'm gonna try my best, alright?" He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "I don't know I just never thought she even liked me... like that. Caught me off guard, but in a good way." Colin admitted, a slight smile making its way onto his face.

"But yeah, we should go ahead and get to work."
Ray chuckled, "Okay, and I believe you. Like I said, I'm telling both of you." She smiled and walked back to Tristan for the songs. "Thank you."

She always smiled brightly at Tristan, she loved his company and he always made her so happy. She liked how free he was.


When Rayven made her way back to Colin she could feel her cheeks warm as soon as she felt him glance at her.

She looked up, Ray was on a roll of trying to get everything done. She picked up her tablet and chose to sit next to Tristan and work since he had nothing to do at the moment.

Leaning back in his seat, hands clasped behind his head, he hummed quietly when he heard Colin and Rayven begin to work on the instrumentals. It sounded good, without a doubt, and that was without any of their new instruments. Blinking when he felt movement next to him, he felt a playful smirk dance across his lips as he poked Britney's side to get her attention.

"Sooooo~ I hear you and Colly are gettin'..." He trailed off, staring at her with the same smirk as he shifted his eyebrows teasingly. "Must be preeeetty happy, huh?"
Brit blushed, looking up at him. "I am," she bit her lower lip and pushed her hair back and away from her face. "I liked him for a long while and never thought he'd feel the same."

She smiled back at the stuff written on the tablet. She looked back at Tristan. "Though, do you have room to tease. You like Rae don't you?"
Smiling calmly, he rubbed his chin as he pretended to ponder her question. "Oh gosh," he drug words out, holding his hands to his face in faux realization. "I think I do!" He exclaimed before he placed the back of his hand to his forehead and collapsed back into his seat over-dramatically. Heaving out a sigh, he let his hands fall into his lap and he stared at the ceiling, dropping the dramatics.

"Yeah, I do. Don't know when I started liking her, but it happened and here I am." He admitted, looking over towards Brit. "But I really value our friendship, and I don't want to mess that up, y'know? I've never been in a relationship, she has... Things may not end well, and I'd much rather have her as a friend than for her to wind up despising me."
Britney frowned, "Dating someone before has nothing to do with now. Also, she can't hate you she never would." She smiled, pushing her hair back. "I can't tell you to tell her. I went years without telling Col, but, if you never try what do you think will happen?"
"I've thought about it a lot, I've just never really found the time to even talk to her about it. I mean, yeah, I've had chances to ask her out, but I never did. And, well, that's because I'm scared to ask her out. What if I make things awkward? Yeah, I could play it off as one of my jokes, but it'd... Hurt." Tristan spoke, shrugging slightly. "The way I see it, I either ask her out soon, get shot down and then when I turn 40 I become a wizard... Or I ask her out and she says and I'll be pretty friggin' happy. Either way I see it, it's a win-win for me." He joked with a weak laugh, mostly trying to keep himself cheered up.

"And I don't know, even if she does go out with me, there's no telling that I'll actually be what she wants. What if us being friends and us being in a relationship are two different things... two different ways of feeling and they don't work out? I don't wanna risk that, so... I don't know. I'll figure it out, I guess."
Britney didn't think about that but she wasn't back stepping with Colin. She loved knowing that the glances he was stealing was actually because he liked her and not a coincidence. Also, she wasn't Brianna. She wasn't going to out anyone's feelings like she did. She may give some real advise without answering though.

"Well, maybe she's scared too. Not only is she older than you," not everyone enjoyed that, "like you said you're also new with dating. She could be scared to ruin it for you or you worrying about her exes more than just being yourself with her." She shrugged. "Maybe."
"Maybe..." He agreed quietly, letting out a small sigh. "You know... Relationships are like baguettes. You look at them and you think they're just a simple loaf of bread, but when you're eating them, and you realize they have these small ridges, you realize, they're not just bread. They're baguettes. And I'm stupid." He smiled, not allowing himself to remain so downtrodden.

"Y'know... I know your sister acts like a bitch half the time, but I think, deep down, in some really weird way, she cares. But because she is who she is, she can't articulate it properly. Which is strange. Because she talks a lot... She talks too much. Kind of like me. But unlike me, she can't meme half of well, which is ultimately her downfall, in my opinion. She needs to just chill with that ego of hers."
Britney frowned, "Your not stupid. If you ask me Ray's more of a donut. When they where made people didn't know what to expect except bread with a hole and now? Its part of a daily thing. People thought donuts where bad ideas and you may have some silly ones but how many times does she actually say no or come up with an alternative for them?" She chuckled, "She loves your ideas. You don't need anyone to tell you that."

Hearing his last comment she shrugged, "That's hard to say. She and Colin use to be a lot closer. I'm not sure what exactly happened but it seems like they woke up and started fighting. She hides a lot of issues with her ego too but its hard to believe she really been after Col so long." She shrugged.
Listening quietly, Tristan couldn't fight the smile that made its way onto his face. He really should listen to Brit more. Rubbing his chin, he hummed quietly.

"All this talk about baked goods has made me hungry. You think we could run across the street to the cafe and pick up some pancakes before those two finish in there? We could totally do it, let's do it." He said, standing up before extending a hand towards Brit. It didn't matter that it was raining - Tristan wanted pancakes and he was going to get them, the weather be damned.
Britney started laughing and was about to speak before Rayven whistled, "Brit, we need you to sing this part to see if it fits." She replied before looking at Tristan. "Actually, I'm hungry too. You guys want to order pizza? I can pay for it." She loved Pizza but most importantly she loved the fact they are relaxed with each other. Brianna may have been an issue but hopefully it'll get better.

[I know my reply sucks. I been having a shitty week.]
Tristan and Colin
"So, Col and I are in this elevator, right? We had gone to drop some papers off for my mom at the hospital. And like, we're just standing there, he's listening to music and completely zoned out, yeah? So, I'm bored as hell and I'm just looking around, and I see his pants are unzipped. So, I'm like, 'dude, your pants', but naturally he doesn't here me. So, I do the only reasonable thing and I go to zip up his pants, and as soon as I grab his zipper, the door opens and this old lady just lets out a freakin' banshee's screech and throws one of her crutches at us." Tristan recounted tale before taking a bite of pizza and Colin laughed at the memory. They had finished practice not long before the food had arrived, so they found themselves once more in the living area. With some careful positioning on Tristan's part, he had managed to get Colin and Britney to sit together by 'accidentally' spilling water on the other seats, save for where Rayven was sitting.

"You left out the part where she called us heathens." Colin said with a chuckle and Tristan gasped.

"Oh shit I forgot about that. Like, she just... She throws one of her crutches, screeches out that we're heathens and then just tackles this nurse and bites her shoulder all zombie style. It was beautiful to witness." The guitarist recounted with a happy sigh and Colin shook his head.

"She was one of the mental patients there. Apparently she thought the hospital was trying to 'infect her with the gay'." He rolled his eyes and Tristan cackled.

"Oh man... People are weird."

[It's fine. I've been extremely busy myself, lately, and I was suffering from Writer's Block the past few days xD]
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